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  1. ilovetati liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I despise the H&M campaigns and all the big hair looks like the El Rey theatre or the National Anthem video. I don't know why, it's intimidating me and she looks mean, not really herself, can't pinpoint. Also the Uomo shoot is a big mess, the makeup and hair are weird as f. And also, but that's just me, I really like her trashier, messier looks, more than the smooth looks. She is elegant in a very particular way when she's natural and not all dressed up. And I think Summertime Sadness is by far one of her worst songs, anyway all the songs she said are her favourites from the albums, are the worst to me :') And practically all the bonus songs are really weaker. Ugh, cringing at my own list though, why so much hate
  2. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Essay on Lana fandom and religion   
    Wow thanks for the feedback.
    Yeah I agree about the theorists. I don't understand why it's academically required, it's frustrating. Just because it's not printed in a book doesn't mean it's less worthy. Besides I'm pretty sure the people he named are a bit far stretched from my subject and in only 3500 words I couldn't expend much. But I also recognize I should have researched more. I found so many things after finishing and submitting it ugh. I want to continue writing on the subject including all I didn't found first.
    That is extremely interesting. To be honest I wasn't quite sure about what I was writing, and I actually found that using only Lana fandom to confront religion and fandoms was restricting, so again it seemed quite a reach when I wrote this. I'm fascinated by this act though, the act of kissing fans on the mouth, with all the cultural implications it has, and I highly appreciate your Sid Vicious input, thank you! It's part of what makes Lana so peculiar in my eyes; her acts of transgression are so "connected" and relevant to the rest of what she does, like she does what she wants and she means it, it's cheesy bit it's a bit like a """"soft revolution"""",  and I absolutely agree with you saying that it's what makes people question her authenticity. In my eyes she's obviously authentic, even in her lies and fantasies. Because she puts her idea of what is beautiful before everything, like her Grazia quote, "I like the idea that truth shouldn't cross the path of a good lie", something along the lines. I find it very elegant of her to express this kind of unsettling bare-boned authenticity in a way that remains completely accurate to herself. Oh God sorry I'm not sure if that sounds as good as it did in my head. Anyway, I'm really haunted and fascinated by this particular subject so thanks a lot for your input! 
  3. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    May be wrong but I think the stylist is a guy and the hair stylist is a girl, the guy being still Johnny Blue Eyes and the girl being Anna Cofone because in the shoot picture on her instagram Anna Cofone tagged Johnny Blue Eyes
    Anyway I'm extremely excited can't wait for a new big production
  4. tiffanydale liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Favourite Lana Songs   
    You're Gonna Love Me kills me. It really really does. I can't believe how much I love this song. Serial Killer and St Tropez too, and TOSTB and MPG and Dark Paradise and I'm forcing hard myself to stop because I can legit cite half her discography, but holy crap, You're Gonna Love Me is out of this world, it's surreal. I love everything about it. She has so many songs ugh it's impossible to choose 
  5. allseeing liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Sorry if it has already been brought, It might be fake but I suddenly remembered this, did this happened before or after she announced Music to Wath Boys To? Because the Velvet thing might be Velvet Crowbar idk maybe I'm just reaching because I love this song too much and I desperately want it
  6. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I don't exactly expect her to rehash old stuff, and I'd obviously much rather have new songs and probably would be slightly disappointed if she actually reused stuff, especially knowing how productive she can be, but in the very unlikely case she feels the need to reuse previous songs to fit a particular mood or mindset, which Lana being Lana is not COMPLETELY impossible and could in fact be more interesting if we're talking about her ""artistic vision"", I wouldn't mind it, especially if it's songs I know I love already. It would just get them be more known. And I agree with Hundred Dollar Bill, I'd gladly give a kidney and five years of consciousness for a clear studio version of YGLM and some others, even though I suspect that part of the beauty of the songs are their raw roughness. And she did mentioned Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, but as it has been brought already, we never can be sure of what to expect haha. Who knows what that means in her head. In any way, I'm dying of excitement and I really hope she does promo 
  7. annedauphine liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    when ultraviolence came out I was legitimately shocked at how different it was. I'd never heard Lana sing that way on a track before, her voice never sounded so pretty as in brooklyn baby, as emotional as in pretty when you cry or as free spirited as the other woman. I want to feel like that again when listening to a new album
  8. AngelHeadedHipster liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I don't exactly expect her to rehash old stuff, and I'd obviously much rather have new songs and probably would be slightly disappointed if she actually reused stuff, especially knowing how productive she can be, but in the very unlikely case she feels the need to reuse previous songs to fit a particular mood or mindset, which Lana being Lana is not COMPLETELY impossible and could in fact be more interesting if we're talking about her ""artistic vision"", I wouldn't mind it, especially if it's songs I know I love already. It would just get them be more known. And I agree with Hundred Dollar Bill, I'd gladly give a kidney and five years of consciousness for a clear studio version of YGLM and some others, even though I suspect that part of the beauty of the songs are their raw roughness. And she did mentioned Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, but as it has been brought already, we never can be sure of what to expect haha. Who knows what that means in her head. In any way, I'm dying of excitement and I really hope she does promo 
  9. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Yeah I thought it'd be fake. Passing false information wasn't my intention though, my apologies, but the thirst is real.
  10. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Sorry if it has already been brought, It might be fake but I suddenly remembered this, did this happened before or after she announced Music to Wath Boys To? Because the Velvet thing might be Velvet Crowbar idk maybe I'm just reaching because I love this song too much and I desperately want it
  11. AngelHeadedHipster liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Sorry if it has already been brought, It might be fake but I suddenly remembered this, did this happened before or after she announced Music to Wath Boys To? Because the Velvet thing might be Velvet Crowbar idk maybe I'm just reaching because I love this song too much and I desperately want it
  12. annedauphine liked a post in a topic by Subversive in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Her first single "Downtown Jazz" is coming for 20 weeks at #1 don't believe me just watch 

