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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Titan in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I hope and I pray that Mark brings back the hip-hop/urban-ish vintage Lana sound with the Emile style beats. I would love a nostalgic feel 
    Give me Off to the Races, Blue Jeans, Lolita, This Is What Makes Us Girl and Nation Anthem with a dash of Cruel World and a hint of Sirens.
  2. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LifeisBeautiful in Lana Del Rey Speaks About Next Record, "Music to Watch Boys To"   
    Ok, that's true of the lyrics you posted.  It's a Third Eye Blind type of thing.  I guess, if she had released music like that from the beginning, I would have accepted that dynamic.  But now I'm way too into what she does best (which, IMO, is the whole of UV).
  3. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in Lana Del Rey Speaks About Next Record, "Music to Watch Boys To"   
    I like the happy sounding stuff because she's usually singing about depressing or fucked up shit, taking it to a whole other level that no one else can touch. 
    "And if you call me on the telephone I might overdose, cause I'm strong but I'm lonely, like Marilyn Monroe" (singing about Marilyn Monroe's suicide)
    "Is it wrong that I think it's kinda fun when I hit you in the back of the head with a gun..." (This whole song tbh... only Lana could rhyme gun with fun and pull it off)
    "Stumble into trouble, siren with a sad song; Go out every night whenever I feel sad, ooh this drive-by love, got me crazy like a drug" (using drunken irresponsible one night stands to make herself feel better)
  4. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Jack in Jacks Covers! (NEW: Honeymoon)   
    I really don't want to argue with you, you are being so petty and generally rude, so please leave me alone. I hope you have a nice day though
  5. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Jack in Jacks Covers! (NEW: Honeymoon)   
    Sometimes less is more
  6. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Do any of you think it will end up as something like "Ultraviolence: the Honeymoon edition" ? i think it would make sense to package them like that, especially because of the stark contrasts between the ideas painted in both (assuming honeymoon is greatly inspired by Lana's new boyfriend, as Ultraviolence was inspired by her hardships with Barrie), what do you guys think? 
  7. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Born To Die feels so incomplete without the three bonus tracks, and I also don't think Burning Desire interferes with the coherence of Paradise.
    You could argue with UV. Yeah TOW is a good closer and the 3-track Deluxe version sounds a bit off, ending with FK. But I think it's a question of mis-placement. If ipside would have been bonus track n. 3, it would have felt "closed" again.
  8. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by ednafrau in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    of course! older can definitely be sexy - even sexier, perhaps! discussing her age is dissociated, at least for me, of any > or < assessment. and anyhow, if she is older, it's just a year, so it's not an important difference
  9. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I think that'll happen when she can finally take a break!
  10. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Mileena in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    No matter how old she is, I still think she's incredibly sexy. My mum's 37 and no way does Lana look a couple years younger than her. No way at all. I'd just say she looks her age, but that's my opinion.
  11. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Possible Albums Before Sirens   
    I've mentioned this on Twitter and SIN, but I thought I should post this information here. Before the "List of unreleased Lana Del Rey songs" Wikipedia page was recently deleted, it mentioned a 7-track audio recording called either "Rock Me Stable" or "Young Like Me" registered with the US Copyright Office by Elizabeth Woolridge Grant in 2005, which I believe would pre-date "Sirens". The Wikipedia page had also mentioned an unreleased song called "From the End", also registered with the US Copyright Office by Elizabeth Woolridge Grant in 2005. However, the notes in this listing say "Words & music (collection)", so this may also be another album and not just an individual song. Before we get too carried away, it is possible that these songs may all be on "Sirens", or there may be significant overlap, but the possibility of two more early albums is exciting nonetheless.
    To view the copyright listings, click here. Type "Grant, Elizabeth Woolridge" in the "Search for" field and search by name.
    I've already made inquiries with the Library of Congress and the US Copyright office as to whether there is any possible way to listen to these recordings. I'm not optimistic, but I should get an answer within a few business days.
    Also, note that the 2005 listings show her birth year as 1985, not 1986, which indicate that she is really 27 years old, not 26.
