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Everything posted by Limelight

  1. Well, if you take into consideration only the people who speak English it's not 7 billion people anymore lol
  2. No need to insult another artist to defend your fave, you're no better than him
  3. Omg she looks so beautiful And I don't think it's strange that she talks about her fear of dying. Some people who want to die just want it to happen to end their suffering, but at the same time they are scared of it. So yeah
  4. Reviving this thread to say this song is amazing and def one of Lana's best tracks ever
  5. I don't like the names Move and How Do You Know Me So Well. Find My Own Way and I'm Indebted To You are way better
  6. I actually prefer DLMBM as the album closer than Swam Song. SS is good but not that strong to close
  7. I like it but what's the point of wearing such colorful clothing (and make up) if it's going to be in black and white.
  8. Omg,where have you been hiding? visit the Pictures of You tread pls If she comes in August I might go.
  9. May Jailer should come back for another acoustic album
  10. Honeymoon is a really good album but Ultraviolence is just so raw and powerful. I mean, just listen to SoC ( the bridge slays all of the HM ones ), WC ( how the tempo changes and the synths at the end, BB, UV, SG, etc. They're too different to compare but she was in a dark place when she recorded the songs and you def hear it. So yeah, UV.
  11. I'm in love with this song, I love how she sings it and the instrumental I only heard Nina's cover once and it didn't do anything to me. I will listen to it again one day. The lines But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood' are so beautiful
  12. @@butterflies just released his new album! It's great so give it a listen https://xbutterfliesx.bandcamp.com/album/strangers-sweets-taste-better
  13. I said I didn't like any religion lol. And I have a really good muslim friend, but we never discuss about religion.
  14. What's wrong with everyone getting so worked up for so little Culture appropriation is such a stupid concept. Nowadays we see articles like ' can white girls twerk' ' can white people rap?' 'can etc etc'. What I've noticed is that mostly white people are the ones who get offended by it. I'm Brazilian and I couldn't care less if an American white singers decided to incorporate some of my country's traditions in her videos. Again:
  15. I agree that one should respect other cultures but I really don't think muslims do that (at least not when it comes to them having to adapt). I live in Paris and the region is full of arabs and muslims, and even though the burqa is forbidden here for example, you still see ladies wearing them in the Champs Elysées ( now try to go to one of those really strict countries wearing short shorts and tight clothes (what Brazilian girls normally wear tbh) and you'll have a really hard time). Another example is Sweden: Ever since the country has opened its borders it's become a mess (Swedish people told me this). The muslims there do not want to adapt and instead demand the country's gov to do it. I'm an immigrant too but I try to adapt to French culture as much as I can. In that sense I DO have a problem with Islam (with all religions tbh, but Christianism doesn't have that much influence anymore and doesn't affect daily life and laws in most countries I believe). And before I'm labeled as racist, I'd just like to say that in no way I have a problem with the people themselves. The problem is religion tbh
  16. I've lived in 3 different countries, speak 4 languages and been to a lot of countries lol. I don't even see what's wrong with my comment. The first part is just me asking if she really has a lot of fans there (charts etc) and the second one me hoping she won't have to cover everything/ change lyrics etc for a concert. What's the problem? Whenever people mention the middle east or islam it's like everyone goes crazy.
  17. Oh, did I offend you? I'm so sorry, maybe I should reconsider my thoughts before posting, or not. If you don't like my comments just block me and stop complaining like a basic cunt. And don't prentend that I'm coming from nowhere. In the middle east they even change album covers. I never said she'd have to wear a burqa.
  18. Does she really have a lot of fans in the middle east? Hopefully she won't have to cover up her whole body xd And when did she mention AKA? Maybe I didn't pay attention
  19. x) I did buy UV ok lol And I was asking about the US and UK, it's not like me buying an album will have an impact there
  20. It's #1 in both the American and British Itunes though?
  21. Does HM have a chance of going #1 in the US and Uk?
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