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how the light shines in

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Everything posted by how the light shines in

  1. I also love Jack's push for room mics in order to bring more of Lana into the songs. Not the public personality or the voice on the track but the woman he is friends with and knows personally - it's a really beautiful touch He mentions that a lot of the distorted warped sounds we hear on the transition from A&W to Jimmy are snippets of them laughing and exclaiming as the piece comes together
  2. She introduced Hope by saying "I also just wanna take a moment to think about my grandparents and my uncle who are buried in Barrington(?) amongst all my generations of family and just send a lot of love out to them and to their spirit, to the water---" "I've only wanted to play here since I was- I don't know, Fourteen. So Thank you" And then switches up the lyrics to say "Hello, It's the most famous woman you know on the Ipad Calling from the Barrington grave I just wanna say, Hi Dad" So touching, this is one of my favourite performances she's ever done
  3. I'm so late but I just logged on and saw she performed Hope with lifts and shit and I'm NOT OKAY
  4. I somehow managed to make my way to album day without having the beat drop/album's sonic shift spoiled and I literally went "oh my god" out loud at 1am to my audience of two cats. Transcendent.
  5. oh god oh fuck it's happening, it's time
  6. They used YTH at the end of the most recent love island UK episode and it's still so surreal knowing this song is out in the world for the mainstream to listen to
  7. My heart says tour but my head says the chances of her making it to Australia would be a big fat zeroooo
  8. Hallucinogenics will forever have me in a blissful choke hold and Buddy's Rendezvous is a lush experience of time travelling splendour also Dayglo Reflection goes hard
  9. There's a certain point the body can't come back from In one year, we've learned the turn of the mouth The depth that the chest cavity takes...
  10. I just finished watching it and I'm stuck between pure happiness at her vocals and performance, mortification at them literally turning her mic off while you can hear music thumping in the background (noise curfew, who?) and sadness at what has obviously been a tumultuous time for her emotionally - girl basically opened with a 'fuck you' to, assumedly, Jack. but jesus christ on a cracker she's got to stop being late
  11. I can't access the google drive file but found this - looks like a small chunk in the middle got claimed and muted, not sure which song yet https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1854883202 edit: it's the grants
  12. I just woke up and am going to be out all day so I'll have to wait to watch the show but I'm so excited seeing you guys updating three pages every thirty seconds freaking out
  13. I also immediately got A&W vibes from the intro of Attention. But not in a plagiarism sense, more like the tracks could fit on the same album. So good.
  14. Good morning from Australia I just woke up to the end of the world as we know it. Don't send thoughts and prayers, I'm off out to drop kick a koala and cry.
  15. Evidently I blacked out for a few months and April 1st has arrived because what???!
  16. omg... I really didn't expect to love this track so much, it's so ethereal and once again her music is somehow making me tear up and feel things without being able to put a finger on why "I've got a swimming pool, I like to float on the surface And think of the stories I've already sold Oh I've got a feeling, I've got a memory Why wait for Heavеn when I can have Heavеn right here like I'm told? Oh, just like I'm told"
  17. we got an official EDM remix of SYTH before Lana even acknowledged the Ocean Blvd Instagram account, this year has been smoking crack if someone read that sentence to me last year I'd legit check them in to a psych ward
  18. the face she makes at 0:50 singing that high note reminds me of when she used to BELT million dollar man at live performances all those years ago help I'm having an emotion
  19. dying throwing up screaming shitting that we are being robbed of 1080p shots of the new dress, it looks beautiful
  20. the ten minute changing dresses sequence is extra painful after being so damn late omg
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