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About firecracker

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  1. firecracker


    I think this is about drugs. Flying high, plus we all know Lana writes about the subject a lot. Plus meth has been called pilot salt.
  2. firecracker

    Hey, You

    oh my god. I love it <3
  3. firecracker

    My Song 57

    I think its "I never loved somebody so much older"
  4. These are so dope! I do collages too, this is a Lana inspired one I did recently http://fourfeetteninonesock.tumblr.com/post/161786646039
  5. firecracker


    Princess Nokia <3 And 1992 is A+++
  6. firecracker


    Has anyone done a version editing out the rapping yet?
  7. I would like to hear her do something with David Lynch. It's been said before that her stuff is kinda like his movies and it would be interesting to see what they do together.
  8. I hear But you are unfixable, I can’t break through your world. ‘Cause you live in shades of cool, Your heart is unbreakable.
  9. 1949! It's such a nymphet song, plus her voice with the guitar always sounds cute to me.
  10. Her voice is so fucking beautiful in this song.
  11. "I thought you wanted a real girl, baby" reference to Noir?
  12. I was reading A Clockwork Orange and the writer used cancer instead of cigarettes and I thought it made sense.
  13. I always thought it was "light me up that cancer" referring to cigarettes as cancer.
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