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  1. Danube liked a post in a topic by TRENCH in LB Listens! - Week 2: Florence + the Machine   
    am i the only one willing to review prism
  2. CarcrashBandicoot liked a post in a topic by TRENCH in LB Listens! - Week 2: Florence + the Machine   
    am i the only one willing to review prism
  3. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by whitman in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I don't know what interview you've read but in this one he mentioned Lana with other big acts " We have Tame Impala coming this summer, and Lana Del Rey coming this year.(...) So we have a good mix of developing acts and big acts coming back."
    * for @: the rest of this post isn't a reply to you directly.
    I see a lot of talking about Interscope role's as responsible by the underwhelmed performance of UV. They scheduled Lana on tv but she cancelled. Polydor scheduled BBC, promo concerts on France ( one of her biggest market) and she cancelled. Then she did interviews about death and fucking her way up to the top and feminist shit. Let's be real: she is the one to blame for. If we consider her label's POV they had eveything they wished for to promote Lana: a critical acclaimed album, her biggest debut yet, she was the #5 best-seller artist of 2014:

    This all happened in the early schedule of UV release and this is probably just a tiny part of the whole plan, which means in a long run this album could have done so much better. After that they tried to release Brooklyn Baby and Black Beauty to try to get some money but you all know what happened. She is the one who abandoned her project ( Dec.19 Grazia Interview: "I’m afraid this album will be forgotten(... ) My new album will come out after ( tour), maybe for late-august".
    Maybe she has her reasons and I'm sure her life was also a mess at the time but if Interscope decide to not promote HM fairly I won't even complain because as a label they have a point on what should they invest their money (But this won't happen, she is a big act for them after all). 
  4. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Titan in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    "Honeymoon is alive and breathing".. on life support..
  5. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by drewby in LB Listens! - Week 2: Florence + the Machine   
    If you're not careful I'll make us listen to PRISM so we can all "let the light in"
  6. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Pensacola in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    omg at some of you guys with your melodrama and batshit theories.
    You guys need to calm down and relax. Do you really think it makes sense that if Lana Del Rey was this hopelessly depressed, self conscious, self loathing woman that she'd release a piece of shit for an album so that everyone could mock her and drag her through the coals even more than they did before? Yeah that totally makes sense   
    If Lana is whoever you want her to be (the morose awkward woman you call her...a complete stranger to all of us mind you), it would make more sense for her to create a piece of work that she knows can't be dismissed in any sense of the word, just like she did last year with Ultraviolence, which some (not all) of you with your Kidz Bop-filtered lenses dismissed as boring and hookless. That album may not have yileded a billion copies on the Bareback Cardboard 100 chart but it certainly helped her earn some respect amongst the constipated Williamsburg brigade who thought she'd shrink like a little daisy in the wake of all their lynching.
    Stop trying to deconstruct her brain and just wait for the music to come. We've just passed the 1 year mark since the last album. She's about to release another 1 sometime before the year ends, most ppl would KILL for that kind of frequency amongst their favorite pop stars.  I'm starting to wonder if this fanbase is as wacko and embarrassing as Lady Gaga's.
  7. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Deleted User in Agnes Obel   
    I love her,but I didn't make a thread because I didn't think it'd get any repercussion in THIS forum
  8. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Halcyon in Agnes Obel   
    lel not my thread randomly blowing up 2 years after i made it
  9. Halcyon liked a post in a topic by TRENCH in Agnes Obel   
    YES i STAN for Aventine 
    I love The Curse, Aventine, Words Are Dead, and September Song
  10. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Azealia Banks   
    I think i posted it, but tbh her singles are like nothing lol only maybe a video or whatever 
  11. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Honeymoon is actually a Christmas album, the lyrics to honeymoon are just to fuck with everyone it's actually "hee hee ahhh ah ha, Santa and I going on our honeymoon, I'm in my little red party dress in his sleigh tonight, dancing through the stars in the pale moonlight, feeling fucking crazy on Christmas night, I know if I go, I'll die merry tonight"
    It's actually pretty good despite being a Christmas album she's gonna do a massive tour worldwide "Endless Christmas Tour" in poorly fitting retro Santa style outfits and replace daddy with Santa in all her songs. Truly magical
  12. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by LittleFool in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I love how Lana literally did nothing wrong, nothing is confusing so far, and yet people still feel the need to act like she owes them shit right now. Like, dude, the IG account is up and running, we got a snippet this last week. We'll likely get a song or some info within the next few weeks. Ppl need to chill jc 
  13. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by theeternalstars in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Lana changes her mind again and changes her stage name back to Lana Del Ray, pulls all her material off iTunes, and releases a Greatest Hits album named "The Summertime Sadness Collection" featuring Dan Heath's remastered orchestral mixes of her best songs such as Summertime Sadness, Guns and Roses, and Carmen.
  14. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Let the woman breathe after her tour on her birthday
  15. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by drewby in LB Listens! - Week 2: Florence + the Machine   
    I pitched an idea in the status bar and a few people liked it so I decided to make the thread for it.
    A lot of us are very active in other artist threads on LB and I can safely say that I don't think I would've been exposed to several artists if it wasn't for the crew that always @ other members in threads.
    The point of this is to continue that on a larger scale, but with albums most of us haven't heard of or generally wouldn't listen to for whatever reason. Some of the people that choose to participate may already stan for the artist that week.
    1. The record must be coming that week (unless it's a slow release week or we choose to do an older record)
    2. We will decide what album to cover every weekend via a poll that will be updated every Friday night (EST) and closed on Sunday afternoons when I'm at work 
    3. You must keep an open mind while listening to the record! (duh)
    4. Please post your ratings of the record IN THE THREAD in categories from FAVORITES to OKAY to DIDN'T LIKE or letter grades as numbers for individual tracks are hard to keep up with (Favorites would be an A, Okay would be a C, Didn't Like would be an F)
    5. When the poll is put up each week, discussion of last week's record will cease and the OP will be updated to indicate the albums covered/overall ratings they received/participants for that week/pages the discussion of each record occurred on
    I think that covers everything, just let me know if you'd like to participate and comment with any suggestions for this week...we'll do a previously released record since it would be a shorter week! 
    Week 1: SHAMIR Ratchet B-
    Week 2: FLORENCE + THE MACHINE How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful (Standard)
  16. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by yyxy in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   


