2hours 15 Posted November 22, 2012 October 2011, my mum was talking about her and I was like whatever mum. But she said just give her a listen, she was on Jools Holland the night before, so that's what I watched. I watched her performing video games, was amazed instantly, then found Kinda Outta Luck - and fell in love with the song, a few hours later I was a fan already 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tyler 842 Posted November 22, 2012 About two days after SNL in January, and heard how "horrible" it was. So I looked the performances up on YouTube (also knowing that Daniel Radcliff had hosted and I'm obsessed with Harry Potter). I watched the video and was just like "That wasn't even bad." Lana's music was the first kind of this style I had ever listened to (I was basically all Florence at this point), and I found her terribly alluring and interesting. So from that day forward I became obsessed with Lana, and it was just in time since I learned that the album was coming out in like 2 weeks. Long story short, her SNL performance seduced me into liking her. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Summertime Sadness 112 Posted November 23, 2012 January this year, I watched her Video Games performance on SNL. Not the best performance I've ever watched, but not the worst either. I decided to check her out and watch the oh-so-boring music video of Video Games. I thought to myself, "Well.. this is good". So I began checking her other videos out, I remember how much of a masterpiece Born To Die is. I -pirated- her album and told myself that it's literally the best album ever with no flaws. Repeated the album for like, 50 times in one or two days. No one really knows I liked her since February though. I got labeled a bandwagon (I joined a Lady Gaga forum and they're all stanning for Lana) but that's fine, I don't need anyone to label me anything based on my music taste. So yeah, I kept on liking her despite what people said and here I am. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redwhiteblue 67 Posted November 24, 2012 I was out for a drive with my friend when Video Games came on the radio, I loved it but had no idea who sang it, my friend told me and from then on I was hooked 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BubblegumBitch 3 Posted November 25, 2012 I discovered her in December 2011, I listened to Video Games and I loved it instantly and I became a stan. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smoledman 200 Posted November 25, 2012 Probably just going to Youtube and seeing the SNL video. Yeah I read all the Hipster Runoff B-S, but the music shines through! It doesn't matter to me if she's Lizzy Grant or Lana, either way a songstress! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greeeeen 37 Posted November 25, 2012 i remember hearing video games for the first time on MTV push and thinking "What the fuck is this" i didnt like it at all, in fact i still dont like that song. Then on the gaga forum EVERYONE (as Kevin said) started stanning for her but i was like meh she has a weird voice. Then one day i was just sitting their on my couch and Born to die came on. I had an epiphany. It was literally one of the best videos and songs i have heard. I instantly loved her. Then i found out this girl was the same weird as chick from Video games so i was like w.e and kinda dismissed her as a "she got lucky with one song" kinda thing. then someone form the forum made me go listen to her album and summertime sadness, lucky ones, million dollar man, without u and radio made me absolutely love her. The blue jeans official video solidified it. BTD is flawfree ( well maybe apart from video games and dark paradise ) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Florida-Native 27 Posted November 25, 2012 In December 2011 I was creeping someone's Facebook profile and found a picture of Lana and a post of how much they loved her. So I looked her up and found Video Games, I had that song on repeat for days. Then I gradually got into the rest of Lana's music. Lana is the first artist I fell in love with, because of her I made a tumblr and discovered so may other artist like Marina. Discovering Lana was like opening Pandora's box for me 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dietpepsicola 77 Posted November 25, 2012 Someone posted a link to her on tumblr like Dec. 2011 and at first I was really not into her (what was I thinking) but I kept listening to the song and quickly became obsessed 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PrettyBaby 2,222 Posted November 26, 2012 I discovered Lana through an article posted on MissRepresentation's Facebook page in Jan. 2012. (Basically it was asking indie fans to show some respect when discussing this new indie singer.) I found Video Games on YouTube and thought the song was kinda boring, but the video was interesting. I found her SNL performance and thought yeah, a little awkward, but endearing if anything. Then I found the first Blue Jeans video, and the chorus blew me away! I bought BTD in February and loved it. I kept finding more and more of her songs on YouTube... and the rest is history 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scott 49 Posted December 10, 2012 I got an iPad in December 11 and was downloading shit and Off To The Races was free, I downloaded and fell in love. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hello Heaven 1,579 Posted December 10, 2012 I heard Video Games first in summer last year and it didn't really please me that much. I didn't think much more than just, "it's okay, but it's just another woman trying to be hipster." then I heard Born To Die and I sort of liked it but couldn't imagine getting into her much but I was willing to give her another go because I liked the video, she looked gorgeous in it. So I listened to National Anthem and really liked it, it was like pop but not what I was used to hearing and it had a haunting touch to it. I then actually listened to Kill Kill which I loved so much. I could've sworn I'd heard it before actually. So surprisingly, I took the Lizzy route before Lana which was easy back then though because she didn't have many leaks and it didn't happen very often. But from her unreleased stuff, I loved them the most: Trash Magic, Munny Hunny, Heavy Hitter and Hundred Dollar Bill were my favourites. Then I checked out some interviews on youtube because I wanted to get to know her a bit (aw I had no idea how difficult that would be) and it was the Q interview that I think was the first one and I thought she was so beautiful and flaw free, then I checked out some live performances and although back then I thought her vocals were pretty poor, there was something about her that really clicked with me. Then I bought Born To Die in January or February I think actually, I loved the Deluxe packaging, I remember coming home from school and me and my mum opened it, I was so happy, it was only really then when I'd really told anyone I liked her. I don't know why but it was months before anyone knew I had anything to do with her. Discovering Lana was what really matured my music taste, before then I was a bit bored - everything in the charts got on my nerves and most of my friends back then didn't like anything I did. All I really listened to was older stuff from the 90's/00's which I still like now but now I realise it's better to have as a side interest and even then I wanted to break out of the past a bit and discover someone else. Anyone who bothered to read all of that needs to get a life. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trash Magic 28,667 Posted December 10, 2012 That is totally me about Lana changing my taste in music! Before July 2011i will admit I was a big Lady Gaga fan. Now honestly, I just cannot listen to her music because I just don't like it. It sounds so basic and quite try hard. everything seems so forced + so damn fucking repetitive. With Lana I really started to appreciate more the lyrics in a song. She really drove me to listen to more folk music after I heard songs like Elvis, For K Part 2 Demo etc. 3 Quote "It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drewby 9,251 Posted December 10, 2012 Rolling Stone (I know! they're actually good for something) did a little write up last year labeling her as someone to watch, I'm glad I checked her out 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Limelight 4,709 Posted December 11, 2012 That is totally me about Lana changing my taste in music! Before July 2011i will admit I was a big Lady Gaga fan. Now honestly, I just cannot listen to her music because I just don't like it. It sounds so basic and quite try hard. everything seems so forced + so damn fucking repetitive. With Lana I really started to appreciate more the lyrics in a song. She really drove me to listen to more folk music after I heard songs like Elvis, For K Part 2 Demo etc. Flamebait tbh And you need help. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chalamet Eyes 2,100 Posted December 15, 2012 . 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luda 167 Posted December 15, 2012 I knew she existed when BTD music video was released, and no, I didn't like her. I thought she was boring. Then she grew on me. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SissyRëyLDRsparkjumprope 63 Posted December 16, 2012 Flamebait tbh And you need help. lol. no hun. you need help. 0 Quote FEET DON'T FAIL ME NOW. TAKE ME TO THE FINISH LINE. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PolaroidFrown 37 Posted December 16, 2012 Last year in november, i heard Video Games on the alternative music channel on TV. I kept hearing it on there, and i loved it more each time. So then i finally downloaded just that song. Then i decided to find more of her songs in January, and i found Axl Rose Husband, and Kill Kill..they struck me so hard. It was so different from what I had been listening too lately. The difference between those two songs, and Video Games, was such a mystery to me. Weirdly enough, I hadn't heard about the ~album~ Born to Die till June-ish this summer. That's when i started getting passionate about finding every.single.song.she.wrote. And then her. And now I'm at this crazy Lana dedicated place that i never knew existed till about a week ago. I finally fit in :') 0 Quote "Prostitute stare" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
markeyvee 222 Posted December 16, 2012 Her SNL performance actually. I was like who is this god awful basic ass singer?! And then I went and looked her up on youtube, fell in love. I saw her other live performances, and realized the horrid SNL performance was probably just due to nerves. I felt really bad for bashing her because I made a facebook status about how horrible her SNL performance was lol. And then born to die came out and then it just turned my world upside down. I haven't stopped listening to it yet. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites