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Everything posted by annedauphine

  1. Thank you so much @TOMORROWNEVERCAME actually found me one <33333333 eternally grateful but that was very kind of you to at me
  2. annedauphine

    Kiki Rockwell

    Fucking amazing. Incredible. I fucking love this music. Queen of visuals and lyrics and aesthetic and vibes
  3. I'm sitting in an independent bagel shop in the middle of one of Den Haag's best districts, about to check into my private studio flat (paid by a student loan that my banker negotiated so well that my father will pay in full bc of how advantageous it is), I visited the degree show of the university I'll go to next year (most selective / best master in the world in my field point blank period), I saw and met my most played artist ever twice in June (and saw Tove Lo to top it all off), and it just hit me like a truck that I am FUCKING fortunate enough to have met people in my life kind enough to make it so I will be able to see Lana live in this stupid 2k places hall where I last saw Melanie back in 2020 before the pandemic and I never saw Lana alone and all my friends got ticks and they're playing Lorde and I'm sipping on homemade kombucha and let me tell you guys, I was ready to commit back in February and now this is the best year of my life and believe in your fucking dreams.
  4. Freaking out I’m the metro omw to get the train to Den Haag and I just spotted this at Duroc!!! Font is made by a friend
  5. I just want to thank @TOMORROWNEVERCAME . You don't know how much this means to me and I'm sorry for being dumb as fuck and not understanding anything even though I speak french as well I'm extremely grateful that you took the time to do this for me and I hope you get everything you want in life And I apologise too for being so dense I was stressed and defeated and you just made my entire day
  6. I can vividly picture Lana playing RollerCoaster Tycoon w my heartstrings today
  7. I DO NOT FUCKING KNOW WHAT TO SAY. I AM LITERALLY DELIRIOUS just thinking about how kind you are
  8. I'm not particularly on point with the news and politics but my understanding is that they're protesting the killing of a 17yo named Naël who was killed by the police
  9. HAHA they just told me the ticket is sold rip Ando
  10. I am getting zero hopes up, since they haven't seen my message yet lol! But everything would be bonus at this point I'm desperate
  11. I am literally cursed lol I was so close to getting one at least 20 times and never was able to. Now I'm sad
  12. Tous les sites qui font Ticketmaster! jcrois c'est juste un bug parce que y'a trop de connections. Jsais pas comment t'as fait moi ça dit épuisé partout Cimer! ça dit épuisé moi. J'ai check direct après ton post
  13. Les gas c'est quoi cette erreur 403 là lol
  14. Trying to choose a seat on olympia being like whack a mole meets minesweeper
  15. It's so weird seeing you guys talk from an external point of view lol
  16. Good luck everyone, may the force be w you!!
  17. I love this song so much :')
  18. SoCal Girl is really nice!! I liked it a lot
  19. I would suggest having both open tbh; the Auchan one uses TM as well but for some odd reason I never had problems with it. For Lauren I had a bug for 5h on TM before I switched to Auchan where I could pay instantly. But don't take my word for granted, I suck at ticketing haha I have not much experience
  20. I'm so stressed and for what I had zero expectations at all, I didn't care, and now I know I'm just going to be depressed if I don't get ticks.The things I go through for this woman
  21. Guys! Okay so sharing this to LB only lol but basically - I have several times used the Auchan billeterie to get tickets when Ticketmaster was flooded so I encourage you to try it out if TM is for any reason buggy or too crowded!! It might not work, but it's worth trying out https://billetterie.auchan.fr/en/artiste/lana-del-rey/idartiste/192
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