  17. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Mind Melt in Lohanthony.   
  18. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by brokenfaith in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Want to report you
  19. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Rayse in Get the Look   
    I found the go go boots she was wearing in Florida here

    seriously bless her for still buying her clothes on costume websites for 40 bucks
  20. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by electra in Get the Look   
    No idea. She wears a sheer double-pocketed blouse with a lace red bra and poppy print skirt, so you'll need to find replacements for those. The blouse can be quite double gendered. Instead of a skirt, how about some shorts? You could either get the specific skirt and sew it up or buy a similar pair.
    While I doubt that there will be many "male" shorts that are poppy-printed, you could always give female shorts a go if you feel confident in them. Patterns like these are quite similar as they contain a lot of orange tones which is IMPORTANT for this type of skirt. Red by itself is TOO heavy in my opinion and takes away from any similarities between the Jane Norman print, so if you find anything and you want it to be similar aim for more orange tones with hints of red and green.
    The shoes from this shoot can't be seen at all, but I wear bright red trainers with ankle socks. Trainers in an ankle-converse (as in the lowest down you can get them, similar to vans!) style if you catch my drift? The red brings out the red of the skirt and the bra which I feel looks pretty.
    I'm not amazing with fashion but I'm quite art-sy so that is what I came up with when piecing it together. Hopefully you'll agree! If not, just say. I'm opening to -trying- to help. haha.
  21. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Lad in Get the Look   
    Omg! Do you know any boy clothes that look like this? I wanna do the BTD look but I suck at searching clothes lmao
  22. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by electra in Get the Look   
    Nobody's given a clear response for this so cause I have it I'll just say it's a Jane Norman Poppy Print skirt. They no longer sell it, but it sometimes comes up on sites like Ebay, and by sometimes I mean SOMETIMES. Maybe, like, once every few months? It was an absolutely bitch to try and find but it was so gorgeous when I bought it. It's so light and puffy. There's also a full dress that's similar and also by Jane Norman I think: 
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