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people in North Korea

The majority of North Koreans are impoverished and held hostage by their own government. You know what happens when they try to leave? They get shot. And, even on the off chance they do successfully escape, their families are gathered up and sent off to labor camps.


I understand the point you're attempting to make, but choose a better example next time.

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don't worry. Those church people are going to brainwash her in giving them all her money. And when she is broke she will start promoting herself again to make them coins. Circle of life and all.

Sorry can you tell I'm getting cynical.

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I've had 'friends' that I found out were disgustingly homophobic that knew I'm bi, that would listen and nod when I talked about girls, that thought having a token LBGT friend made their vile views acceptable. It's called moral licensing. And yes, joining a homophobic church and giving money to them, or holding the view of 'hate the sin, not the sinner' is pretty homophobic, even if she isn't at westboro levels yet. I'm not looking for every opportunity to drag her down. I'm allowed to be disappointed and angry that she's openly aligning herself with churches that hold these views, no matter her own personal views, and given that one of her current friends posted that picture in that hotel and then deleted the comments reminding her of the boycott, I'm not too optimistic about her personal views tbh. I'm not here for this 'let celebrities live their life without judgement' shtick when their lives involve waving away human rights lmao.

People not understanding things aren't black & white makes communicating so much harder. They think being racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/etc means you want a certain group of people to suffer and die -end of story. That implicitly leads to the conclusion that not wanting said group of people to suffer and die means you can't possibly be anything but a staunch supporter of their rights. That could not be further from the truth. I don't think Lana and her Hillsong groupie friends are going over to Cha Cha Matcha to drink their tea and laugh about gays getting electrocuted. I don't think they gather to pray a plague wipes us all out. And I don't think anyone believes that. But it's glaringly obvious she is a woman who clings to every ounce of privilege she has, and wears it proudly. That's disgusting enough.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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lana is CHOOSING to go to a homophobic church. comparing it to north korean citizens is literally so different. they dont really have a choice. what i was trying to say is by lana willingly attending, shes advocating for them and ignoring their anti lgbt history, which is basically a big "fuck you" to her fans

Just attending really isn’t advocating tho??? She’s never posted “going to church to see my anti-gay babies tonight” she never posts about it. She’s never publicly said, “Oh, go support Hillsong!!!!” Not once. It’s her private life. Would you rather her stream their service at home and stay out of public forever then, like a recluse??? I mean, she can’t catch a break... no matter what she does.



Everyone is ignoring my point. The point is, assuming things doesn’t get anyone anywhere, especially when we don’t know the nature of her going.


I get people feeling strangely about this and I get it being an issue for some, but I really hope you all can have some sort of peace. I mean, it just seems really unhealthy all of the negativity here rn


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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This is such a bad mentality to have. Do you think all people in North Korea hates Americans, just by being there? Bc it’s well know NK hates the US, yet, not EVERYONE there hates the US.... it’s the same concept. Going there doesn’t mean anything, especially since she’s not going during when most churches have a service time (which is usually Wednesday or Sundays), she’s going on Fridays and other random days of the week.

You...you cannot be serious. This has to be a joke. A bad, drawn out joke. This has to be sarcasm I'm not getting.


ETA: I require financial compensation for the injuries my brain sustained after reading the rest of your post.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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Look, guys, I’m not trying to excuse her ignorance of the church’s past, I just think without knowing from her what she’s thinking or doing, we need to chill. Maybe this experience is to make an album about a cult. Idfk. Maybe she is looking for some sort of self improvement and her friends go there so she’s going bc she’s familiar with people there. I wouldn’t go to a church if I didn’t know anyone. It would be weird and awkward (and I prolly wouldn’t be caught dead supporting organized religion in general, but I digress...)


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Just attending really isn’t advocating tho??? She’s never posted “going to church to see my anti-gay babies tonight” she never posts about it. She’s never publicly said, “Oh, go support Hillsong!!!!” Not once. It’s her private life. Would you rather her stream their service at home and stay out of public forever then, like a recluse??? I mean, she can’t catch a break... no matter what she does.



Everyone is ignoring my point. The point is, assuming things doesn’t get anyone anywhere, especially when we don’t know the nature of her going.


