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  1. YUNGKALIMXEL liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in VIEWER EXCRETION ADVISED I yungkalimxelmusicvideos   
    the editing is good! is this your first video? mine was hilariously shitty compared to this. so keep it up, you can only get better as you continue 
    in the future i think you should crop / zoom the clips that don't take up the entire screen (into a 16:9 ratio), i think it somehow makes the overall video more dynamic 

  2. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by Viva in Woodkid recorded something with Lana   
    Oh @ somethings in life are not made to be understood they are on display for us to enjoy it. Enjoy the ride on this one.... is by far one of the most interestings things you will see going on this board
  3. Viva liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Woodkid recorded something with Lana   
    can you please make your way over to this thread here and take the test: MYERS BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR
    i'm genuinely interested in knowing your type / understanding your thought process
  4. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by YUNGKALIMXEL in VIEWER EXCRETION ADVISED I yungkalimxelmusicvideos   
    Lana Del Rey M/Vs





    Other M/Vs:

  5. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by Bekim in Smiley Requests   
  6. fishtailss liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey's tattoo copy kittens   
    "oh cool so what does the M stand for?" 
    "its the first initial of my favorite singer's grandmother" 

  7. DeadpanJane liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey + family shop in Target in Los Angeles, California - October 4, 2013   
    currently imagining myself turning the corner of the cat food aisle and running into the grant family 

  8. keanefar liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lorde   
    realizing that buzzcut season is the most beautiful song omg 

  9. cartoon eyes liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lorde   
    realizing that buzzcut season is the most beautiful song omg 

  10. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by DUKE in Lady Gaga   
    Exactly! I always had the impression that in the beginning, particularly the pre-The Fame Monster half of 2009, she saw herself forced to justify what she's doing in a way. She appeared, as you said, very defensive and instructive when interviewed by someone who had obviously not done their homework. It must have been very frustrating for her in this early period of her career, having this tremendous ambition and will to push things forward, but not being taken seriously regardless of the often emphasised talent and potential. 
    I think another reason why many people are easily turned off by her is because they cling to an old model of the music industry. That means artists, as well as executives, but especially music audiences. It's hard to explain... it's like there has been a turn in the music industry; a paradigm change, so to speak. I am generally interested in the phenomenon "Lady Gaga" because of that. I don't need to point out how much I love and adore her, but she's an interesting research subject because of said paradigm change. Due to the topic's currentness, it's impossible to make precise statements on why "Lady Gaga" is working even though she is not playing by the old industry rules. I just recently wrote a seminar paper on commercial success in the digital era where I talked about this in particular. We can't say if she ignited that change, or if her appearance coincided with her. 
    It's easy to hate Lady Gaga for so many reasons, apparently, yet no-one has the answer to why she is being so incredibly successful, and especially influential. I am not referring to the plenty of numbers, records or whatever figures that fans always allude to when trying to defend her, but her cultural impact reaches much, much deeper than anybody else's. She's really worth to be looked at through scientific glasses. I am beyond thrilled to see what the future has in store...  
    Speaking about being thrilled, I am extremely excited to hear ARTPOP. Not (only) because of the new songs, but I am particularly eager to pay attention to the sound of the album. I'm just assuming, but it seems like she's been engineering herself, supervising mixing and mastering phase, so I am incredibly pumped to actually hear the whole thing. Can you imagine how pedantic she must have been in the studio, completing the album? Obsessing about single frequencies and having breakdowns over ambient noises that cannot be removed... I think this is so much better than sending the entire album over to Sterling Sound NYC because it probably stays what she wanted it to be, sonically. Well, if she didn't assist all that, then let's forget I just composed an entire paragraph on this matter.
  11. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by Summersault in ~ FAN VIDEOS ~ (NEW: DEALER)   
    Wow that video is inspired
  12. Trash Magic liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in ~ FAN VIDEOS ~ (NEW: DEALER)   
    i <3 buzzcut season 

    you should check for clips on vimeo tbh, its easier to search for interesting footage since theres less to sift through 

  13. Kerrigan liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in ~ FAN VIDEOS ~ (NEW: DEALER)   
    so. in. love. with. this. song 
  14. BlueJeans liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey + family shop in Target in Los Angeles, California - October 4, 2013   
    currently imagining myself turning the corner of the cat food aisle and running into the grant family 

  15. Creyk liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lady Gaga   
    why couldn't this be the cover???????????? its so minimal, but still rather ~breathtaking imo 

    i like the actual cover except for the fonts; the colors are really beautiful and its eye-catching (which i guess is most important). but the cover above conveys way more artistry without being too *obvious* like the official one 
  16. Januli liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey + family shop in Target in Los Angeles, California - October 4, 2013   
    currently imagining myself turning the corner of the cat food aisle and running into the grant family 

  17. YUNGKALIMXEL liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey + family shop in Target in Los Angeles, California - October 4, 2013   
    currently imagining myself turning the corner of the cat food aisle and running into the grant family 

  18. pinupgirls liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey + family shop in Target in Los Angeles, California - October 4, 2013   
    currently imagining myself turning the corner of the cat food aisle and running into the grant family 

  19. phahad liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey + family shop in Target in Los Angeles, California - October 4, 2013   
    currently imagining myself turning the corner of the cat food aisle and running into the grant family 

  20. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lizzy in old Lake Placid area newspapers   
    "child model gets distracted by fig newton" 

    what a WASP-y early life, i dunno if it makes her teenage alcoholism seem more or less credible. lmao @ the twin peaks comparison tho, its so fitting for her 
  21. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lizzy in old Lake Placid area newspapers   
    k lets try this one more time
    "WASP is an *informal* term, sometimes derogatory or disparaging, for a closed group of high-status Americans; a group believed to control disproportionate social and financial power." 
    i could go on and provide examples of wasp stereotypes that again, have *nothing* to do with faith, but i feel like even this post will be lost on you -- because in your mind, this is lanaboards, so we are only allowed to discuss topics or artists that lana would approve of 

  22. Lanakai liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lizzy in old Lake Placid area newspapers   
    k lets try this one more time
    "WASP is an *informal* term, sometimes derogatory or disparaging, for a closed group of high-status Americans; a group believed to control disproportionate social and financial power." 
    i could go on and provide examples of wasp stereotypes that again, have *nothing* to do with faith, but i feel like even this post will be lost on you -- because in your mind, this is lanaboards, so we are only allowed to discuss topics or artists that lana would approve of 

  23. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lizzy in old Lake Placid area newspapers   
    YOU're SO LEGIT!!

    Looking at those new info @@evilentity 007 kindly gave us raised even more my doubts about Lana and her alleged drug/alcohol problem. Yes maybe she was drinking and doing drugs like most here but the LEVEL of it is what I question now even more. As we all know Lana got to AA (alleged ) which is ANONIMOUS so we never gonna get real info about that period. All that is left is Lana's words and we all know how truthul she can be
    so was all her big fat imagination? Stories about other people?? Tell me Lana
  24. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by keanefar in ~ FAN VIDEOS ~ (NEW: DEALER)   
    I am so bad at finding clips. I never know where to look and find myself repeating clips way too often. Yours are so unique always.
    I already said this on the 400 Lux video, but PLEASE make a Buzzcut Season video. SO here for it
    Love the vibes of the 400 Lux video so hard. My fav song.
  25. keanefar liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lorde   
    speaking of 400 lux

    this song was nearly impossible to upload (which is strange, because ribs was really easy to get online. does that mean 400 lux is the next single or something?) 
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