  13. lafleursauvage liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Essay on Lana fandom and religion   
    Hi everyone, as I presented myself in the Welcome section, I'm a fine arts student. As part of one of my second year units on fans and amateurs experts, I had to write an essay on fandoms. Being a Lana stan and being fascinated by religion, I decided to do it on how the Lana Del Rey fandom can bring criticism on the relationship between fandom and religion. I immensely enjoyed writing it and I really want to explore it much further. It's called "Kissing God - Lana Del Rey is my religion".    Please keep in mind that: _ I only got B+ for it because I only cite pop culture sources _ I was immensely depressed and suicidal during the whole time I wrote it _ English is not my first language and I'm not a particularly good writer _ I was still a pretty basic Lana stan when I started to write it.   I hope you'll like it Feedback would be much appreciated!   PS this is what my tutor said about it, it adds some insight.  
      The essay:    
  14. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Essay on Lana fandom and religion   
    Omfg that is beyond fascinating, I'm panting thank you so muchhhh, still have to read this thread thoroughly! Your observations will definitely have a huge impact on my thinking. And Lana having studied Metaphysics is def part of what makes her stand out in a stellar way in my eyes. I wish I could sit with her for an hour and discuss it with her ugh. I really super wonder what she would think of all of this, especially being the person concerned. I always forget that idols can be fans too, too. 
    Thank you to everyone who have read the essay, I'm just so happy to be able to discuss it.
  15. annedauphine liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    "In the name of higher consciousness
    I let the best man I knew go
    'Cause it's nice to love and be loved
    But it's better to know all you can know
    I said it's nice to love and be loved
    But I'd rather know what God knows"
    “Like all truth-seekers, I’m looking for answers,” she says. “I want to know why we don’t talk about where we come from and why we are here. When I found philosophy, I found other thinkers who were asking questions about the origins of the universe. I felt comforted by that.”
    Angels (in the Garden of Evil) Forever . . .

