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About angelsforever

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  1. just noticed the writing on the black star/cig tank top. what do we reckon the april 19(?) 2024 means !!
  2. is this available on the australian store?? i cant find it anywhere
  3. unpopular opinion but i’m liking this more than candy necklaces maybe my expectations for CN was set too high from the snippet but i was lowkey disappointed when the album dropped
  4. ive tried reading old replies but just cant make complete sense of everything can someone please explain what zodiac is about?? is it just a rumoured song for ldrx? ty babes
  5. The melody when she says 'heavenly' sounds like "to the sea/you feel free" in dragonslayer!!
  6. anyone from australia who’ve shopped from ldrvillage? how many months did it take for u to receive the order??
  7. so many festivals hopefully this doesnt mean no tour
  8. she's live rn!!! edit: nvm
  9. 48 hours until release for me in australia i still cant believe i’ve managed to stay away from the leaks
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