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Everything posted by Anonymcomenter

  1. new can call them evil
  2. Schizo lyrics are really cringe but the instrumental is cute still not the best Crybaby outtake WTF is this?
  3. Im not excited for Alone… like at all! so sick of all this samples that add nothing to the original! Also Better Off Alone is a hit but has been overplayed lately on TikTok and stuff gives me Beg For You vibes and I’m already bored
  4. Anonymcomenter


    Can she at least announce something?
  5. Don’t worry, there’s a special place in hell for them
  6. I just woke up to nothing… can the album just leak? I just need to listen to The Contortionist and Tunnel Vision (final) in HD
  7. My only explanation to what has happened to Melanies artistry is that with time she has become more camp to the point of becoming a drag queen. She’s pretty much givin Azaelia Banks, Iggy Azalea, Fergie Cartwheeling, Hilary Duff dancing, Mariah Carey talking about 9/11, Nicki Minaj livestream,… That’s pop star status right there Theres no way she’s not being ironic with these concepts; the “penis in your mouth” lyric, a song about periods (YUH), that ugly alien costume, some production choices, the ex diss tracks, Spider Song, the messy / horrible promotion etc. Its impossible in my mind that the same person that came up with the idea of Crybaby is doing all of this in a serious way, she must be half trolling Her deciding to go full pink wifey alien is givin me:
  8. like really… the furry thing is going nowhere
  9. me too top 4 are: 1. Tag You’re It/Milk & Cookies 2. Mz. Potato Head 3. Mad Hatter 4. Pacify Her
  10. Back in the day Mel was my bitch! its funny how I’ve grown to be sceptical of her recent work when in the past I used to idolize everything she did and thought she was a genius
  11. Gays gatekeeping the album deserve hell. My homophobia restored to the 200% it’s all I’m gonna say.
  12. Apparently this album won’t ever leak… my God
  13. How did I not know about this BOP!! co-written by Kylie and queen Bonnie McKee!! this slaps hard! How can Kylie have such an unreleased cataloge, it’s criminal… specially the Kiss Me Once sessions (for what the album ended up being) Still to this day we keep getting songs we didn’t even know about
  14. You'll do anything I say When I talk, you believe it Feed you bullshit all day 'Cause I know you will eat it You see me on your television screen You say my name so proudly She really loves to drag her fans in her songs and I’m here for that! Kinda iconic Then watch them lose their asses to defend her at all cost when anyone gives any kind of criticism or listens to the leaks… so sad Also not her foreshadowing givin us Spider Web, Light Shower and Moon Cycle with the “feed you BS all day” lyric
  15. I think I’m the only one who enjoys Nymphology… I get its very childish and not very clever but in an album this slow where the only upbeat song is Tunnel Vision (and I already know that one back to back), it’s a breath of fresh air Like a cute, less inspired Alphabet Boy (eventhough AB is quite more clever in its lyrics solely for the alliteration)
  16. She’s well aware of that, she even admits herself in BOTL (I think) that she speaks in cursive
  17. Keep the knife for Spider Web hahahaha
  18. My guess is u haven’t watched K-12… or trauma has erased any memory
  19. Melanie Martinez is one of those VERY FEW cases where I would like the artist to listen to the label a little more
  20. So the movie is still a thing…??
  21. Im sorry but y’all acting like this album is really uptempo… like there’s anything wrong with slow songs! I personally love them (if done right). Lana does it all the time and she nails it! but let’s admit there is no Pity Party, Cake, Soap, Carrousel or Pacify Her in this album having more than a guitar as an instrument don’t make them any less slow
  22. well, maybe not fully acoustic but Deaths verses are quite stripped back and The Contortionist is quite slow also (maybe mid-tempo, idk I love it anyways) Also don’t forget about Womb maybe this is what they were referring to Niice
  23. really? Actually makes sense, if she had a similar tracklist in mind like: 1. Death (demo) 2. Void (demo) 3. Dragons Blood 4. Tunnel Vision (demo) 5. Faerie Soiree (demo) 6. Spider Web 7. Leeches (Demo) 8. Needle & Thread at least we’re getting TV and FS anyways
  24. Im not saying Leeches is bad, I actually like it a lot (she should have used Hawaii Space Guitar as an outro or something). There’s nothing bad having acoustic songs, in fact I like Womb and Leeches… but Light Shower is a 5 minute torture of boredom but saying the album doesn’t have acoustic and slow songs is not the reality… having some strings don’t make a song any less “acoustic” either
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