I get people feeling strangely about this and I get it being an issue for some, but I really hope you all can have some sort of peace. I mean, it just seems really unhealthy all of the negativity here rn

i get what you're saying but doesn't attending something regularly and repeatedly like demonstrate implicit support? and even if it didn't, the vast majority of churches solicit donations from their attendees. i sincerely doubt someone as well off as lana attends a church regularly without donating in some degree (yes that's an assumption, and i could be wrong, but i don't think it's at all improbable). hell, back when my family went to catholic church and lived off government assistance, we still donated to the church (not that i support this at all!! i was like 5 and my parents were too damn idealistic!! i think it was a stupid thing to do but my point stands!!). the very nature of living in a capitalistic society means we vote with our capital, whether we like it or not. it's the same reason people boycott companies (but imo giving money to a sketchy religious organization is even sketchier than buying something from a sketchy company, bc of churches' tax exempt status). anyway i digress, my point was that (imo) she definitely implicitly supports it by attending repeatedly, and possibly explicitly supports it via monetary contribution


that's all

it's just the way i feel

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Have y’all noticed that Doin’ Time is rising on iTunes and radio? I smell a potential hit if she puts an ounce of effort into promoting it


I'd love to see her put in at least a minimal effort promoting it too (her singing to the song on her instagram doesn't count....), but you know it will never happen. Promoting her music is a concept our girl is no longer subscribing to.  :pft:

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I'd love to see her put in at least a minimal effort promoting it too (her singing to the song on her instagram doesn't count....), but you know it will never happen. Promoting her music is a concept our girl is no longer subscribing to.  :pft:

Yeah idk what she’s thinking, she’s just been barely doing the minimum


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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ma’am this is a lana del rey fansite :awkney:

Yeah, the delusion is real


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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This is such a bad mentality to have. Do you think all people in North Korea hates Americans, just by being there? Bc it’s well know NK hates the US, yet, not EVERYONE there hates the US.... it’s the same concept. Going there doesn’t mean anything, especially since she’s not going during when most churches have a service time (which is usually Wednesday or Sundays), she’s going on Fridays and other random days of the week. I think her having an AA meeting there actually makes a lot of sense


And honestly it’s not our business. If nobody took pics of her there, nobody would know and nobody would give a shit where she’s going or what she’s doing. She’s not publicly supporting the church or posting about it, she’s doing it privately


Being a celebrity is hard bc no matter what you do, you’re shamed. You go to church for yourself, hoping for self-improvement, you’re called a homophobe. You support gay pride, the ACTUAL homophobic pricks come out of the woodworks and says “FUCK YOU”. That’s why she’s always stayed away from politics and why she doesn’t want to speak about issues like feminism bc either way, someone will give her shame for it. It’s not that she doesn’t care or doesn’t want to be involved, it’s a way to protect her public image and business (and is pretty smart to try and avoid it, honestly, with this political climate...)



Guys can we stop projecting hate towards a woman who’s just trying to live her life while she’s taking a break. It’s obvious there’s a bit of a break going on for her rn, for whichever reason I’m sure she has a few, and we should be fine with that. We’ve had 6 albums since 2010, an EP, a short film, and over 200+ unreleased songs. Chill out already (trust me, I want to hear nfr as much as anyone else but give her space, sheesh...)


I've lost all my remaining brain cells reading the first paragraph alone and now I'm incapable of reading so I can't read the rest sorry

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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I've lost all my remaining brain cells reading the first paragraph alone and now I'm incapable of reading so I can't read the rest sorry

Then don’t comment on something you didn’t read fully bc you won’t get my point. Selective comprehension doesn’t help in this situation.


Maybe I used the wrong example, but that’s what it’s sounding like to me. Sure NKs are forced to believe stuff and live there but the point is, being at a place with bad beliefs doesn’t mean you believe everything they do too


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Can we stop making excuses for Lana already? Sis is dumb and ignorant and she's most likely donating to some degree. Let's just call it like it is.

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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Then don’t comment on something you didn’t read fully bc you won’t get my point. Selective comprehension doesn’t help in this situation.


Maybe I used the wrong example, but that’s what it’s sounding like to me. Sure NKs are forced to believe stuff and live there but the point is, being at a place with bad beliefs doesn’t mean you believe everything they do too

Yes, 911? There's a serial (brain cell) killer here, pls help


I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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Okay so back on topic with NFR. I feel like were not getting any news for the rest of June. July? I don't know, honestly. I'm almost certain next year we will finally get the album. Were already half way through the year and only got HIADT and a cover. Oh, and a magazine with no album related news. :what:

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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