  12. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Yeah, stringing together snapshots of Americana has always been her schtick, but there's something far more original and less cliched about the images she evokes in, say, "Queen of the Gas Station" compared to almost anything more recent.
    That's because she IS older than her age.
  13. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by ednafrau in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    love u too, PrettyBaby! i SO agree with everything you said!!!! i am a total egalitarian as well! i hold doors for guys, too, for example...like, why can't everyone be kind to each other, in the littlest details and in the more important issues? how is gender still so defining in the twentyfirst century? how has technology evolved so, and socially we are retograding, in some ways? but this is off topic, so i'll stop here.
    you know, i remember -because i am existentially nostalgic- that my last post on LDRFM i actually defended her lyrics, because i DO think that we human beings are multidimensional, complex, sometimes contradictory, possessing both yin and yang, anima and animus, and i think lana expresses that dual nature: while being deep and aware, she expresses that at times consciously but others unconsciously, or in spite of ourselves, we are imbued by cultural values that are not always the highest, and maybe we find ourselves acting according to them, although in our heart we know they (appearance, the material things, the aspirational consumerism, etc. )are not essential. i think my two morning espressos have made me ramble on a bit and i don't know if this makes sense to anyone, but i think that lana's lyrics manifest her philosophical nature and her keen observation of the world around her in its most elevated, such as love and spirituality and, at the same time, the possibility of also wanting, being swept away by and enjoying the more mundane pleasures (the good and the dangerous)...that voracity of wanting to fully experience LIFE, which i think she made clear(er) in the GQ interview. regardng the photos that accompany the article, i don't know, maybe - in her retro-glamourous incarnation of "lana del rey" and admiration of icons like marilyn monroe - maybe she thought to also experience the nude posing and "sexy" shots - like to do it once, to have that experience, too? or maybe it's an ego thing, the satisfaction (?) of being the object of male desire taking over? was it like fiona apple, in the early stages of her career, thinking, with the "spin" photoshoot and the "criminal" video, i'll be in control of the "exploiting"myself? (though the boob grab is hard to justify)...who knows? was it responsible, or the right move? what's certain is that lana is a mysterious and, with all her flaws as well as her more endearing traits of sweetness and sincerity, an endlessly fascinating girl
  14. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Mileena in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Also, I'm not going to say anything about Lana's looks because I don't know about anyone else here, I'm certainly not a supermodel lol.
  15. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Mileena in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I don't care what she looks like, I don't think she has had a nose job. But of course, a lot of pictures you see are edited. Like she has a bum chin (nothing wrong with that, I have one too.) but then in some pictures they blur it out and stuff. I've never noticed her teeth either? It's natural to not have dazzling white teeth anyway, so she doesn't 'need to whiten her teeth' because it's up to her. Regardless of that, I love most things she has done as Lana and I don't like a lot of the things she did as Lizzy. I think she looks phenomenal whether she's Lana, Lizzy, May Jailer, Sparkle Jump Rope Queen or whoever else. Oh and I also think she looks her age. I know a lot of 26/27 year olds that look older when they haven't even had substance abuse.
  16. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by ScaresMe in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I hate Sirens.
  17. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by ednafrau in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    likewise, Monicker! i missed your eloquent, thought-provoking views on everything! so glad this board was created ♥
    i totally agree that she's a true weirdo and i love it! i just hope she is able to continue expressing and sharing her strange eccentricity as freely as possible, although i kind of doubt that it'll ever be the same as when she didn't have a big audience hanging on her every word and watching her every move. i'm still curious to see her evolution...after the born to die paradise edition, a phase in her life will be over. what'll follow is a mystery i'm looking forward to
  18. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I’m happy that the topics that came up with the GQ shoot are still being discussed and have now spilled into another thread; it's important and it's nice to see it being discussed. I agree with whoever said that everyone should be a feminist. Why in the world not? What single good reason is there not to be?
    Anyway...about the topic of this thread:
    As some of you may remember, i really hate the National Anthem video.
    I like the Blue Jeans video much more than the Born to Die video.
    TIWMUG is my least favorite song on the record.
    I have no interest in Damn You, it’s a weak song with bad production and i think it’s been singled out as such a coveted song because that’s what previews do--they whet the appetite and make anything more appealing. I think there's a need to fill in the gaps and a desire to grab hold of the dangling carrot. That song stinks.
    I think Lana can be incredibly cheesy and i love it. I also enjoy all of her paradoxes. I actually love that she has terrible songs sitting right alongside amazing ones.
    I often wonder if she’s mentally unstable. She seems a bit off.
    I don't know if this is an unpopular view or not, but she's weird, genuinely weird. Not Lady Gaga/Marilyn Manson weird, which isn't weird in the slightest. That said, what the hell does it even mean to be weird anyway? But yeah, she's a weirdo.
    There are a few interviews in which i cringe because she comes across pretty dumb. I think she plays that up though and uses that as a sort of tool to be evasive.
    I wonder why people--if they’re interested in this sort of thing--almost never bring up her nose job and instead focus on her lips. Anyway, discussion about her lips and nose is boring.
    That's it for now.
    P.S. ednafrau, it’s nice to see you again!
  19. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by ednafrau in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    i agree. she looks older, apart from the fact that in so many interviews she's said, for example, that she did community outreach for ten years, that she recorded "a star for nick" when she was 17 (which would have been in 2002, 10 years ago if she was born in 1985), also that she stopped drinking 7 years ago. not to mention that ASAP rocky said she looks good for someone in her late thirties! :lol: but beyond ASAP's possibly marihuana-clouded vision, really, sometimes the math just doesn't add up! that's where all the being vague about her past (which i say she should be proud of, at least from a creative output point of view) and denying or hiding things that have later come out and proven to be true makes things murky. but still, her beyond her years appearance could be that she has lived through so much and is world weary. but anyway, whatever her age, she is wonderful and a beautiful soul (i don't want any of these comments to be misinterpreted as not loving lizzy/lana - if i didn't i wouldn't be here! )
  20. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Mileena in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I don't like the fact that she tries so hard to be elusive about her past discography, she's missing out on a big money making trick by doing that.
    I'm not trying to sound mean at all, but has Lana got some sort of mental er condition? I'm not saying she's 'special' or anything at all, but it's just I have a few and she seems to have a lot of the same kind of things I do...and I'm not being mean at all - I just don't know how to phrase it. Because it sounds like she has really bad anxiety which I have, and I know what she means with the whole just falling down from it and everything.
  21. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by National Anthem in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I don't like This Is What Makes Us Girls, it's just cheesy to me
    I think her style and songs now are Waaayyyyyy better than her "Lizzy" days
    I actually don't believe she's THAT vocally talented, but she is talented in the sense of style, persona, and overall music. She is awesome at being sexy and sultry tho.
    I'm not a huge fan of her old video clips, or even like Video Games tbh
  22. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Mileena in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    You're right, I wasn't saying by any means that a womans cause isn't any more important. And I'm a woman, and it does annoy me, don't get me wrong. But I have someone really close to me who is transgendered, and I'm not straight either, my family's from everywhere so I've experienced every form of discrimination.
    And God, I know. Sometimes, she does get on my nerves a little bit, but she wouldn't be human if she didn't. It's nice to see how her musical style has improved anyway. She could just say 'Those were songs I did years back, I've evolved as an artist' - or something along those lines. Rather than get all upset and ridiculous.
  23. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Mileena in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    That is a point, but I mean the same thing happens to transgender people - and I'm not being funny but I think they have it a lot worse than women in a lot of ways. But that's not to say that women don't have tough times either. And you're perfectly right in having an opinion, not everyone will like what she does. Sometimes she infuriates me when she acts like she has so much to hide about her previous discography. I mean come on, I listen to a lot of artists and none of them have been so dramatic and well kind of silly like Lana's been about her leaked songs. For example, Crystal Castles get leaked songs but they don't give a fuck. Still, I love my Baby Rey <3
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