PepsiCola 13 Posted November 19, 2012 Okay first off, I like the idea of Paradise more than the actual album. RIDE 732844794027/5 Omfg. Just...I can't even. This song is so triumphant! At first it annoyed me so much because I bought the iTunes Single version and on the part "Don't leave me nowwww" "Don't say goodbyeeee" IT WAS SO STATICY AND BADLY MASTERED! But the album version is much better ;3 I LOVE JUST OMFG this part "I hear the birds on the summer breeze I drive fast" My only complaint is that it doesn't really have that 'paradise' feel. I think more of like "Faster Pussycat" with cowboys and palm tree's.... MURICAN' 3/5 Loved the snippet. I just hate the verses and the only part that really stands out to me is the "You make me Cray Cray you make me wiiiiiillllddd" But the strings in the final chorus just redeems it completely! PUSSY 5/5 My god that chorus.........just wow. BODY ELECTRIC 3/5 Hasn't grown on meh yet. BLUE VELVET 5/5 So beautiful. The production is over the top and the loon noises. Just wow. Her voice was made for this song. Can't wait to hear it live. The short time keeps it from getting boring IMO GODS & MONSTERS 5/5 This just continues with that whole entire religious Paradiso theme. I ACTUALLY HATE THIS SONG. Yayo 5/5 More chiling than the original. I don't like her voice in it though..../: Bel Air 279482027198379292/5 OMFG JUST AHHAHAHAHAHA LOVE THIS SONG SO BEAUTIFUL OMFG OMFG OMFG Overall rating: 4.5/5 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SweetLikeCinnamon 344 Posted November 20, 2012 American. On BTD it was Radio...But AMERICAN is my new fav!!! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carmen 76 Posted November 20, 2012 :woot: Sorry my hair's a mess I was happy Paradise arrived Flawless 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James19709 638 Posted November 20, 2012 So i’ve had some time to really sit with the record and i’ve jotted down many thoughts. I tried to keep this short (really!) but who am i kidding, this shit is long as hell, so my apologies (hey, you don't have to read it ). There are already some good critiques on the more conceptual/thematic/lyrical overarching stuff, so i’ll mostly leave that alone, as i probably couldn’t comment on that stuff any better than some of you already have, and i’ll focus more on...surprise, surprise...the “technical” stuff. I hear Paradise--much as i might imagine the concept itself turning out--as a series of missed opportunities and a lot of unrealized potential. We’re almost at the gates, but never quite there. I can see the picture before me but it’s only an illusion. And that in itself often makes for a kind of maddening listening experience/idea because, sometimes, so close seems frustratingly further than completely missing the mark. Moving in a natural progression from any of her previous released and unreleased efforts, Paradise offers a collection of truly cinematic and, dare i say it, more musically mature songs, however, they still sometimes sound a little desperate to squeeze into the mainstream’s playground and play its game. It is stupid, little details in most of these songs that prevent this brief album from being the masterpiece that i think it could have been. Now, granted, there’s an undeniable decline in the quality of Lana’s lyrics that is impossible to ignore and that almost seems pathological at this point, so, yes, lyrical shortcomings were going to be an issue here no matter what. But because i always place lyrics secondary to the music, Paradise, for me, still had the potential to be brilliant. Still though, i really do enjoy the record, even if i have to force myself to ignore certain things. I can’t deny that it’s a very solid collection of songs that work really well together. No, it’s still not how i would produce a record, but i have to say that this album is mostly produced a whole lot better than Born to Die (just as one example, listen to the piano sound on this record and compare it to the piano sound on the last record), which should be no surprise considering Emile Haynie’s minimal presence--it’s amazing how he can’t seem to produce her without resorting to his silly shtick; if ever there was a one trick pony, boy, here he is. But i’m relieved that he really took a backseat on this record, and that others with far more creative ideas and an ear for subtlety stepped up. Yeah, it pains me that the album is mostly devoid of dynamics, and i’d probably sell a kidney to, at the very least, have access to the multis and remix the album, but in many ways this record has really, really improved upon the last one. There are some really welcomed changes throughout, like some of the new musical styles, the instrumentation (analog synths, vintage tape-based keyboards, dulcitone), relying less on hip hop influenced beats in favor of more nuanced drum programming as well as live drums, more emphasis on musicianship, little touches like those quick piano runs in American and Cola, and even just something like the fact that the latter ends with a fade. If i really