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Everything posted by May

  1. auerbach isn't bland imo he just isn't versatile and can't really break out from his signature style ultraviolence has fire but it got repetitive, at least that's how i see it.
  2. but people have personal taste.... if they don't like the sound of a new song it doesn't make them bandwagon fans it makes them old fans who don't like the new direction she's heading in. i just don't get why y'all are acting like Beliebers about it omg i thought little lipsters were better than the whole "you're a fake fan!" argument
  3. by looking at the past 2 pages: "Those who expected a more poppier sound can leave the bandwagon now." "Maybe this album will finally kill off all of the annoying bandwagon fans. "
  4. i'm not saying that tho. 1 person in this thread said it was shit, people are in here saying "this song is going to get rid of all the bandwagon fans finally" and i'm saying that just because someone doesn't like a song, it doesn't mean that they're a bandwagon fan.
  5. no......... please lord... no leave neil in the ultraviolence era
  6. people calling others 'bandwagon fans' because they don't like one song by her y'all are acting like Beliebers stop acting like everything lana does is 100% perfect and if someone doesn't like it then they're not a true fan
  7. justin parker velvet crowbar and the national anthem demo are everything also last girl on earth is my all-time fav song by her
  8. i'm obv not hearing what y'all are hearing bc this is the most boring song ever to me lmao
  9. cola laptop demo or yes to heaven
  10. to be fair tho that could've just been a misunderstanding, it was like the day after she confirmed it right? maybe barrie didn't know that lana had gone public with it and thought it was still a secret from the media
  11. y'all are so extra lmao he's just wishing her a happy birthday... chill plus i doubt that lana completely cut him off, i imagine they still speak on friendly terms
  12. after listening to the live version it seems obvious that it's "gold skin"
  13. if the delivery of the verses are the same as the way she sang them live, i'm not here for this song. they seem as tho they lack structure, like she's just singing to a tune she's making up as she goes along.
  14. May

    Gogo Dancer

    i thought it was "boy pick out your daughters, baby needs a new fur"
  15. this is a weird observation but if you sing the Honeymoon lyrics to the tune of Hollywood they fit perfectly lmao
  16. judging from the snippet the only thing i'm disappointed in is she said it'd sound like BTD but she still sounds like she's singing in an empty arena lmao... if she really wants to capture that BTD feel she needs to stop singing in that breathy drowned out voice. just makes it sound more like UV to me. but then again who am i to judge from a 15 second snippet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  17. I saw someone on atrl saying the snippet sounds somewhat like this: https://youtu.be/LPtozsUF1U4 if she did take inspiration from it or sample it, it would explain this post: https://instagram.com/p/3rgg8jlni6/
  18. i don't think this is going to be the lead single, probably just a buzz song, something to open the Honeymoon era with. the lyrics just give me that vibe - 'Our honeymoon', it's as though she's welcoming us to the new era. the other video she's filmed for MTWBT will probs be high-budget and the lead single imo
  20. everytime i see a new post in this thread my little gay heart makes me believe she could have surprise dropped it
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