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I wish we could blame all of this on her being a Gemini but that's not the case anymore according to Elizabeth herself.

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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I wish we could blame all of this on her being a Gemini but that's not the case anymore according to Elizabeth herself.


The cancers I know are flaky as hell too, though that might just be them  :crossed:

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I wish we could blame all of this on her being a Gemini but that's not the case anymore according to Elizabeth herself.

Elizabeth, the lying ass Gemini

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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I agree with all these points made, just adding in my two cents. I can understand why some of you are upset at Lana attending these churches, but I do think as we don't know exactly why she is attending, we can't jump to conclusions. Lana may not know the anti-LGBTQ views of the churches she attends (which is no excuse as she should look into it more) but if this is the case, it would show Lana is unlikely to be homophobic. It also makes sense to me that she is attending another event in these churches, which may not necessarily be religious (again, she should do some research into what venue she is attending and how this may affect her fanbase). She could be lost in life at the moment, and is simply following her friends to be part of a group - this is still naive and no excuse, but again it shows that she is not necessarily homophobic and may be unaware of the anti-LBGTQ views of these churches. If Lana was truly homophobic, I don't think she would spend so much time meeting fans during concerts and outside concerts (I am not trying to go down the route or 'she associates with LGBTQ groups so therefore she can't be homophobic', instead I am just saying I don't think she would put as much effort in to meet fans if she was homophobic, and I don't think she would have dedicated 'Love' to her fans, knowing we are largely LGBTQ, either).


The main point I am trying to make here, is that loads of things could be going on, which does not mean Lana is homophobic. Yeah, it could definitely mean she is naive, but not homophobic.  


if the Love was really dedicated to her fans (including LGBTQs), maybe there'd be the tiniest ounce of gay shit in the video, but there's not.  Just a massive dose of basic straight white couples smiling vaguely at each other and taking cues from Lana like they all know that really people are supposed to be straight, and that straight love is genuinely the only kind that matters or is significant, and they'll all be going to the church barbeque once they get off the moon. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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tbh i really have to get off this forum.  i dont think my relationship with this (potentially imaginary) album is good for me HAHA.  Lana songs keep coming on different CDs i burned in my car, and i'm like.. damn this puta's music really went there and now i dont even want to listen to it, so i skip.  i think she was fake af the whole time.  that's the only sane reason i can see for her acting so different and vapid now.  then again, Lana has said herself she's not sane.


but fr, the bitch might as well be blatantly homophobic.  like, sorry bout it, but if youre going to homophobic churches (or really any church that sees the very misogynistic, homophobic, anti-indigenous, anti-pagan, anti-witch, anti-sex Bible as true or worthwhile) and youre going to hotels owned by countries that literally stone gays, and you dedicate a video about Love to your fans and exclude anything but straight white American love -- no. you are not just "playing coy."  Homophobia has been able to hold so strong in this world because people don't talk about it.  Until recent history, people arent even supposed to talk about LGBT people or issues at all, or about sex, or about the violent history of genocide and slavery that created the nation Lana wants to worship for its aesthetic by wearing Indian headdresses as a slap in the face to surviving Indian people.  i should have known back then and not made excuses for her.


so someone who has gotten famous off their gay fans' attention and money then doesnt even have the spine to address gay issues even a little bit  is just as bad as a homophobe to me.  LGBT people get killed, even in the West, pretty commonly.  We are still a marginalized group that is more likely to be poor, attacked, killed, incarcerated, homeless, unemployed, or prone to suicide than the general population.  We know we exist.  We know society is not set up for us to thrive.  All these straight supremacists going about their lives never acknowledging we even exist IS homophobia.  The silence is what allows the violence to happen, when any sort of group is under attack.

