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Everything posted by TRENCH


    Demi Lovato

    SNS, Games, Cry Baby, Tell Me You Love me, You dont do It, Ruin the friendship, are my favorites and the bass in Games is fkn wild bro


    can someone please link me to the whole movie? still haven't watched it and no im not paying for tidal

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    ive noticed that too. i cant believe she only started in 2010 when it feels like shes a mid 2000s artist

    Demi Lovato

    Yoo ive been listening to this album and its pretty great, super surprised
  5. im not sure why the revolting Evolve and that throw away EP by Coldplay are even there? they are just occupying unnecessary space. Also Kesha deserves that nomination. Beautiful album
  6. what ive always found ironic is that the constitution is supposed to be updated every 19 years since its conception...it hasn't been touched once. repugnant someone in here fucking gets it, thank you. As a libertarian i cant believe other libertarians. are pulling the "Why do you want the government micromanaging the internet" when corporations already have been monopolizing and toying with internet servicing in the US since forever. We have the slowest and most expensive internet speed for an advanced country and it bullshit. my bill has gone from $50 to $85 in two damn years and I am dumfounded i agree that corporations nor the government should intervene with the internet but the fact that our government HAD to create a Net Neutrality law to protect it speaks volume at how killing this legislation will actually be worse peoplesay "oh we can just get rid of NN, it was only made in 2015". Well sweaty the concept of NN has existed since the conception of the WWW, the only reason it is a tangible set of rules is bc corporations fond a way to restrict and overcharge people for online services. one being that ATT was forcing people to pay extra when FaceTime first came out on the iPhones. well see what happens
  7. that article is only re-summarizing what she has speculated with her career in the near future(like always lmao), not giving concrete fact that she WILL be doing the MV for cherry and directing it herself with some proof
  8. can someone ink me to what the new merch looks like ?
  9. queen of doing things half assed
  10. where u been? literally every big name singer and celebrity have been doing these for the past 4 years
  11. are we gonna talk about those two guys kissing in the back
  12. TRENCH

    Dua Lipa

    shes so pretty also New Rules is on the radio now.. slay
  13. OMFGGGGGG iagree, its like a cult-ish chant
  14. what have they predicted ? also what a waste of taxpayer money by keeping him alive for so long
  15. this man was literally raised with the idea (pushed by his father) that the white race is genetically superior and that the Trump gene is superior as well. Seeing videos from the 70s-90s this man has never been able to string a proper sentence withouth butchering some grammatical rule. We don't need to meet a media mogul that loves to suck the medias tit to know how immature he is (like, come on, we have enough videography footage to make a 5000000 hour documentary about his life and form opinions over them). he raced to be president simply because he could; he could give no fucks about politics or the 99%. i would love to know how you magically switched the on/off sexuality button and how that has any relations to the topic that is being discussed. Also Lana is one of THE most unrealistic creators out there. She has created a small "fantasy" universe within her music that literally has in no way any connection to "reality" (new york transplant lolita going to the beach, driving down Sunset Blv with her daddy on her Jaguar.. so realistic and #relatable) God Bless America and WTWWAW do not count
  16. TRENCH

    twenty one pilots

    don't b jelouz that u cant DJ and remixxx like that
  17. TRENCH

    twenty one pilots

    thots be gone ------------ anywaysssss for those hating because they cant differentiate the artist and the fanbase. did yall forget that yall are in a fanbase that's just as garbage worthy? i mean, i know that the clique is damn annoying, especially with that smoll bean BS but at least those children stay in their lanes by not leaking the artists's voting registration or break into their garages and steal both of their jaguars every fanbase gasses their artists no matter how shitty they are the irony
  18. TRENCH

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    i doubt this will happen, but the fact she's frequenting Japan more, could her future music could have oriental inspired melodies??
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