    "Was it doubted that those who corrupt their own bodies conceal themselves?
    And if those who defile the living are as bad as they who defile the dead? And if the body does not do fully as much as the soul?" (Walt Whitman)  

    "We are heavy metal lions" ("Strength" = harnessing sexual energy)

    Lana's omnipresent lions and tigers evoke the iconography of Cybele, the Mother of the Gods. Much of the symbolism of Born to Die is elaborated in Tropico. Lana with white roses on her head in BTD represents the Shekinah "above" as Mary inviolate, while Lana in the red roses, as the Eve "below," is slain by a sinful world.
    In a manner, she is also the Supernal Mother herself--that is to say, she is the bright reflection. It is in this sense of reflection that her truest and highest name in bolism is Shekinah--the co-habiting glory. According to Kabalism, there is a Shekinah both above and below. In the superior world it is called Binah, the Supernal Understanding which reflects to the emanations that are beneath. In the lower world it is MaIkuth--that world being, for this purpose, understood as a blessed Kingdom that with which it is made blessed being the Indwelling Glory. (Arthur Waite, "The High Priestess," The Pictorial Key to the Tarot)
      Lana's understanding of the Genesis narrative is heavily influenced by the Jewish mysticism of the Kabbalah. The Garden represents the world of timeless Form-archetypes prior to their manifestation in the material world in which we live, represented by the unfolding red rose.  
    ... At the summit are the THREE SUPERNAL SEPHIROTH summed up into ONE — AIMA ELOHIM, the Mother Supernal — The Woman of the Apocalypse (Chap. 12) clothed with the SUN, the MOON under her feet, and on her head the Crown of Twelve Stars.

    It is written 'So the Name JEHOVAH is joined to the Name ELOHIM, for JEHOVAH planted a Garden Eastward in Eden.'

    From the Three Supernals follow the other Sephiroth of THE TREE OF LIFE. Below the TREE, proceeding from MALKUTH is THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE of GOOD AND of EVIL which is between the Tree of Life and the World or Assiah or Shells, represented by the Coiled Up DRAGON with Seven Heads and Ten Horns—being the Seven Infernal Palaces and the Ten Averse Sephiroth.... in MALKUTH is EVE, supporting with her hands the TWO PILLARS....

    Is it but now that the higher life is beset with dangers and difficulties; hath it not been ever thus with the Sages and Hierophants of the Past? They have been persecuted and reviled, they have been tormented of men, yet through this has their glory increased. Rejoice, therefore, O Initiate, for the greater thy trial, the brighter thy triumph. When men shall revile thee and speak against thee falsely, hath not the Master said "Blessed art thou."

    The Great Goddess EVE, being tempted by the fruits of the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE whose branches tend upwards to the seven lower Sephiroth, but also downward to the Kingdom of Shells, reached down to them and the two pillars were left unsupported.

    Then the Sephirotic Tree was shattered. She fell and with her fell the Great ADAM. And the Great Red Dragon arose with his seven heads and ten horns, and EDEN was desolated—and the folds of the Dragon enclosed MALKUTH and linked it to the Kingdom of the Shells.

    And the heads of the Dragon rose into the seven lower Sephiroth, even up to DAATH at the feet of Aima Elohim.

    Thus were the four Rivers of EDEN desecrated and the Dragon Mouth gave forth the Infernal Waters in DAATH—and this is LEVIATHAN, The Piercing and Crooked Serpent....

    And it became necessary that a Second Adam should arise to restore the System, and thus, as ADAM had been spread on the Cross of the Four Rivers, so the Second ADAM should be crucified on the Infernal Rivers of the four armed Cross of DEATH — yet to do this He must descend into the lowest, even MALKUTH the Earth, and be born of her. (Golden Dawn Knowledge Lecture)

    "Heaven is my baby, suicide’s her father" = self-sacrifice leads to new birth
    "Jesus was a dying man
    If he can't do it, no one can
    When will you learn that we ain't nothing without you"