think about it, a lot of the problems (my own hang-ups) that i find with this record come down to how i perceive Lana as an artist: a confounding contradiction--both authentic and affected, artistic and perfunctory, always testing my limits and keeping me engaged. But, gosh, that is precisely what i love about her. On to the individual ratings of the songs: 1. Ride (8/10): This is a beautiful, already classic-sounding song that does an incredible job of musically evoking the open road. The early ‘70s soft rock AM radio vibe is a welcomed change of pace for the artist we have come to know as Lana Del Rey, and the lovely string arrangement really puts it over the top. But it’s the more subdued verses, full of space and so much longing, that are especially my favorite. That little shuffling drum pattern and the drum sound they got there are brilliant. Unfortunately, the song is really dragged down by the crap drums in the chorus, enough so that it really takes away from the whole. I want to take those drums, blow them up with dynamite, and then throw the remaining pieces out of a skyscraper while cursing them to hell That is the most mediocre drum sound, the most generic beat, and probably some of the stiffest playing i’ve ever heard on a record. Have you ever heard a drummer play a straightforward 4/4 beat that mechanically? I cannot believe that that is the old R&B session drummer, James Gadson, playing. Regardless of his legendary status in the business, i find it hard to see how a world famous producer like Rick Rubin could have thought that this was a good production call. Those drums are so at odds with the feel of the song, and that chorus is just begging for something more, something to push it along with the momentum it already has built in and really elevate it to another level, to encapsulate that urgent sense of personal freedom that is integral to the song. Instead we get a flat hint of what could have been. 2. American (9/10): I really, really adore this song. It easily demonstrates Lana’s gift for writing great melodies. Yeah, some of those lyrics are painfully banal (Elvis is the best, hell yes), but the music transcends the banality. Gosh, that gorgeous dollhouse intro--that is a magnificent example of painting pictures with music if i’ve ever heard one. The arrangement--the sweeping strings, reverberated electric guitars, piano and synths, the minimal but really effective drums--it’s a perfect slice of that California sound of hers that i first fell in love with. Which is why it’s really unfortunate that this has to be one of the few LDR songs that have a noticeably weak bridge. Typically, her songs have exceptionally great bridges, but this one just sounds tagged-on and unrelated to the rest of the song (and i say this as someone who loves jarring changes in music). Although i do like the fat synth bass during the bridge, and i really love how the song manages to naturally come out of the bridge and back into to the chorus. And speaking of the chorus, my god, that chorus, it’s so glorious--the wordless vocal (who needs lyrics!), the breathy Like an American refrain, that unbelievable arpeggiated analog synth, the driving tom tom beat throughout. She is really tapping into some real magic in that pre-chorus and chorus. For me, it’s little things like the analog synth in this song that i think were really missing from BTD, so it's a really welcomed addition to her music. Also, listen to the piano sound on this song, it’s perfect. That’s how i wish the piano had sounded throughout BTD. 3. Cola (9.5/10): This song is really something else. Come on, who else could have written a song like Cola? I love how stark the contrast is between the brooding vibe of the backing track and the playful, coquettish lyrics (that, at one point, reference her dad??), what a pairing! Love that droppin’ electronic bass drum throughout, what a good, counterintuitive sound to accompany strings of all things. There are a lot of nice little touches coming in and out throughout the backing track, and there’s this really nice blending in the whole mix. Her lead vocals and harmonies are really fantastic here. And what a bridge! My only gripe with this song (and it’s not as big of a gripe as my others on the record) is the electric guitar wankery, just because i’m not into that sort of thing. But it’s also kind of cool that it’s there in an unexpected way, so it doesn’t bother me terribly. I absolutely love that the song fades, what a wonderful little surprise, and so fitting for the song’s outro. When was the last time you heard a great song with a fade? Bring back the lost art of fades! 