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Everything posted by Limelight

  1. Limelight


    So I just downloaded the album and Gemini Feed made me twerk all over my place. Going to post my opinion on the album later
  2. Limelight

    Lady Gaga

    People have to understand she doesn't give a fuck anymore. Of course I would've liked a "wilder" sounding era but gags is going for that and there's nothing we can do. She's already rich so she's doing whatever she wants (unfortunately in some cases)
  3. Limelight

    Lady Gaga

    I'm living off the meltdowns from little managers and people saying she's not with the illuminati anymore
  4. Limelight

    Lady Gaga

  5. Limelight

    Lady Gaga

    Sinner's Prayer's lyrics are so good. When I heard it for the first time and she was saying "good as good as good as" I swore I'd cut a bitch if she said "good as dope"
  6. Limelight

    Lady Gaga

    I liked Sinners Prayers but Ayo was kind of a mess. I need the album version to really judge it though. And can the fags on this forum pls stop putting Madonna and gaga in the same convo? Like, If you're gonna compare gags to someone then at least choose someone decent
  7. Limelight

    Lady Gaga

    Omg what??? SHe sang other songs? Dying, watching the bar tour nooow
  8. Limelight

    Lady Gaga

    I'm slayed. MR made up for what PI lacked
  9. Limelight


    The only video I didn't like was Scream but I don't like the song to begin with
  10. Limelight


    Omg I'm late to the party
  11. Limelight


  12. She's just having a bad day, wait until she posted a video on instagram looking fabulous again.
  13. Nobody said it wasn't a traumatizing event for Kim, but it's already over and she didn't get hurt. She'll probably be traumatized for a while but nothing that more security can't fix. If she had gotten stabbed it would've been something else. + nobody said her being a millionaire changed anything for her, it just made the possibility of getting robbed higher lol. I couldn't care less about people worrying about Kim, the problem is just blowing this out of proportion + people starting that shit with harlow. + You comment just further proves the point harlow made
  14. @gloomyharlow Gurl I know exactly what you meant and I 100% agree with what you said about some people here "Some of you have a hard time in reading and comprehension and I have zero patience". Sometimes I tell myself they must be trolling because no one can be that stupid. Harlow didn't literally say Kim deserved what she got, but if you guys take your heads out of your asses for a moment and think about what happened based on what happens in the real world, you'll see that these kind of things are not that uncommon. Kim has every right to flaunt her wealth as much as she wants, but OF COURSE that'll attract robbers, and that's exactly what happened. So in a way it is her fault. Her mistake was not having guards with her. I mean, Paris is normally a safe city, but when you're super famous and have $10m of jewelry like that you have to take more precautions. And don't come with that "girls wearing short shorts are asking to be raped". Anyone should dress how they seem fit but I'm sure if a girl wore really short clothes and went to a place notorious for its high level of sexual violence there's a huge possibility she's going to get raped. Was she asking for it? No, but it still happened. And you guys don't seem to get that. And don't expect people to feel bad for her, even though she got robbed she wasn't physically hurt. Meanwhile people are dying in other parts of the world but I don't see no one talking about it here.
  15. I had to re-read the article. Concierge and security guard is not the same for me but ok
  16. Someone fire this concierge And I wish I had a 4m ring
  17. None. I like DLMBM a lot but she should just stop, two covers of nina are enough
  18. I can't play this game because voting to eliminate any song other than Guns and Roses and TOW would not feel right. SoC better win btw
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