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Everything posted by Cleopatra

  1. Why is he fucking yelling at her? How do you describe her talking voice? Right now I feel like its sweet with a small trace of phlegm and an aftertaste of grit. I wonder how fast she's thinking during this interview.
  2. Yyyeeeeee It was in her playlist too -- I wouldn't be surprised!
  3. But a noir Black Beauty? It'll be so overwhelming listening to it!
  4. Lmao Fucked My Way Up To The Top -- She has the best titles!
  5. Cleopatra


    shes so gorgeous!
  6. Cleopatra

    Lykke Li

    Im still STUCK on Love Me Like Im Not Made of Stone @@National Anthem lol her voice makes me think of this:
  7. She has her cake and she's gonna eat it too!
  8. Melt My Heart to Stone - Adele sf good right now!
  9. She really just wanted to talk to her friends..shes the sweetest
  10. "Kicks" sounds like a sonic and lyrical adventure. (Will anything surpass "Hide" though?) The last part was just so sweet!
  11. Ohh I like it so far! ToStB 2.0-ish? It sounds like it would be an amazing song for closing credits
  12. interesting voice (Hoping azealia will remix this later on....)
  13. You push me hard I pull away he's crazy and cobananacosomehtingsomething
  14. Reminds me of Boarding School when it changes to a slow pace.
  15. hmmm stalkin her likes
  16. This is considered rock? Is rock dying slowly/already dead?
  17. AKA> 1/2 of Born To Die> Paradise (production)
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