    "I'm in love with a dying man
    All our love's flying in the sand"
    "I got the ice
    You got the fire
    I’ve got the stuff
    To take you higher"
    "But I wish I was dead (dead like you)
    Every time I close my eyes
    It's like a dark paradise"
      "Come on, baby, let's ride
    We can escape to the great sunshine.
    I know your wife, and she wouldn't mind
    We made it out to the other side"   The Other Side: http://www.chabad.org/kabbalah/article_cdo/aid/380687/jewish/The-Other-Side.htm   http://realitysandwich.com/180037/tzimtzum_tikkun_repairing_universe/   The result of the breaking of the vessels is that the world, which the Ein-Sof had originally planned to be formed of the highest values beauty, love, mercy, wisdom, knowledge is now corrupted by their evil counterparts. And we too, who are fragments of the androgynous Primordial Man, are infected with the corruption. The klipoth that make up the universe are in us too, and we find ourselves here, separated into opposites, male and female, stranded on the Other Side. Hence our world is one of pain, suffering, falsehood, conflict, and the other evils we are all too familiar with.   In the esoteric understanding, there is a further layer to the Genesis story, in which the individual lost in the mire of ignorance, surrounded by her imaginal false gods of popular culture (Eidolons of sense), becomes aware of her own fallen state, having her eyes opened by the movement of the telluric serpent. The awareness of the Fall into the Other Side becomes necessary before greater wholeness and redemption can take place. "Nahash, the serpent, "Sheens" her: that is, he blends his earthly fire with her lost heavenly fire, which thus comes to life again."     Rabbi Hizkiyah opened (began): “It is said, as a rose among thorns” (Shir HaShirim, 2:2). He asks, “What does a rose represent?” He answers, “It is the Assembly of Israel, meaning Malchut. For there is a rose, and there is a rose. Just as a rose among thorns is tinged with red and white, so does the Assembly of Israel (Malchut) consist of judgment and mercy. . . .”

    . . . The color red designates the rose’s connection with the outer, impure forces, which, because of this connection, can suck the strength (Light) from it. This is because nine of her Sefirot are in exile below the world of Atzilut, in the world of Beria, which may already contain impure forces. And the rose also has a color white in its Sefira Keter, for her Sefira Keter is in the world of Atzilut, above the Parsa, where there is no contact with the lower, impure forces. In other words, there are two opposite states: perfection and its absence, Light and darkness. They are felt by him who merits it. (The Zohar)

    The two girls, dressed in red and white, on a doomed car ride recur in the "Summertime Sadness" video. She seems to always be telling the same story; Tropico merely let her pull back the veil a bit more. Eve "dies" when she eats the apple, after which she becomes an objectified image, dimly reflecting the image of the ewig-weibliche. Her stage persona becomes that of the doomed Hollywood starlet, Eve (the soul) eternally pining to be rescued by Adam (the ego) from her gilded cage on a silver screen.     "I sing the body electric, The armies of those I love engirth me and I engirth them, They will not let me off till I go with them, respond to them, And discorrupt them, and charge them full with the charge of the soul....   "As I see my soul reflected in Nature, As I see through a mist, One with inexpressible completeness, sanity, beauty, See the bent head and arms folded over the breast, the Female I see." (Whitman)   For Whitman, the female form as it appears in Nature is the visible image of the invisible soul. Woman as an expression of the Anima-Mundi. When Eve becomes the pole-dancer, she becomes an object of lust rather than Adam's redeemer. She will put her red dress on and sing to those she loves, until they remember that she is not distinct from themselves.     "There's something I have never told you
    I'm not really from this world
    There's something I have been withholding
    I'm not like every other girl

    So if you begin to think that my light might be supernatural
    I'd have to say alright, you're right mon cher it is
    I come from a place that your mind cannot even imagine"     Cybele was a "stone fallen from heaven," or, as the Tarot would have it, a fallen star. "I can be your china doll, if you'd like to see me fall." I submit the robbery scene is tied to the lyrics of "Live or Die," which position Adam and Eve as outlaws from the fallen world (run by "Criminals"). It's "Us Against the World."     http://thestreetphilosopher.tumblr.com/post/25766633453/the-basic-secrets-of-sexual-alchemy-from-the    
    Lyrics of "Heavy Hitter"--

