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Everything posted by TRENCH



    did nightmare have any physicl version?
  2. i wanted to add that her other songs should be added such as from movies, covers (maybe? since they're not technically her songs), etc
  3. yeah... I think we just about [u.S.] surpassed the Great Depression numbers https://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/top-stories/us-now-has-22-million-unemployed-wiping-out-a-decade-of-job-gains/ar-BB12JyaJ this whole shit has been stressful, people still haven't received their unemployment, many places aren't budging with rent/mortgage/credit card help. a whole fucking shitshow... im legit feeling for these republican wackos that want to "open back up" the country at this point I'm scared of getting a new job due to risking of getting exposed to the virus... but no one is helping us. Small businesses and college students who are claimed as dependent on taxes got bamboozled aka we are not part of the trillion-dollar stimulus package, we will not be getting any money. im just over it
  4. Trump said to inject Lysol and clorox to cure coronavirus. ugh his mind, so powerfull.. see we dont need sceinteists
  5. tell me how Ben and Ed launched pop star of the decade yet can't tell Lana to stop fkn around with all of these promised albums and dates in the past few years... its unprofessional at this point
  6. Coco The Color Purple Marley and Me
  7. either they're just shading the art itself or the fact that in Apple Music there is an obvious white line on the left where it looks like abroad cropping of the artwork
  8. thankfully someone came to save the day for a listenable version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OE14pDaiGBY

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    this. the songs themselves arent bad... I enjoy all.. the only problem is that for me it's not a solid body.. they woudv worked as a short album or 2-3 EPs
  10. can someone tl;dr this for me? im having a hard time comprehending the interview
  11. TRENCH

    Miley Cyrus

    isnt it this one or another song?
  12. TRENCH

    Lady Gaga

    since yall keep hating my immaculate taste of me liking jewels and drug & why did u do that here's my 5 1. Paparazzi 2. Alejandro 3. Judas 4. Dancin In Circles 5. GUY
  13. somg of the decade we been knew
  14. Ive only listened to Woodstock but its a nice album one of my favorite songs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLjjl2pOaoI
  15. TRENCH

    Ester Dean

    Queen of songwriting.. must be hard carying the pop industry on her back
  16. been reading a lot of comments from Canadians saying they're repulsed by the whole show which I find funny then I remember living in Florida desensitize you from crazy shit like this show also, Carole talks about her saving the tigers and being the better one when she does the literal same thing as the other two wackos... exploiting a wild animal for human amusement
  17. TRENCH

    Lady Gaga

    Jewelz and Cocaine ft rapper 1,2,3 Why did you do that do that do that do that do that to me Teeth her best songs on her discography xxx
  18. TRENCH

    Dua Lipa

    Well no one is talking about Dua being a "Nazi apologist" because literally, no one knows this is even a conversation that exists (literally found out from you) like @@drewby said.. most people don't know Kosovo even exists. Like the Western market is so inept in geography and history. I took a college class named "Politics of the European Union " back in Fall '17 [i attend the University of Central Florida] and even we didn't touch the topic you're talking of. We only focused on WW1 / WW2. no civil wars or ethnic cleansings that occurred on the East side of the continent. Also, it is weird for her to be a "nazi" yet support Jewish Bernie Sanders
  19. TRENCH

    Selena Gomez

    https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/fxqy0v/selena_gomez_rare_deluxe/so somewhere here... they just said it matches whatever is positioned highest on Spotify. I dont use Spotify so idk if its legit but people agreed
  20. TRENCH

    Selena Gomez

    someone on reddit matched it up with the spotify streaming numbers. queen of pushing sales
  21. my sense of moving to Ireland is increasing also, the DNC, Biden, and Bernie supporters are the ones at fault for all of this. One one side you have a horribly corrupt political party that is clearly out of touch with the modern and non-existent working/middle class that only caters to wealthy white people that only have turtleneck sweaters as a wardrobe, then you have Biden supporters that are quick to defend a man that clearly has dementia, legitimate sexual harassment claims and switched on issues to appease the "left masses" (he was anti-gay marriage till 2012 and only switched because Obama switched his stance, and over and over has restricted medicare access). and then you have the "Bernie-bros" that can never shut up about how the Illuminati is going to assassinate Bernie... they're equally deranged as the right-wing QAnon's regardless, this country puts too much emphasis on presidential elections. A position that has no literal effect at the individual level. It is your Congress and local politicians that affect your college tuition, unemployment benefits, etc. We all know that the republican and democrat parties are too big and too corrupt, but when people vote for a 3rd party they're labeled as vote wasters and evil... make it make sense ma'am. Each party (Republican, Democrat) can have only one official nominee for the general election. During the voting period of choosing the final nominee (called PRIMARY ELECTIONS, held during the springtime of the election year), we look back at previous data of past elections and forecast how each state will vote to chose that final nominee. the moment each state started to elect delegates, Biden was winning almost all of them, and this is when most of the candidates drop out like flies... Bernie was just holding on considering COVID19 has pushed back elections in some states. But its clear that these delegates and most of the voting citizenry aka the moderate liberal [who is only 4 spaces away from a republican on a political compass] want Biden https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primary_election https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/04/08/metro/why-bernie-sanders-lost-2020-democratic-presidential-nomination/ One thing the average American, specifically moderates, Republicans, and Libertarians, hate is a celebrity telling them who to vote for. For them, it is a major turn off. A rich Hollywood person telling them who is best for them, while a farmer/business owner/Mcdonalds worker is struggling feels like a joke. "a lot of people, especially the Baby Boomer generations take the "don't tell me how to live your life and I won't tell you how to live yours" mindset to the extreme. Simply put, the average American does not study politics or government, they cannot remember who the Vice President is right now, let alone tell you what are the 3 branches that help run the entire thing. People like my bf think Bernie is a communist I'm 90% sure Bernies' name will be in the November ballot, he's just not going to be officially backed by the Democratic Party. He should've run as independent to sorry for the long-ass rant yall
  22. TRENCH

    Lady Gaga

    Jewels and Cocanie Drugz is song of the decade period no argument
  23. i will definitely try that.. thank you!
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