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Everything posted by annedauphine

  1. Tous les sites qui font Ticketmaster! jcrois c'est juste un bug parce que y'a trop de connections. Jsais pas comment t'as fait moi ça dit épuisé partout Cimer! ça dit épuisé moi. J'ai check direct après ton post
  2. Les gas c'est quoi cette erreur 403 là lol
  3. Trying to choose a seat on olympia being like whack a mole meets minesweeper
  4. It's so weird seeing you guys talk from an external point of view lol
  5. Good luck everyone, may the force be w you!!
  6. I love this song so much :')
  7. SoCal Girl is really nice!! I liked it a lot
  8. I would suggest having both open tbh; the Auchan one uses TM as well but for some odd reason I never had problems with it. For Lauren I had a bug for 5h on TM before I switched to Auchan where I could pay instantly. But don't take my word for granted, I suck at ticketing haha I have not much experience
  9. I'm so stressed and for what I had zero expectations at all, I didn't care, and now I know I'm just going to be depressed if I don't get ticks.The things I go through for this woman
  10. Guys! Okay so sharing this to LB only lol but basically - I have several times used the Auchan billeterie to get tickets when Ticketmaster was flooded so I encourage you to try it out if TM is for any reason buggy or too crowded!! It might not work, but it's worth trying out https://billetterie.auchan.fr/en/artiste/lana-del-rey/idartiste/192
  11. My stress is increasing every second lol
  12. I'm shaken every time I see this pic. She's a really gorgeous woman like just speechless
  13. Wait is Paris confirmed I’m stressed
  14. Today is the embodiment of I’m so used to giving and now I get to receive
  15. Tysm for the thought I absolutely love the enthusiasm and I wish I could but my wallet just kicked my ass rip
  16. Hell gates will open at 9am on Friday. Expecting a Doom like experience
  17. OMG yes I'm dming you rn (sorry mods I instigated this)
  18. Omg I'm so sorry I'm confused / lost in translation What exactly do you mean please? I'm really scared of missing tickets but I don't really mind where I am in the room, I just want to hear / see her lol. So any ticket would do really. Also I informed my mom and she said "I hope this time her hairdresser will be on time"
  19. Honestly same, I am definitely getting seats. I am 28yo I'm getting old, I don't have the energy anymore to fight young lipsters for barricade
  20. I mentioned to my sister that I don't have a single buck for this show and she proposed by herself to lend me 150 euros knowing I will get paid next week. I am an absolute emotional mess rn I love her
  21. NO PLS DON'T REMIND ME LOL. Girls just wanna have funds for Lana shows I really hope you make it!!
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