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if the Love was really dedicated to her fans (including LGBTQs), maybe there'd be the tiniest ounce of gay shit in the video, but there's not. Just a massive dose of basic straight white couples smiling vaguely at each other and taking cues from Lana like they all know that really people are supposed to be straight, and that straight love is genuinely the only kind that matters or is significant, and they'll all be going to the church barbeque once they get off the moon. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


So apart from the first time did Lana attend hillsong or another church? And if another church how do we know it's homophobic too?I want receipts

...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down...

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So apart from the first time did Lana attend hillsong or another church? And if another church how do we know it's homophobic too?I want receipts

so the girl wearing a rainbow tank top is supposed to be pro-gay? LOL. how about a gay couple? gays holding hands?  that's way more Gay than a rainbow.  what a joke.


honey, the BIBLE is homophobic, among other horrible things.  i have read the bible.  do i need to drag out the verses i usually save for christians who havent read their holy book?  Church claiming the Bible is true / the Word of God = homophobic.  Church not claiming the Bible is true = not Christian

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so the girl wearing a rainbow tank top is supposed to be pro-gay? LOL. how about a gay couple? gays holding hands? that's way more Gay than a rainbow. what a joke.


honey, the BIBLE is homophobic, among other horrible things. i have read the bible. do i need to drag out the verses i usually save for christians who havent read their holy book? Church claiming the Bible is true / the Word of God = homophobic. Church not claiming the Bible is true = not Christian

Oh are you kidding me? We knew Lana is catholic since forever

You are the joke here without arguments

...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down...

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Obviously, some of the issues people raise here week in and week out are contentious as well as complex, with long histories. There's more than one way to think about those issues, in fact, there's a vast array of ways to think about them. Not everyone thinks alike; that should be clear.

If a male reporter gives a bad review to a Lady Gage performance on stage or on film, that doesn't make him a misogynist, even if he's also slagged an Ariana Grande album within six weeks or two. Few, if any, would ever make such a claim if the genders were reversed, or if both the critic and reviewer were both male or both female, or otherwise self-identified in the same way.  


Not liking or supporting something doesn't, generally speaking, equate to hate. If I don't like a film or song, and say so, it doesn't mean I am demanding all copies of it be burned. If I've had a bad experience with a short person and foolishly decide that, in my personal life, I no longer like people I deem to be "short," that's my right, as long as I do not violate their civil and legal rights by denying them housing, a job, attendance to a school or college, or whatever. If someone here isn't attracted to people with red hair or blond hair and decides never to date such a person, they are not violating the rights of people with red or blond hair. 


For better or worse, the federal and state systems define, over the course of time, what is and what is not discrimination. We see cases concerning that going to the Supreme Court a lot lately. Not every 'dislike' is a matter of human rights being violated, and it cheapens all the cases were human rights are violated to constantly, continually accuse others of violating others' rights. If you don't like me, even on the limited basis in which you know me, you are not violating my human rights by doing so or saying so. If I am banned here because I have broken the rules again and again, the administrators are not violating my human rights. 


Similarly, not every dislike or indifference amounts to a 'phobia.' If I decide I or anyone else doesn't want to date people with red hair, it doesn't make me or them 'gingerphobic.' The genuine meaning of 'phobic,' as opposed to the new slang version, is a very serious, uncontrollable, deep-seated fear and revulsion for something, whether it's insects, heights, whales or tall men with small feet. That's a big difference from casually disliking something or knowing yourself well enough to know there's something you're uncomfortable with in your personal life and would prefer to just avoid


Many here express all kinds of hate on a variety of subjects and topics on a weekly basis, but don't seem to see the irony in that. Look at the hostility expressed here constantly against various forms of organized religion. Are those who express those views here 'religion-phobic'? 'If someone here says, "I'm against organized religions of all kinds, including Buddhism and Islam," or "I have no appreciation of organized religion," or "Religion is just a means of controlling the masses, in my opinion," that's fine--that's what they think. It doesn't make them sick, it doesn't make them 'phobic' or mentally ill. 


Because people think differently from you on any topic doesn't not make them 'haters.' 