4. Body Electric (7.5/10): I have mixed feelings about the long anticipated studio recording of Body Electric. As some of you may recall, i am crazy about this song, so i was excited but anxious to finally hear it. I really appreciate that the song is now more dynamic due to the drums and percussive accents, and that it has more color from the additional instrumentation. There’s a dulcitone on here. How fucking cool is that? It also has a Mellotron, Optigan, and Moog. I like what these additional tone colors bring to the song’s dark sound. Yet every last one of my favorite aspects of the song, what i think elevated it to being truly exceptional in later, more fleshed out live performances, have been either watered down or just inexplicably omitted, and that is heartbreaking Not only are the strings totally subdued, but the amazing piano that brought such a weight to the song, those ominous sounding octaves in the bass alternating with the chords, is totally absent. WHY would this be entirely removed from the studio arrangement when that was such an integral part of the song’s sound? The second verse with those busy pizzicato strings that i once described as sounding like bones breaking off of a skeleton and collapsing to the ground are now playing this simple, underwhelming motif on...FAKE STRINGS! Hello, Video Games. I cannot believe that real strings weren’t used for this section. I mean, what is wrong with these people? What reason could there possibly be for this if there are real strings all over the rest of the record and even on this very song?! It’s criminal. And then, to twist the knife around in the wound (oh, i'm so dramatic), the once heavenly string outro has been reduced to a mere 8 bars and obscured by the totally unnecessary repetition of the chorus vocals, which already felt really repetitive throughout the song, considering how she replaced the I’m on fire refrain with more repetitions of Sing the body electric. Singing over the outro is just overkill. You gotta sometimes let the music breathe a little, you know? To top off my (partial) disappointment with BE, throughout the whole song she sounds like she’s phoning in the vocals (maybe she was already bored of this song because she had been performing it for months straight?) and she’s rushing it, always a little too ahead of the beat. Also, for whatever reason, the vocals are produced in a way that make them sound very thin and weak. That ending with the percussion/tube bells is really great though! 5. Blue Velvet (8.5/10): Blue Velvet has always been a good song, so it would be pretty hard to mess this one up, and this version was really close to being perfect. Here it has been given a great string arrangement, bookending the song with really gorgeous unaccompanied sections. I like that it’s short and sweet, clocking in at just two and a half minutes, serving as a kind of momentary detour through someone else’s music in the middle of her own record. Some of the modern elements like the electronic beat, the Auto-Tuned Loon (!), and the thick synth bass really work here. But, again, it’s something minor that prevents me from unequivocally loving the song. This time it’s the vocals in the change at 1:11. She’s very pitchy here (hey, at least they didn’t use Auto-Tune, right?) and also sounds so bored and unengaged. I really think it would have benefited the song if she had gone an octave higher with the crescendo in the music, and, dammit, expressed more emotion, and uhm, you know, stayed on key. I can’t see how any producer could accept that as a final vocal take. Speaking of the producer, that filter applied to the strings at the very end makes me want to pour a bucket of freezing water on Emile Haynie while yelling “What are you thinking?” at him. What, does he think that sounds cool or something? It sounds like something a kid on a laptop fucking around on Audacity would do. Hai, Blue Velvet is an old song, rite, so, lyke, i made it sound all old ‘n’ shit at the end there, bro, kinda lyke an old record or sumthin. 6. Gods and Monsters (6/10): This song has some of the clunkiest, most contrived lyrics (Living like Jim Morrison; Like a groupie incognito posing as a real singer; When you talk it’s like a movie and you’re making me crazy) riddled with a bunch of cliches (Innocence lost; Life imitates art; God’s dead), which says a lot considering the album we’re discussing. Even the way she phrases these questionable lines sounds awkward and forced. And, again, it sounds like she’s phoning in the vocals. I mean, is she taking out the trash here or cutting a vocal? Did she want to sing these songs or what? This song does have some cool, interesting piano chords and voicings (although, ugh, why is the piano panned hard right?) and i like a lot of the delay effects in the production. What brings this song down for me is that it’s constructed entirely around that incessant drum beat. It’s just such a dumb rawk beat. I picture some bonehead d00d in his garage pounding on the kit like a moron and this is what the beat would sound like. And i hate the way the drums are recorded/produced, that snare sound can for sure suck my ass. This sounds similar to the way that Steve Albini recorded the drums on Nirvana’s In Utero. I hate that drum sound. So, the fact that it plays consistently throughout the entirety of the song and that it’s the focal point is a real drag. The lackluster bridge obviously doesn’t help matters. I really think she needed to spend more time