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Everything posted by TRENCH

  1. I hope they release a new bigger iPod touch

    Jackson Novem

    You found the demo for FMWUTT? Lana sounds very hoarse... But wow great find!


    I got Wings when it was Single of the Week on iTunes winter 2013...its a good song


    Yeah! , it has that Betty Boop Boop vibe with a mix of Northwest rap ... Can't stop replaying ahhh


    yes, just as with any album or artist. everyone in here loves Lana but each one doesn't like one of her songs

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    When I hear the song Ghost or International Smile and look at the artwork, they do match up, so I know what you mean
  7. lmaooo why is the "girl screaming hey" loon used in Lolita HERE?!

    Iggy Azalea

    Please give me a link when you can! he's a true fan
  9. Wait so Emile is making an album featuring artists? Kinda like Timbaland did with Shock Value 2?
  10. Thank God I dont use iCloud for pictures (except for apps and any songs bought in iTunes, everything else is turned off)....I'm always into the latest thing in consumer electronics but the idea of having everything in the cloud weirds me out
  11. TRENCH


    All of her songs are amazing. Home and Posse are great. Sugar Lies is so addictive and weird
  12. Wait so Emile is making an album featuring artists? Kinda like Shock Value 2 by Timbaland?
  13. Has anyone heard "Break the Fall" by Laura Welsh? I'm not sure if its produced By Emile but it has the same Loons as Lana does
  14. I read the lyrics to the Lolita instrumental ButI would like to hear the song, the lyrics are good
  15. I've owned an iPod touch 2nd, 4th, and 5th generation. They are really great devices (love the simplicity but the lack of customization is ehhh ) and I'm only one of four people in my whole family who has owned apple products (the prices is just ;( ) I'm thinking of getting a Mac mini (first apple computer), or a heavy duty Windows desktop, not sure yet
  16. TRENCH

    Kid Cudi

    I've only heard his first album but all the songs are great. Pursuit of Happiness, CuDi Zone, and Hyyer are my top favorites
  17. I have a few I would like to share: This one is about success after working hard for what you want. This one is for songs that are good to hear during Winter time. This one is for songs that are good to hear during Summer time. (I forgot to add Rococo by Arcade Fire, Cardiac Arrest by Bad Suns, I'm Not Alone by Calvin Harris and #Nasty by TOSTB). This one is for songs that are good to hear during the Fall. The Summer one I started in 2013, so every summer I'll add more to it, same for Fall and Winter (Which i started 2013) . For Spring Season I didn't like the one I made, so I'm restarting in Spring 2015. All of them repeat Singers but my music catalog has been growing fast.
  18. I've been on both sides and it is hectic. In terms of Lana, she is nowhere near a "illuminati puppet", she does not display being a monarch victim like Britney Spears or anything ridiculous like that. Most of Conspiracy Theorists forget that what they are talking about is that, a THEORY. There is no concrete evidence of whatever topic they are talking about (US Government did 9/11 for example) but there are clues that do back up their THEORIES .But some people like to mix up and change those clues and what you get are annoying idiots like this Mark guy and Alex Jones, who makes all of the Conspiracy community look like tin-foil freaks. Also, a big misconception in terms of celebrities, actors, singers, etc. being in the illuminati is wrong. The only ones considered in the "illuminati" as well as the Masons are wealthy politicians and bankers. If you think of Jay-Z, he's not "in" the illu. but has connections with them. The illu. uses subliminal messages to show everyone who they are and what they want to be at one point in time. Some artists (lets say Britney Spears) may look like they know what they are doing but all they do is being told what to do, what songs to sing, what specific things to do in music videos, etc... that's a puppet, which many singers are. There is a possibility that some artists do "sell" their souls with a special contract to make it to the top (the weirdest one i;ve heard is that you sign your name with your own blood). But once they realize what they have done, there's no going back, and if they fight or show who is controlling their careers to the mass audiences, they'll be stopped no matter if killing them is the only way . Again, this is a theory, and if it turns out real what are we going to do? Not really worth working over about it.
  19. TRENCH


    Omg I would love it if she made more "Biting Down" And "Glory and Gore" style songs
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