    "You're the King of fear, baby
    I'm the Queen of Alchemy
    I know a way to make gold by mixing our souls to escape reality...
    You can be my higher power baby
    I can be your endless USA"   Rather than Israel, Lana represents the soul of America. Thus John Wayne's "America, Why I Love Her" speech in Tropico--He is YHWH to her Shekinah; Heaven to her Earth. Malkuth, as Eve, is raised to heaven and restored from her fallen state.   In the "Bel Air" segment, Lana addresses the viewer directly; we are all Adam watching Eve. The invisible Subject-Object wall has been breached.
  16. YoungCarter liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Essay on Lana fandom and religion   
    Hi everyone, as I presented myself in the Welcome section, I'm a fine arts student. As part of one of my second year units on fans and amateurs experts, I had to write an essay on fandoms. Being a Lana stan and being fascinated by religion, I decided to do it on how the Lana Del Rey fandom can bring criticism on the relationship between fandom and religion. I immensely enjoyed writing it and I really want to explore it much further. It's called "Kissing God - Lana Del Rey is my religion".    Please keep in mind that: _ I only got B+ for it because I only cite pop culture sources _ I was immensely depressed and suicidal during the whole time I wrote it _ English is not my first language and I'm not a particularly good writer _ I was still a pretty basic Lana stan when I started to write it.   I hope you'll like it Feedback would be much appreciated!   PS this is what my tutor said about it, it adds some insight.  
      The essay:    
  17. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Essay on Lana fandom and religion   
    Oh God, I didn't even thought about her being a woman, you make an excellent point I'm pissed haha. This is so relevant. I'm obsessed by Chuck's photographies, it's a big part of why I wanted to do my essay specifically on Lana. In this particular photo, I think that two important things is that first she shared it herself, she specifically chose this one, and secondly she's turning her back to her fans, and facing therefore the stage. I could rant forever on this, don't even get me started ugh. In this photo too, unlike the others, there is a physical contact. I should have talked more about how she actually goes into the pit and collect stuff and all. I mean it's not that uncommon but she talks about it a lot and I also remember this Kroq interview from 2012 if I recall well where the dude asks her why people cry upon meeting her... Arghhhggh so much more stuff! Anyway the more I look into this photo and the more peculiar and masterful it appears to me, the composition is so good and it seems that there is so much more to it. Chuck (if I'm not a fake stan and it's really her who took it) is really freaking talented. 
    I find the connection you make to these other artist hella interesting, first thing that I notice is that the dudes remain "superior" to their public in the sense that they're not on the same level, they're still on the stage, even though Nick Cave is crouching. I recall some Beyoncé performance too where she touches the hands of fans but stay on the stage. I wonder if Lana actually "showing her proximity", "showing her humanity", by descending into the pit and interacting much more with the fans - to the point of recreating what is usually seen as an act of love, kissing on the mouth - actually makes her more of a divinity in the eyes of fans. I'm repeating myself, I know. I def agree with what you said about Iggy. I also recall the famous "let me fucking do what I'm fucking doing, signing things" vid. It's iconic and hilarious and super Lana precisely because of what we all said, and it precisely makes us (or at least me haha) adore her even more. Her proximity, her humanity. It's a fascinating vicious circle.
    No thanks to you for being interested in what I wrote, it's really what I enjoyed the most to write ever and it's a real luxury to be able to discuss it about the very concerned people, especially when you're kind enough to provide me with references I wouldn't have thought of myself
  18. LoreleiLee liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Essay on Lana fandom and religion   
    Hi everyone, as I presented myself in the Welcome section, I'm a fine arts student. As part of one of my second year units on fans and amateurs experts, I had to write an essay on fandoms. Being a Lana stan and being fascinated by religion, I decided to do it on how the Lana Del Rey fandom can bring criticism on the relationship between fandom and religion. I immensely enjoyed writing it and I really want to explore it much further. It's called "Kissing God - Lana Del Rey is my religion".    Please keep in mind that: _ I only got B+ for it because I only cite pop culture sources _ I was immensely depressed and suicidal during the whole time I wrote it _ English is not my first language and I'm not a particularly good writer _ I was still a pretty basic Lana stan when I started to write it.   I hope you'll like it Feedback would be much appreciated!   PS this is what my tutor said about it, it adds some insight.  
      The essay:    
  19. annedauphine liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Essay on Lana fandom and religion   
    It occurred to me that Lana, as a woman, is also taking quite an interesting approach to creating a kind of iconic (and iconoclastic) image in her performances.
    Her instagram photo:

