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About ultrattachment

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  1. Gonna order the LP. Unsure about the boxset because it's a lot for a CD. It's so pretty though
  2. and also an interlude nearly in the right track place too and also an interlude nearly in the right track place too
  3. Ok i've come up with a really good fake tracklist now. 1. Honeymoon 2. Music to Watch Boys To 3. Terrence Loves You 4. God Knows I Tried 5. High By The Beach 6. Freak 7. Art Deco 8. Burnt Norton (Interlude) 9. Religion 10. Salvatore 11. The Blackest Day 12. 24 13. Swan Song 14. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
  4. 1. Honeymoon 2. The Age of Adalana Del Rey 3. Wait for Death 4. Poverty 5. Serial Killer (feat. Jeffrey Dahmer) 6. Cervix Gervais 7. Virginity (Lost Demo) 8. High By The Beach 9. A Song for Lohanthony 10. Once Upon A Cream 11. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood 12. Sexy Dreams 13. Lots of Fun 14. Lana Del Rey feat and vs. Cedric Gervais - Cedric Gervais Anthem (feat. Cedric Gervais) (Cedraic Gervais Remix) (vs. Cedric Gervais) DELUXE EDITION BONUS TRACKS 15. Hieeee by the Beach (featuring Alaska Thunderfuck 5000) 16. Flip-slide (French Exclusive) 17. Rainbow Glamour and Rubber Gloves 18. Lana Del Rey 19. I Love Summer (and I Love Courtney Love) (feat. Courtney Love) 20. 12 inch (12 inch vinyl Exclusive)
  5. ultrattachment

    Charli XCX

    I just struggle to see why you needed to attack me from such a hateful place when I posted three times about some CDs that I wanted to go to a good home. I did nothing to personally attack you by posting my CDs on the forum I just thought that as a collector it would be helpful. There is no collectors thread for Charli like there is in on Marinaboards and I was trying to be helpful. I don't know whether you were able to get some sort of kick out of taking your anger and frustration out on me with hurtful comments but you know I just hope it was worth it. Don't you think that even if I wasn't ill then your comments would be inappropriate. No one deserves that
  6. ultrattachment

    Charli XCX

    Thank you for being so kind and helpful. The world needs more people like you. I just want to leave this here for anyone who needs it. http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Bullying/Pages/Cyberbullying.aspx I have had to deal with pain all my life and I don't want anyone else to go through the same thing
  7. ultrattachment

    Charli XCX

    I think the main thing I hate about cyber bullies is that you know nothing about my illnesses and my life in general so you have no idea that while you sit behind your laptop bullying a vulnerable person over the internet, you probably don't even care how your bullying is going to affect my mental health and as someone who has had to struggle with a mental condition for my whole life, I'd like to be a voice for others who have had to go through the same things that I have because they need to know that it's never okay for someone to be abused either in person or over the internet
  8. ultrattachment

    Charli XCX

    You are being very disrespectful and you upset me and I hate you
  9. I love it!! Reminds me of Princess Chelsea and 2000s eurodance. I'm very impressed - this is gonna become one of my new favourite songs <3
  10. ultrattachment

    Charli XCX

    All three auctions are about to end <3
  11. ultrattachment

    Charli XCX

    After some negative feedback on my CDs, I decided to re-list them as auctions starting at some more affordable prices. I really find it hard to let them go for these prices still! !Franchesckaar! - £50 starting bid http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321798106294?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Emelline - £50 starting bid http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321798105519?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 U-Disco vs U-Live - £20 starting bid http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321798106979?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Thanks everyone (sorry for spamming <3)
  12. I'm weeping a bit! I showed it to my mother as well, we agree that it's the cutest thing ever. How random they chose this, I love it so much.
  13. ultrattachment

    Charli XCX

    My listings are still available on eBay Emelline / Art Bitch - reduced from £200 to £150 This is a card-sleeve promo CD sent to press (radio stations / reviewers) that I acquired in 2011. It has the original promo sticker with press information. (http://www.ebay.co.u...984.m1555.l2649) !Franchesckaar! - reduced from £150 to £90 This is a plastic-sleeve promo CD sent to press (radio station / reviewers) that I acquired in 2011. It has the original promo sticker with press information. There were two different versions of this CD - a card-sleeve version and a plastic sleeve - this is the latter, which is very rare - I've only seen two of them. (http://www.ebay.co.u...984.m1555.l2649) !Franchesckaar! (U-Disco vs U-Live) - reduced from £75 to £40 This is a promo CD album that I acquired in 2011 with a range of songs from the finest new talent. It is a very interesting item that I have grown to love. (http://www.ebay.co.u...984.m1555.l2649) I am so sad to be letting them go, but I could really do with the money now. I have put them all on eBay on a Buy It Now / Best Offer listing hoping that they may go to a good home. If there is no interest in the next week or so, I will be putting them to an online auction. I hope they can find a good owner, they are very special to me!
  14. ultrattachment

    Charli XCX

    The whole store thing always confused me. I remember the !Franchesckaar!, Emelline and Nuclear Seasons promos being on the Sandbox Charli XCX store for a very short period of time - I got the idea that the Sandbox store had one copy of each of the three and that Charli was just like "Well I have a spare copy of some of my old promos, might as well put em on the store" because I thought it was strange that Charli would sell thing she hated because she doesn't like her 2008 music so I though it was just a nice thing to do for her fans. The three promos were on her store for a very short time - I remember both before and after they were on sale. The Emelline is the same as the promo on her store but with a promo sticker The !Franchesckaar! is a plastic sleeve version which was sent to some reviewers - seen a couple of them- most of them were card sleeves so there's a couple of variations
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