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Platinum Greenwich

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Everything posted by Platinum Greenwich

  1. it's 4am and I'm wheeze-laughing into my pillows @ this thread jesus fuck
  2. what's the point of fucking beefing if neither ufb nor garden of eden are going to leak because of it x
  3. not industry professionals being influenced by unleaked hoarders... #downwithsnippets
  4. i really am so ready for the collapse tomorrow you guys shjkldfghjklsfd
  5. someone should leak ufb now that the forum's on the verge of crashing lmao
  6. i haven't learned all of COCC yet but tbh everything else i basically know by heart? i'm a little fuzzy on some of LFL but that's all i'm willing to admit lmao
  7. Sun: A Star For Nick (Leo) Moon: Lust For Life (Sagittarius) Rising: Art Deco (Leo) i mean as long as we're talking about the lfl demo i'm here for this
  8. I heard Video Games in the summer of 2012 and it was over pretty much instantly tbh I remember Vevo was pushing the video in ads all over YouTube so I caved in and listened, funny how some things just change in a day or even in an hour etc. I'm not 100% it was specifically August of 2012 - but I remember the Paradise album trailer being released later in September, and I presumably joined LB in October to download the leaks on the 14th (which were my first, Moi Je Joue, Butterflies, Last Girl on Earth among others ) I'm pretty sure I listened to OTTR right after VG, and then Kill Kill, and Blue Jeans, and QOTGS - I've strong memories of all these tracks QOTGS was the song that did me in for real, and it's my fave Lana song to this day lmao in retrospect I find it incredibly funny that I was expecting something adjacent to Alexandra Stan from her I guess between the song title and her name, "Lana Del Rey - Video Games" just gave me one-hit-wonder vibes, like Simon Curtis crossed over with the pop girlie of the week
  9. best outro,,,, White Dress by far my vote for best intro goes to Honeymoon or National Anthem tbh, both very powerful
  10. Before I met you, I had no one And I could go back to having no one again He doesn't want me around, he doesn't want me around, he doesn't want me around He doesn't want me around, he doesn't want me around Baby in Bellevue, I had no one And I could go back to being a lush again If it would make you proud, if it would make you proud I know you like to go out and mingle with your friends He doesn't want me around, he doesn't want me around, he doesn't want me around And I could change my name, go back to gold lamé Just like the good old days, tangos and Tanqueray Nothing can hurt me now, nothing can hurt me now, nothing can hurt me now Nothing can hurt me Now I will wait for you For three-hundred years I play pretend And put my arm around a man who isn't there I must be insane and now it seems I've found the one to say that I'm scared Who doesn't want me around, he doesn't want me around, he doesn't want me around Doesn't want me around, he doesn't want me around, he doesn't want me around
  11. Can't one single thing be just what it appears to be
  12. "leak French Restaurant" i hate being a Lana fan, we're literally just stringing words together at this point
  13. Star Lux honestly I've accepted that Greenwich Acid probably is to Greenwich what Hollywood Movie was to Daytona Meth, so
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