    She's absorbed in her music, but she's also standing in that no man's land between artists and audience, and has given her hand to the people in the front row. The perspective of the photo also gives the feeling that she's 'lowered herself' to meet her minions, but her gesture of offering her hand without reservation is also an act of placing her fans on her level.
    Compare with two other semi-religious rock images, both showing men whose idea of 'godlike' is in their aloofness.
    Nick Cave crouches above the audience, while they reach out their hands unable to touch him, and his hand is also outstretched but is making no effort to actually make contact.
    Iggy Pop walks across the crowd, referencing Jesus walking on water

    While Iggy is in physical danger, and he's making direct contact with the audience, he's still mostly using them as a prop, and foot-to-hand contact has very different connotations to hand-to-hand. 
    Anyway, thanks for making me think about this stuff
  20. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Essay on Lana fandom and religion   
    Wow thanks for the feedback.
    Yeah I agree about the theorists. I don't understand why it's academically required, it's frustrating. Just because it's not printed in a book doesn't mean it's less worthy. Besides I'm pretty sure the people he named are a bit far stretched from my subject and in only 3500 words I couldn't expend much. But I also recognize I should have researched more. I found so many things after finishing and submitting it ugh. I want to continue writing on the subject including all I didn't found first.
    That is extremely interesting. To be honest I wasn't quite sure about what I was writing, and I actually found that using only Lana fandom to confront religion and fandoms was restricting, so again it seemed quite a reach when I wrote this. I'm fascinated by this act though, the act of kissing fans on the mouth, with all the cultural implications it has, and I highly appreciate your Sid Vicious input, thank you! It's part of what makes Lana so peculiar in my eyes; her acts of transgression are so "connected" and relevant to the rest of what she does, like she does what she wants and she means it, it's cheesy bit it's a bit like a """"soft revolution"""",  and I absolutely agree with you saying that it's what makes people question her authenticity. In my eyes she's obviously authentic, even in her lies and fantasies. Because she puts her idea of what is beautiful before everything, like her Grazia quote, "I like the idea that truth shouldn't cross the path of a good lie", something along the lines. I find it very elegant of her to express this kind of unsettling bare-boned authenticity in a way that remains completely accurate to herself. Oh God sorry I'm not sure if that sounds as good as it did in my head. Anyway, I'm really haunted and fascinated by this particular subject so thanks a lot for your input! 
  21. renaissance liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Essay on Lana fandom and religion   
    Hi everyone, as I presented myself in the Welcome section, I'm a fine arts student. As part of one of my second year units on fans and amateurs experts, I had to write an essay on fandoms. Being a Lana stan and being fascinated by religion, I decided to do it on how the Lana Del Rey fandom can bring criticism on the relationship between fandom and religion. I immensely enjoyed writing it and I really want to explore it much further. It's called "Kissing God - Lana Del Rey is my religion".    Please keep in mind that: _ I only got B+ for it because I only cite pop culture sources _ I was immensely depressed and suicidal during the whole time I wrote it _ English is not my first language and I'm not a particularly good writer _ I was still a pretty basic Lana stan when I started to write it.   I hope you'll like it Feedback would be much appreciated!   PS this is what my tutor said about it, it adds some insight.  
      The essay:    
  22. dressedinblack liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Essay on Lana fandom and religion   
    Hi everyone, as I presented myself in the Welcome section, I'm a fine arts student. As part of one of my second year units on fans and amateurs experts, I had to write an essay on fandoms. Being a Lana stan and being fascinated by religion, I decided to do it on how the Lana Del Rey fandom can bring criticism on the relationship between fandom and religion. I immensely enjoyed writing it and I really want to explore it much further. It's called "Kissing God - Lana Del Rey is my religion".    Please keep in mind that: _ I only got B+ for it because I only cite pop culture sources _ I was immensely depressed and suicidal during the whole time I wrote it _ English is not my first language and I'm not a particularly good writer _ I was still a pretty basic Lana stan when I started to write it.   I hope you'll like it Feedback would be much appreciated!   PS this is what my tutor said about it, it adds some insight.  
      The essay:    
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