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Everything posted by Anonymcomenter

  1. Anonymcomenter


    Yeah… if u look at It Its similar to Kim Petras scrapped album + Ava Maxes new album, the same eurodisco french techno pop… I mean, that could work but nowadays Its getting old and I was expecting more from her! They sound… a little generic to my taste that said My Body and Ms Belladonna keep being that bitches
  2. Anonymcomenter


    Doesnt sound like the rest and the lengh… Just like Butterflies… a travesty
  3. This one takes de CAKE!
  4. When the first snippet of Detention was released I though she was talking about meeting with some guy in Detention to make out, after listening to the song I think It should have been that way. She already had another industry/Hollywood themed song in the same album (S&T) and the metaphor in Detention doesnt work as well eitheir… that said the beat and instrumental are great!! Some sexy lyrics would have been Perfect
  5. If it at least the movie was good… but thats not the case, for me It makes the album even worse …
  6. Holestly, I dont care one bit for the film… I Just want the music… pretty sure stand alone music videos are more her “forte” Also the first snippets instrumental sounds a little like a rework from Garden. If thats the case I hope she also rework a Dragons Blood, Tunnel Vision and Void… those are excellent this second one os not as good as the first one, but we shall see… Didnt she learn with K-12 that teasing all the álbum Kills the hype completely? If she just released some singles and then the album I think It would be much more succefull. Surprised the label allways lets her get her way
  7. Anonymcomenter

    Miley Cyrus

    I doubt it, Its a banger (pun intended) but the producer (Dr. Luke and written by Kesha) used the same beat for Nickis “Night Still Young” and they sound similar. Also, the production is very reminiscent of Its time in 2013… It hasnt that summery feeling they have been anouncing. Either way Its a BOP and It should have been included in Bangerz!! I Don’t know But the sound pretty much screams ESV
  8. Anonymcomenter

    Miley Cyrus

    Niiice, im expecting a lot! Flowers was kinda a let down (I Dont get the hype honestly) but I expect good things from her. Seems this era she is doing things right I still miss her iconic live performances to support the lead, like she did with Midnight Sky (a much better single by the way)
  9. I don’t like Portals as a title either, sounds… basic and too in the face Also, the snippet of the new song slaps! This gets my hopes up for more upbeat tracks
  10. Just hoping Garden stays in the tracklist
  11. Am I the only one getting mayor Ultraviolence vibes from this song? At least the first part, with that nostalgic guitar…
  12. The thing is… I used to Really like Melanie over Halsey, something about Halsey anoyed me, plus her music didnt call my attention as much as Melanies (I only like Gasoline from her first album). Yet after all this years Halseys music has been getting better and better, and with this last album feels like she has found her sound. She also has been releasing music and keeping her fans fed . Melanie In the other hand… well… hasnt put out much since k-12 and the music has been decreasing in cuality, but thats just my opinion In a way is not that strange, even If Halsey started and still does concept albums, her persona doesnt rely on certain aesthetic or sound allowing her to play with more genres. On the other hand Melanie seems to be stuck and doesnt find a way out of all the cutesy imagery
  13. Anonymcomenter

    Bebe Rexha

    Looks like she final y undestood the assigment with this last single!! She does disco/electronic much more interesting than that outdated trap beats!! Love MHWWIW, my only concern is that the outro sounds more like a bridge and Its missing a final chorus, But we’ve been knew… (nowadays they only focus on streamins) the last album was a mess and a flop, the only fully enjoyable song there was Sacrifice, and looks like shes going down that route. Happy for her! I think of her as somebody I dont have much interest anymore (loved the Its All Your Fault era) but still keep up with everything she does even if Its bad cause at times Its even funny. She lives in my mind more like a meme, kind of like Demi Hope one day she comes back to her old style… Pray and Cry Wolf may be her best efforts before becoming big
  14. Anonymcomenter

    Bebe Rexha

    Amore demo isnt as bad… Also ur missing Heaven Sent and Distract Me or Saddest Lullaby! The rest, i agree with u
  15. Never heard of it, do u have It?
  16. Anonymcomenter


    Watch the complete album leaking before she even announces anything
  17. Anonymcomenter


    At this point I see her more in a Real Housewifes of Beverly Hills season honestly…
  18. Preach Also, I wonder if she ever checks out this forums or even gives her fans feedback a chance… cause from L+F to ADML It has been a little bit of improvement (at least sonically) but lyrically she stays a mess
  19. Anonymcomenter


    A Chainsmokers cover… Just what I thought, I think My Body is more instant and doesnt age as much
  20. Add Garden and Tunnel Vision to that and im totally with you the rest is kind of meh
  21. Anonymcomenter


    Tear Me Open is a grower, didnt like It that much at first listen but now is one of my favourites I wouldnt be mad if she decides to include It
  22. Thats Dont Take The Love right? I though It would be something we didnt already have… Well at least she is releasing something officially get that coin Sis
  23. Anonymcomenter

    Tove Lo

    The track has Dua written all over it, specially in the chorus! Its a cool funky song in my opinion but don’t know how exactly fits the sound of the album either way, so happy hearing from Mz Tuva Lu… she allways delivers Bops! Also that bridge… wish It was a little longer cause she served
  24. Anonymcomenter

    Miley Cyrus

    They are good but… I mean, Taste Of My Own fits the theme of the album perfectly, with the summer like production and the lyrics are original and pretty much very Miley Victoria and Naked are already really old and overplayed… they also are songs she recorded with the previous label so I doubt It I understand the decision of scrapping Win Some, Lose Some since production Wise Its too similar to Teeth by 5SOS (Also produced by Andrew Watt)…
  25. Anonymcomenter


    I know… the leaks also havent been my cup of tea. The only ones I revisit are My Body and Ms Belladonna… hope she at least scraps RH and Tommy instead of Spend the Night, they’re bad… Still have faith in her, she hasnt wronged us still after S1 and that serve of TP
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