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LDR Madness Bracket

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I have no idea if someone here already done this but in that case, here's another one. (also is this the right category to put this post in?)




Don't be too mad about the song select and the seeding. I tried to put the order in what I think are her biggest songs/have the most impact but that was a challenge and I know it's not perfect. The real challenge however was to then do the bracket, especially when I love every single song in it. The result was somewhat shocking and I had a hard time deciding if I should go after what I think today is the better song or what song has the most personal meaning to me. But anyways, here's mine:



Try it yourself, i'm ready for a chaotic discussion :godlaugh:

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 this is where i always get stuck in which one is my true favourite but it honestly must be cruel world

dont @ me bitchestumblr_p6i850DqdP1vkmteko1_1280.jpg

Do you have a blank one of this? The one in the OP is missing a lot of songs

But as far as the one in the OP:



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Do you have a blank one of this? The one in the OP is missing a lot of songs

But as far as the one in the OP:



it would still end up the same for me  this one doesnt have Freak! i wont even bother  :deadbanana:

and theres Radio twice in the OP haha

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Some of these were really hard lol! Especially considering some preferences change according to mood. Oh well this is what I'm feeling now. This was fun though, thanks for the post. Anyways I laid in bed when I woke up doing this, I may look back once I wake up more lol! Although this would probably be the best time for my true judgements. Done rambling.

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excuse the messy abbreviations, but here's mine:






obviously my tastes also change a bit depending on my mood/the season/phases of the moon/depressive episodes ((((;


how did you make these? i wanna do a lizzy bracket


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I want to upload mine but I don't know how to put my image in here, help :toofunny:


i wish i could help but i honestly don't know either  :creep: someone help us


Lol you can click on this icon adk95d.pngand put the link of the image you want to post; if you didn't take it from the Internet you have to upload it on Tinypic, Photobucket or sites like these ones and get the link!

Anyway this is mine, and yes, it was really hard :crai:

I'm not even 100% sure about my choices but I've spent too much time on this  :toofunny: 


✧・゚:* ヽ(*・ω・)ノ*:・゚✧


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