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Everything posted by whenyourestandingofface

  1. got this amazing album today on vinyl! its sounds perfect rn listening to music to watch boys to! the sleeves, booklet are so pretty love it
  2. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZNdervFgo/ YALL THE MUSIC VIDEO TO IT? SO MAGIC
  3. American vs Video Games
  4. watched this today! I loved it so much!
  5. its okay thanks tho! have nice listen!
  6. Thunder vs California
  7. listening to it on vinyl rn
  8. actually i found that it’s not VH1… it’s newnownext or smth like this and i found a link do it that is dead
  9. BURNING DESIRE!!!!!!!!! so underrated! u did amazing list!
  10. Maybe she will release love song about aligators for valentines?
  11. Queen Of Gas Station vs Dum Dum
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