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Everything posted by TRENCH

  1. Ok how long do we have to keep buying copies and stream for her to be #1
  2. What Lust for Life space aesthetics wishes to be
  3. Her best album to be honseat, she sounds free, like not strained to one specific theme or aesthetics. She's all over the place and doing it cohesively. Never expected her to go back to hip hop beats, noneless spreading it trough the whole album in bits and pieces in non hip hop songs. In my Feelings is the new Art Deco and Brooklyn Baby. Also it makes me wanna be a stripper lawd Heroin is fucking amazing. The second half of the song is a full on trip to the 70s. UV is shooked. And those "come on" Lizzy Grant coos omfg
  4. "In My Feelings" invokes images of a prostitute in a G&M video style.. like?? Iconic
  5. Her best era. Best music. Best fan interaction. Throwing her discography in the trash. Only LFL in my shelf

    Demi Lovato

    SNS..Her magnum opus. Truly a good song to dance to


    Lowlife is her magnum opus
  8. YASSSSS I'm prolly gonna make a music video, only song snippet I have stuck in my head
  9. I bet In My Feelings is this albums Off to the Races, Brooklyn Baby, and Art deco
  10. HBTB Part II. Shooked
  11. thank u, but the link says it doesnt exist
  12. TRENCH

    Kendrick Lamar

    I listen to DAMN almost everyday. Lana who
  13. TRENCH

    Miley Cyrus

    Malibu makes me emotional, makes me want to be back with my ex
  14. TRENCH


    This album is majestic, very grown up. The Louvre and Dynamite are iconic
  15. The bias against rappers and hip hop in here is a bore. But what do you expect from people who love listening to boring BANKS and MO songs
  16. I need to comment on this since I'm.. Puertorican. First of all, the main reason the island is on debt and in chaos is because of a build up in puertoricans being the most mindless voting drones when it comes to politics. We invest every social conversation in the islands politics (for no reason) and we love to vote the worst of the worst. Voting for the most lazy and corrupt officials has only made the government of PR worse. This has been an issue since the 90s that has blown up and now people are wondering what went wrong. The government of the island is overcrowded with too many municipalities. A town of 1000 people can have as much as 30 elected officials. WHAT the hell for?!??? The gov. off the island is garbage and people don't like to admit that. Second, every time the island votes congress has the audacity to ask us what do we want and once we again and again vote YES, they ignore us and go on as if nothing has happened. Every president since Nixon has promised to push forward a mandate if we vote yes, but they have been proven to be liars. I really really hate to agree with Trump supporters but they are right that it will be very hard welcoming a land that is over infested with Socialist Welfare recipients. Over 1/3 of the people take some form of government assistance that they DO NOT NEED AT ALL. they are leeching tax money because they find loopholes and bc they simply can. It is a generational idea that gets passed on.. a cycle that has now broken the social and economical aspect of the island. If someone tries to refute my claim good luck bc I have a few family members who do exactly that, and I spent a well amount of time visiting the projects in my childhood. Independence was an idea and a choice that should have been done in the 1950-1970s when the island was still great and prospering. Choosing independence now will only make it go deeper, with the hardcore socialism that it seems to like embracing @hanging we are somewhat already part of the US, so everything that occurs mainland ripples across to the island, so we might as well be a state and get it over with
  17. TRENCH

    Katy Perry

    Wow I listened to it yesterday night on Apple Music. What a disappointed. Underwhelming. Witness and Roulette are the two worthy songs apart from the 3 singles. I pretty much skipped everything else so I could listen to The Click by AJR. LMAOO PRISM still stands as her best album imo
  18. TRENCH


    So I'm looking at all of her stuff on Apple Music and I've noticed that on the Explicit version of LOUD, Fading doesn't have the Enya sample.. why is that
  19. TRENCH

    Katy Perry

    It's called "being a casual listener". I could care less about Katy or Gaga in terms of their lives or on a fanatic level but I enjoy some of their music, and that's what a causal listener of an artist is
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