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Everything posted by shadesofblue

  1. shadesofblue

    Song vs. Song

    Is this happiness vs cruel world
  2. I keep thinking if she does do an unreleased album, I feel like it would be a double album and the second part would be the standards&classics/covers
  3. I know it was mentioned that the song is about Sean but i just realized after the lyrics “And the spirit of God says, “I’ll confuse you with desires With what you have and what’s in front of you” when she says yup yup, she whispers “sounds familiar” after we love a Sean diss
  4. OMG STOP I literally live so close why can’t I randomly find lana I literally almost went to that mall yesterday this is cute though <33 edit:https://youtu.be/fnpdr04J-ik?si=zgY7BFhrN9P3TePw me rn
  5. “I carry everything I have with me on my back just like a little crab” I love seeing her personality shine in interviews and videos she’s so silly
  6. I get they have to talk about her journey as an artist but why do they always focus on the negative and roast her she looks sooo good though that dress and hair the wig is.. an interesting choice. If she wants to do bangs pls no wig
  7. omg she looks so stunning the red vape strikes again but i love how she’s a multiple drink girly bc same
  8. Embach: the peacekeeper of LB she sang the stand by your man cover during her tour this year which is country. She also mentioned in an interview wanting to do more country/folk in the future I’m pretty sure
  9. Rip ❤️ I wish venues allowed you to bring water, it’s such a dumb rule especially when it’s extremely hot. Dehydration can be deadly and dangerous. Not to mention people with health issues and some medications can make you easily dehydrate. I’m sure it’s awful for the crowd being so excited to see her also the pressure must be rough for taylor not wanting to let down fans
  10. Same Lana if ur reading this it’s time to release. Give the people what they want
  11. Lana what does this mean I feel like it has to be some type of hint to releasing some lizzy grant era music or she’s just nostalgic
  12. I know we already got the preview of it but ijbol at the beginning when lana is speaking softly and he just cuts her off and goes SHES MY ALMA MATERR
  13. also found this vid thats 6 years old titled "Did You Know That There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd? The Jergins Tunnel in Long Beach" this has prob been posted in the past but guess we know where she got some album title inspo
  14. I found a virtual walkthrough of jergins tunnel (tunnel under ocean blvd) in case people haven't seen it Imagine if Lana performed there
  15. shadesofblue

    Taylor Swift

    okay i wouldn't say I'm a hater but personally I've just out grown of her music. I will say i haven't listened to a ton of her newer music past lover and need to listen to evermore and folklore. I loved her when I was younger but a lot of her music sounds a little bland/generic to me now. The main reason I'm not into her is bc some of the worst/least favorite people i know irl are fans so some of them kinda ruined her for me but that's not her fault. I do admire her as a person and all the things she does so it's kinda hard to hate someone like that. I think it's valid to not be into her music but a lot of the people who truly hate her are prob misogynistic tbh
  16. shadesofblue

    Melanie Martinez

    im so sorry but i hate the weird pink alien thing she's been doing. it was fine at first but she needs to drop itttt also that house is so cute wtf why would she sell it
  17. 1. UV 2. NFR 3. Ocean Blvd 4. BTD/Paradise 5. Honeymoon 6. Blue Banisters 7. Lust for life 8. Chemtrails My rankings are based on what I listen to the most but it changes all the time mostly depending on my mood. It’s so hard choosing because every one has a special place in my heart and they’re all so different. She truly doesn’t have a bad album
  18. shadesofblue

    Song vs. Song

    Gods and monsters vs pretty when you cry
  19. Jesus. Never liked her and I don’t think anyone does either She’s a self centered ignorant pos who’s painfully unfunny
  20. Is there a thread/master post of all merch apparel? can’t find any complete ones
  21. I personally don’t think celebrities should speak on world/political events unless they are educated on the subject. Too many celebrities now are pressured into speaking out on every issue that they know nothing about and end up creating more unnecessary harm. People should not be getting their news info from celebrities. i also think most Americans who aren’t familiar with the subject are being influenced by a lot of propaganda. Ever since I can remember growing up, the US has instilled in our minds that terrorists & Middle East=bad and are “jealous” of our freedom which is crazy looking back now. From what I can remember, no teacher (until college) ever divulged into what actually has/is happening in the Middle East let alone Palestine. Even in history classes in high school I remember learning up until 9/11 and then we just skipped the whole middle eastern conflicts which is pretty wild. Talking about anything in the Middle East was something that was almost seen as taboo. College was the first time I ever learned about the horrific history Palestinians have endured, and I think it’s sad. This plus all the pro-israel propaganda has really confirmed this for me. I’ve seen so many pro-Israel commercials the past couple weeks now. it’s kinda scary honestly knowing in reality, most people in America (hopefully less now) only know surface level info on the Middle East. So then people just assume “well terrorists are bad we don’t want that” with no context on the history and then assume Israel is doing a good thing. That being said, it’s not an excuse to be ignorant about the subject. I personally have always been confused on the topic (as are many Americans unfortunately) but try my best to make sense and educate myself. Little disappointing to see lana sign this but at the same time, I’m not that surprised. I don’t think she deserves to be cancelled or get hate for this. I hope she takes some time to educate herself more
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