We get no where as a society or as individuals if everything comes down to--if you and I come down to--"I hate you because you think MAC is better than VB and 'Hope.'  

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y'all are so crazy let the woman go to her hipster church. people can follow a religion and not believe in every aspect of it  :facepalm:


Going to a traditional church as in religion and not believing every word of it =/= going to a specific church as in building which has homophobia as one of its core beliefs... yikes.

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Oh are you kidding me? We knew Lana is catholic since forever

You are the joke here without arguments

See, here's my issue.  I knew she was influencing by Catholic imagery and shit, but I really did not think she was actually christian.  With songs like Gods and Monsters and the tongue-in-cheek way she portrayed God and religion in Tropico, and how she made Religion the song about a guy, I thought that she was really not into the actual christian religion like that.  But yeah, maybe that makes me a joke for thinking better of her when I shouldnt have.  If you wanna pretend people can literally align themselves with an institution or scripture that declares people and nature are inherently evil and require some Big Daddy in the sky to redeem them through blood sacrifice and cannibalism, and NOT be fucked up, okay.  Whatever.  That's your prerogative, but it's moronic to not even dig that deep when it's so in your face.


I'm not "letting" Lana do anything.  She doesnt need my permission (obvs) to do anything, and I dont need her permission to have an opinion about church or her music or her celebrity.  Let me talk trash on a myopic homophobic pop star with too much money, it doesnt mean i hate every aspect of her being.

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Obviously, some of the issues people raise here week in and week out are contentious as well as complex, with long histories. There's more than one way to think about those issues, in fact, there's a vast array of ways to think about them. Not everyone thinks alike; that should be clear.


If a male reporter gives a bad review to a Lady Gage performance on stage or on film, that doesn't make him a misogynist, even if he's also slagged an Ariana Grande album within six weeks or two. Few, if any, would ever make such a claim if the genders were reversed, or if both the critic and reviewer were both male or both female, or otherwise self-identified in the same way.  


Not liking or supporting something doesn't, generally speaking, equate to hate. If I don't like a film or song, and say so, it doesn't mean I am demanding all copies of it be burned. If I've had a bad experience with a short person and foolishly decide that, in my personal life, I no longer like people I deem to be "short," that's my right, as long as I do not violate their civil and legal rights by denying them housing, a job, attendance to a school or college, or whatever. If someone here isn't attracted to people with red hair or blond hair and decides never to date such a person, they are not violating the rights of people with red or blond hair. 


Many here express all kinds of hate on a variety of subjects and topics on a weekly basis, but don't seem to see the irony in that


For better or worse, the federal and state systems define, over the course of time, what is and what is not discrimination. We see cases concerning that going to the Supreme Court a lot lately. Not every 'dislike' is a matter of human rights being violated, and it cheapens all the cases were human rights are violated to constantly, continually accuse others of violating others' rights. If you don't like me, even on the limited basis in which you know me, you are not violating my human rights by doing so or saying so. If I am banned here because I have broken the rules again and again, the administrators are not violating my human rights. 


Similarly, not every dislike or indifference amounts to a 'phobia.' If I decide I or anyone else doesn't want to date people with red hair, it doesn't make me or them 'gingerphobic.' The genuine meaning of 'phobic,' as opposed to the new slang version, is a very serious, uncontrollable, deep-seated fear and revulsion for something, whether it's insects, heights, whales or tall men with small feet. That's a big difference from casually disliking something. 


Because people think differently from you on any topic doesn't not make them 'haters.' 


We get no where as a society or as individuals if everything comes down to--if you and I come down to--"I hate you because you think MAC is better than VB and 'Hope.'  


I can't tell whether you're unironically telling the LGBT people here to be alright with someone vaguely disliking their sexuality or not. This is a bit more serious than someone being jokingly hyperbolic over songs...

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y'all are so crazy let the woman go to her hipster church. people can follow a religion and not believe in every aspect of it  :facepalm:

Her hipster church. Hipster church. That's what it is to you?


Yet another person I hope is a straight cis male.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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Obviously, some of the issues people raise here week in and week out are contentious as well as complex, with long histories. There's more than one way to think about those issues, in fact, there's a vast array of ways to think about them. Not everyone thinks alike; that should be clear.


If a male reporter gives a bad review to a Lady Gage performance on stage or on film, that doesn't make him a misogynist, even if he's also slagged an Ariana Grande album within six weeks or two. Few, if any, would ever make such a claim if the genders were reversed, or if both the critic and reviewer were both male or both female, or otherwise self-identified in the same way.  


Not liking or supporting something doesn't, generally speaking, equate to hate. If I don't like a film or song, and say so, it doesn't mean I am demanding all copies of it be burned. If I've had a bad experience with a short person and foolishly decide that, in my personal life, I no longer like people I deem to be "short," that's my right, as long as I do not violate their civil and legal rights by denying them housing, a job, attendance to a school or college, or whatever. If someone here isn't attracted to people with red hair or blond hair and decides never to date such a person, they are not violating the rights of people with red or blond hair. 


Many here express all kinds of hate on a variety of subjects and topics on a weekly basis, but don't seem to see the irony in that


For better or worse, the federal and state systems define, over the course of time, what is and what is not discrimination. We see cases concerning that going to the Supreme Court a lot lately. Not every 'dislike' is a matter of human rights being violated, and it cheapens all the cases were human rights are violated to constantly, continually accuse others of violating others' rights. If you don't like me, even on the limited basis in which you know me, you are not violating my human rights by doing so or saying so. If I am banned here because I have broken the rules again and again, the administrators are not violating my human rights. 


Similarly, not every dislike or indifference amounts to a 'phobia.' If I decide I or anyone else doesn't want to date people with red hair, it doesn't make me or them 'gingerphobic.' The genuine meaning of 'phobic,' as opposed to the new slang version, is a very serious, uncontrollable, deep-seated fear and revulsion for something, whether it's insects, heights, whales or tall men with small feet. That's a big difference from casually disliking something. 


Because people think differently from you on any topic doesn't not make them 'haters.' 


We get no where as a society or as individuals if everything comes down to--if you and I come down to--"I hate you because you think MAC is better than VB and 'Hope.'  

as per usual, i'm afraid youve missed the point.

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Guys we all hate homophobia (I suppose lol)

And in my opinion we can't ask a person not being religious (as someone already said you can not follow every aspect of it) but we can't condeemn someone for being homophobic without proof.. Isn't this church she is attending called churchome or something? Do we know for sure that it provides homophobia? I don't understand, I just want justice 

...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down...

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Guys we all hate homophobia (I suppose lol)

And in my opinion we can't ask a person not being religious (as someone already said you can not follow every aspect of it) but we can't condeemn someone for being homophobic without proof.. Isn't this church she is attending called churchome or something? Do we know for sure that it provides homophobia? I don't understand, I just want justice 

It's Hillsong by a different name. Just Google it. As for the "for sure"...just read between the lines. It's easy to understand what their stance is.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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It's Hillsong by a different name. Just Google it. As for the "for sure"...just read between the lines. It's easy to understand what their stance is.


It isn't really though. Hillsong was founded by an Austrialian guy, Churchome was founded by a couple from Seattle.


Its similar in that its like McDonalds and Burger King but I think the problem with Hillsong was the guy actually came out against stuff. The people from Churchome havent done anything.

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Yeah idk about the homophobia thing I think it's too far to think, but yeah I don't like this church at all it seems too weird and suspicious in a way (we are the good Christians that gather here and sharing our love for Jesus..)like so pretentious.. But I'm thinking that Lana is feeling lonely? And she needs to be a part of something at the moment.. Idk I hope this story has a good ending

...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down...

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