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Does Lana hate Honeymoon?

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i also think she loves it and is especially proud of it when compared to the rest of her discog. as for not playing it live, since the songs are so personal & meaningful to her, maybe she just doesn't want to ruin them for her by overplaying them (something that happens to p much all musicians) so she saves them for special occasions? idk.

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lol no. I’m sure she loves it! It’s her most personal record to date. It wasn’t exactly made for the public but for her, that’s why she called it a ‘vanity project’.


+ as lmdr said, in some show of the tour she said it was her favorite.


I'm dying to see a video of that quote, I honestly can't imagine  :creep:

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I think it's pretty clear that it's really close to her heart. She performed many songs on different times an there's still time to bring more back (I never really expected MTWBT to come out of nowhere). 


It's just like how half ultraviolence was never performed after getting actually released. 

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I think she doesn't do it live much BECAUSE she likes it and it's personal to her.

Back in the paradise era she said Bel  Air is the most personal song on the album. She never sang it once.

Dark Paradise is another one. It's clearly meaningful and true to her, a honest representation of her vulnerable thoughts. She only performed it a handful of times.

Songs like Art Deco, Music To Watch Boys To, Freak, Swan Song, High By The Beach don't translate well to live singing.

And while The Blackest Day is one of  her best songs ever, it's like Heroin...super sad, dark and melancholic. She will never do that one live.

It's a shame about God Knows I Tried though. That is one she could do really well with, her vocalizing would really fit with the repetitive nature of the song

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I think she loves it even more than she's claiming because I feel like this is what Lizzy would've been the most proud of. Like Honeymoon is that magnum opus album that you dream about when you fantasize about writing your own stuff for the first time. Plus she's bringing up these crazy melodies and cinematic sound that a lot of what she listens to has, the lyrics have references to other works and themes that she probably wanted to mirror etc.


Long post short, she probably blasts it in her house while reading and sunbathing with the headphones with it on. It's the type of project that won't ever grow old in your eyes.


If I'm coming off as a person who puts words in her mouth I'm sorry it wasn't intentional


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Maybe it is because she thinks people don't appreciate that album as much as the others. Like, I've always seen people on here slandering the true masterpiece Honeymoon is. I personally think she loves the album but wants to play it safely when it comes to her shows. It's a pity because I'd love to hear more of those songs played live.


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Maybe it is because she thinks people don't appreciate that album as much as the others. Like, I've always seen people on here slandering the true masterpiece Honeymoon is. I personally think she loves the album but wants to play it safely when it comes to her shows. It's a pity because I'd love to hear more of those songs played live.

This  :defeated:

On another note, I wonder why she keeps the Honeymoon instagram account? I wonder why she even made it in the first place, like what was the plan for it? It must just be something close to her that she wants to remember that album in a special way forever

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This  :defeated:

On another note, I wonder why she keeps the Honeymoon instagram account? I wonder why she even made it in the first place, like what was the plan for it? It must just be something close to her that she wants to remember that album in a special way forever


Would LOVE to know that to! The content was literally so similar to her regular Insta account so I never got the idea and what it really means to her.


I think it's pretty clear that it's really close to her heart. She performed many songs on different times an there's still time to bring more back (I never really expected MTWBT to come out of nowhere). 


It's just like how half ultraviolence was never performed after getting actually released. 


Yeah true, but actually UV to me seems to get so much more exposure than HM. With UV I get the feeling that she always really loved it and was very proud of it. I have the feeling the sound of the record is exactly what she wanted to do and sees it as a perfect representation of her style. And when she did the Endless Summer Tour she did perform more UV songs, even up until now. More than she did off HM with the Festival Tour for HM promotion and now LA To The Moon tour with L4L songs. So I honestly think UV got a very special treatment till today. Which is cool because the album is a masterpiece! Maybe the topics of some songs feel a bit more distant to her than songs on HM, if it's true what people have said in this thread.

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You take that back. MTWBT is absolutely great live, almost better than the studio version. The production is so much better 

Oh wow she served after the 3:50 mark

Like i didn't expect that. :lel:

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