fleshing this song out because it sounds like a half-realized idea. 7. Yayo (9/10): Like Blue Velvet, Yayo is already a great song, so most of the work was done already. This is (mostly) a fantastic production. I love the Angelo Badalamenti approach they took with it here: jazz rhythm section, twangy electric guitar, and synth strings. Even the A-TL seems to fit here (that’s twice now! ). And those celesta/harp sections are fantastically spellbinding, just as good as anything on AKA. In its own unique way, this version sounds just as haunting as the original. The omission of the Dark night refrain, how jarring that is to the acquainted listener, reminds me of what director Gus Van Sant did with the iconic shower scene in his remake of Psycho, choosing to withhold the famous score during the first few seconds of the scene--it’s a real mindfuck but it works because it becomes even more unsettling. A remake can really benefit from some surprises, something to really set it apart from the original. I do have a quibble about the Hello heaven section: i think the bass notes in the way the piano chords are voiced there takes away a little from the vulnerability of that section, i don't know why. But overall, there is great movement from section to section. Her vocals in this rendition of Yayo are in top form. It’s a really gut wrenching, emotional, almost disturbed performance, exhibiting some nuanced details, like the wavering falsetto on Put me onto your black motorcycle, and the little I-I wear your sparkle vocal hiccup. The very end sounds like a mental patient singing to themselves in the dark corridor of an asylum (that’s a good thing). However, there is one thing that really irks me about this version, which is impossible to ignore, and, sadly, really taints the recording: the totally excessive use/abuse of reverb on the vocals. What a poor production decision. I’m looking at you, Graham Archer, whoever you are It really is unfortunate that such a seemingly minute detail could stop me from fully enjoying the recording without reservations, but alas. God, could i have at least gotten one totally perfect song, guys? Oh wait... 8. Bel Air (10/10): This is paradise. Finally, we have arrived. And we are floating in a timeless dimension. This is what dreams are made of. I noticed this song is co-written, engineered, and produced by Dan Heath, and that he even plays on it as well. Conclusion: moar Dan Heath plz. I can’t find fault with this song. I mean, if i wanted to be petty, there is a technical detail throughout the mix of the song that i find really distracting, but fuck it, this song is glorious and sublime, so inconsequential technicalities be damned. They could have recorded this song on a shoebox cassette recorder and it wouldn’t have mattered with a song this beautiful. Its evocative, pictorial sound, both melodically peculiar and harmonically rich, is simultaneously otherworldly and oddly familiar, always with a slight edge of tension. Who cares that it sounds “the same” throughout? It’s all about the mood here. And what a mood it is. Four minutes of ethereal bliss. Why should it have to change? Remember: this is paradise. And then it just ends. What now? Was it all a dream? What about Burning Desire? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Poison Ivy 1,591 Posted November 21, 2012 Monicker, you beautiful being, you just made Paradise 10 times better for me! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ExoticFlower 894 Posted November 21, 2012 GAM. I don't think Yayo counts, seeing as it was already out there. But I find myself repeating it the most just because of the "hollow" and sultry sound it has compared to the a.k.a Lizzy Grant version. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Summertime Sadness 112 Posted November 23, 2012 EDIT: Oh wait wrong thread. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SugarVenom 465 Posted November 23, 2012 not a great picture but oh well 3 Quote one time, lana del rey told me that I made her day~ it was awesome Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Summertime Sadness 112 Posted November 24, 2012 I love Cola, but I'm voting for Blue Velvet because I felt bad for it. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tyler 842 Posted November 24, 2012 My submission! Kisses for Lana <3 EDIT: When you put this together (however you do so) feel free to crop this to size. The empty space at the top is bugging me lol 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilentity 13,358 Posted November 25, 2012 How do I can't do it, cut and paste together is: how to do it? This is the best sentence i've seen in a while. That's awesome. Imagine a crocodile saying that. Or, like, the chair in your kitchen. In a slightly deep voice with really immaculate enunciation. Are you sure you're not Clint Eastwood? 1 Quote Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TrailerParkDarling 5,708 Posted November 25, 2012 Here is me and my lana box set u can b my daddy 2 Quote *** People call me crazy but I'm in demand *** Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Poison Ivy 1,591 Posted November 25, 2012 Flawless Oh you 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BubblegumBitch 3 Posted November 25, 2012 I can't choose between Cola and Gods & Monsters, they're both flawless. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greeeeen 37 Posted November 25, 2012 Bel air >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gargoyle 54 Posted November 25, 2012 Yayo. The "original" version, is it were, is my most favourite song by anyone, ever. I knew this version was never going to match it (in my ears!) but I still adore it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iloveguineapigs 168 Posted November 25, 2012 I love Cola, but I'm voting for Blue Velvet because I felt bad for it. Omg, I changed my vote because I saw it only had like 2 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Summertime Sadness 112 Posted November 26, 2012 Omg, I changed my vote because I saw it only had like 2 I know! Blue Godvet getting ignored 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lola 6,651 Posted November 27, 2012 Ride 3.5/5 I never really liked Ride when it first came out but it's actually very nice. It's so personal and just sounds beautiful. I love that Lana sings so slowly in this song, she seems a bit rushed in a few other songs. The instrumental is beautiful, I like the lyrics and the whispering's nice too. And the video... American 2/5 All right, I really don't get why everyone likes American so much. It's better than the snippet but...i don't think it's that special. It does sound nice but...I just don't like it that much. Also, in parts of it she really sounds like Taylor Swift and that just doesn't fit. The lyrics really aren't anything creative, in my opinion. Cola 1/5 Ok, everyone was saying how absolutely fucking amazing this song is and I don't like it. The "My pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola" gets really repetitive. The lyrics are...I feel like she just wrote them because they're "beautiful" and help her image as the badass All-American girl. Body Electric 2.5/5 I'm not sure about Body Electric. I don't like that she sings the lyrics down so quickly. When she stretched the words live, the song was haunting. The instrumental also isn't as good as the live version. I kinda like it but I will probably listen to the live versions, those sound beautiful. The lyrics...she says "Body Electric" 25 times. I know Lana likes to repeat phrases but that's way too much. That thump in the end sounds like Lana had just been decapitated. Blue Velvet 0/5 Oh holy lord, why did I have to listen to that song again? It's boring and It makes me sleepy. She didn't write it so I'm not going to say anything about the lyrics. Gods & Monsters 5/5 Fuck yeah, give it to me, this is heaven what I truly want...Gods & Monsters is my favourite from the Paradise Edition. It's beautiful. I love the instrumental and I love the way she sings the lyrics. The lyrics aren't boring neither are they too repetitive. The chorus is a beauty. Yayo 5/5 Yayo has always been a beauty and I love what they've done to it. I was afraid they would ruin it but I think it's beautiful. I think it's lovely to hear Lana sing a Lizzy song. It's just so different, it's very Lizzy but also very Lana, it's something completely different. I also like that it's so jazzy. Jazz is good. Bel Air 1.5/5 Bel Air was a major disappointment. When I first heard the snippet in the teaser trailer, I thought it sounded beautiful and I thought it would become my favourite from the Paradise Edition. It does sound beautiful but...I'm not sure how to say it. It has this one sound (the piano, her breathy voice and the children) and that's the song. It just sounds the same the entire time and that's so boring to me. Burning Desire 1/5 Lana, I get it. You're horny as fuck. You don't have to moan into my ears for another 3 minutes and 51 seconds to tell me that. The lyrics are nothing special, neither is the instrumental. If you want to get your girl or guy horny, sure, you can sing this to them but it's not a particularly good song. It's also way too repetitive Paradise EP 21.5/45 Ok, this wasn't that detailed but you get the idea. Ride, Gods & Monsters and Yayo are probably going to be the only song I won't skip if they come on on Shuffle. I'm pretty disappointed by the Paradise Edition but at least I got three new songs I like. 2 Quote Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sitar 22,229 Posted November 28, 2012 Paradise EP 21.5/45 Ok, this wasn't that detailed but you get the idea. Ride, Gods & Monsters and Yayo are probably going to be the only song I won't skip if they come on on Shuffle. I'm pretty disappointed by the Paradise Edition but at least I got three new songs I like. Whereas Gods & Monsters is many other people's biggest disappointment. These conflicting opinions are interesting me. Repent immediately for scoring your lord and savior Cola so low. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites