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Everything posted by Constantine

  1. You are so obsessed with me god this album is gonna suck if it's faux urban pop hip hop whatever. Her early Lana music(2009-2012) was the worst.
  2. people don't really get the title is supposed to be humorous, playful or...?
  3. Remember when she lied about having a miscarriage 5 mins before she went on stage or whatever? She's fucked in the head, honestly.
  4. in what world she plays it safe? You guys make no sense BAR is excellent. Coachella is a piece of trash(still better than Lust for Love though). This album is gonna have a 65 on metacritic!
  5. Summer Bummer sounds super fun. Poor gays Love the 90s witch aesthetic!
  6. Constantine


    Jack's productions still suck. Ugly frog needs to stay away from my faves.
  7. Constantine

    Taylor Swift

    she's so talented
  8. Constantine


    Jack antonoff sucks. His productions are so lifeless and off-putting. This minimalist trend needs to die already
  9. her fuckeen bday g-eazy is gonna be there
  10. Constantine

    Charli XCX

    love the yodeling this album is gonna be the album of the decade.
  11. Constantine


    I'm already over certain songs. Writer in the dark sucks btw. You bet she thought that kissed the writer in the dark line was fucking killer lmao
  12. Constantine


    This album has a 93 on metacritic.
  13. Constantine


    yes they love each other and are fans of each other's music. Let the homos here fume!
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