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I guess I'm a delusional loser then


Do you agree that FROOT is Marina's best album yet...?

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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This is difficult but yes. I love how more openly affectionate dogs are then some cats. Cats are still so wonderful too and I love how sly they are, and I guess it makes things sweeter when they decide to warm up to you ~ 

How do you deal with difficult social situations? Confrontational, or non? 


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I don't - I've been stressing the hell out for years now LOL but I finally tried counselling today. So maybe it can be a way to center myself if I get lost in my life problems again  :facepalm:


Do you collect things?

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Ooh, it was refreshing to listen to something super different from my usual taste. I'm personally really into the current sad mumble rap trash era of today though so it's hard for me to relate to something a lot more 'happy' (not the right word I'm looking for...) like this. It's hard to explain LOL but thank you for sharing that 


Do you have any particular phobia?

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Idk if it counts but I'm afraid of big dogs bc I got attacted by a big dog when I was younger. Everytime I see a dog in someones garden (even with fences) I go back or search for another way so I have  not to pass the dog.  If someone passes with  a dog I keep a big distance.



Do you write your own songs or even books or sth like that?


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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Yes. tumblr_nlf6km34bM1ralycao4_400.gif lol ok! Well, lyrics and melodies come naturally for me, but I've been actually making consistent effort towards fleshing things out on the piano. Books, I actually wrote like one page, but never really got past that. I really admire those who can lineate their thoughts like that though. The dedication! Knowing myself it'd take a lot of research for me to flesh out that kind of world nd storylines. Maybe when I'm like, older


Do you have any regrets in life? Did u try doing something about it after realizing?


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