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Everything posted by Augustine

  1. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    i can't believe yet another person has passed away due to unsafe venues and crowds. water should not be sold for $8 a pop, it should be free. it is a necessity. when i went to my show it was over 90° F outside and i myself felt overwhelmed from the nosebleeds, i cannot imagine what it must felt like in a closed venue with little to no air vent circulation, as well as being in a pit with hundreds of other people in extreme humidity. rest in peace ana ♡
  2. such a beautiful movie also jacob elordi plays abusers a little too well (totally kidding i'm sure he's a wonderful person irl)
  3. i like the synth-ey demo version of i talk to jesus more than the final one
  4. Augustine

    Melanie Martinez

    i used to be a mega fan of her's back in 2015 and saw her on the cry baby tour twice. as amazing as it was, this was around the time she started losing her voice. and the show really only focused on her singing for an hour straight (no transitions, no dancers) that's why i think she's still trying to switch it up from that and giving herself time to breathe, because she knows she has a pretty fragile voice. i also went to a k-12 show right before covid shut it down and that was definitely her best tour. so sad we only got a handful of shows out of it
  5. i got an email that says mine shipped yesterday but when i click the tracking link it just says order confirmed
  6. this is when she announces she's officially closing honeymoon to go back to myspace
  7. i feel like I'm listening to 10 different songs because of how loaded the instrumental is at some points it's.. interesting
  8. i was kinda sad flipside wasn't on side b at first but then i remembered black beauty is scratched on my ultraviolence vinyl so also, petition for artists to stop sending their 7" vinyl in those plastic sleeves that literally ruin the record
  9. this is so random but i love it ultraviolence deluxe deluxe coming
  10. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    in her picsart era
  11. i would live for a grammy's performance honestly, but i'm scared it might result in a lot of pushback. everytime i'm on regular social media there's another person calling her a zionist (and then of course those still stuck on QFTC but we don't talk about them). if lana performs i don't want it overshadowed by imbeciles
  12. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    damn what happened over here
  13. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    i don't know if anyone else here keeps up with the surprise song streams but she was SICK for that is it over now/out of the woods mashup
  14. ode to dawn wiener: embarrassing love songs has some of my favorites on it. one of her more popular songs (and my favorite) is called lemonade
  15. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    Slut! | False God Mashup just gonna leave this here
  16. https://www.stereogum.com/2242313/album-of-the-year-grammy-nominees-include-boygenius-lana-del-rey-olivia-rodrigo-taylor-swift/news/ mm this article kinda pissed me off they tagged every artist nominated for aoty with their relation to taylor. put some respect on their own name
  17. oh i'm gonna be using the fuck outta these
  18. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    new lover bodysuit is gorgeous
  19. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    red is obviously the favorite child comparing the promotion and content of other tvs, red's rollout was massive
  20. Augustine

    Movie vs. Movie

    Pulp Fiction vs Inglourious Bastards
  21. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    it's little things like that just make me add the vault songs to a playlist with the original tracks and listen to that instead will always support the TV idea but it's just too hard to replicate something as recognizable as 1989
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