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MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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On 10/28/2024 at 8:27 AM, Charlottexseax said:

im sorry but i think thatā€™s your issue.. I find ocean boulevard to have plenty of replay value, especially the more ā€œverboseā€ songs like Fingertips or Kintsugi. Maybe you just didnā€™t connect with it as much which is okay.Ā 

in fact, ocean boulevard contains some of her best melodies ever IMO and the same cannot be said for ADIAML whose melodies are pretty uninspired and staleĀ 

I really donā€™t see how fingertips or kinstugi could be called traditionally melodic tbh unlike Candy Necklace which merged the two(melody and songwriting)Ā quite well - thereā€™s somewhat a melodyĀ there with those two but I canā€™t imagine anyone casually playing it for fun.
I donā€™t even see how thereā€™s a comparison between them at this point- both are very different.

All opinions though- weā€™re on a Lana site so I take no umbrage with the love for her.Ā 

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so the poetry book came out in some (but not all?) countries yesterday so both the ebook and the audiobook have been 'leaked'.

initially I just read the ebook, I didn't find the experience of reading the ebook to particularly be enjoyable as, unsurprisingly, I found the linebreaks to disrupt the flow. I would say only about 20% of the poems (the ones she's already previewed) were formatted 'artistically', with the other 80% formatted more like beautiful/evil.

this being said, she still used line breaks in strange places, this is really apparent when you listen to her read the audiobook and also have the book open to read along to, she doesn't follow the line breaks the majority of the time. I think the most egregious example of bad formatting is probably eat the world itself. for some poems there were some instances where she had a sentence over three lines, but as the style was two lines to a paragraph, the third line would paired with an irrelevant next sentence start from the next paragraph.

grievances over, and maybe controversially, I do think some of the 'artistic' formatting was quite fun when used deliberately and sparingly, like how she formatted 'down' in the sparkling clam

overall the audiobook was a much better experience and I enjoyed listening to it, though it isn't set to music. I do hope she puts production behind her audio and puts them on streaming, as all the poems come across much better in her own voice even the 'badly written' ones we've previously dragged discussed.

as for the actual contents, it reads as personal and clearly about things she wanted to get off her chest, though I wasn't 'shocked' by anything she said. I did find some of the poems very relatable, but others might not. there was only one other music related 'lore' drop, like aspartame relating to hollywood, in 'smoothness of money,' she talks about the posh boyfriend that was embarrassed of her (seventeen). I wish there was more, but all the poems other than those two are written about things since she's been in LA, with the exception to school of life, where she says jack upset her in the car after her speech in 2019.

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11 hours ago, vrtvie said:

what car, what speech? i don't want us to share her intimate moments written over poetry but dragging him publicly should be ok lol

honestly that was about all the information in the poem lol, it's written in this 'stream of consciousness' style which she struggled to read, however I think it is very effective at conveying that upset/panic attack moment when you want to say what's wrong and it comes out as gibberish. she's reposted people sharing her poems on her instagram stories so I don't think she minds them being posted, they're also on the wiki if you want to see all of them, these are the ones I think are about jack.

school of life (this was just before the album came out in early april 2019, but the actual speech wasn't recorded so there are only some clips by people that were there)


Remember when i talked at the school of life and in the car home how you made me cry right before i flew to new york on a red-eye gumball-red eyes canā€™t count how many times fresh pink swollen face tear ducts salinate what a wasteā€”you couldnā€™t appreciate my mind but then again they say the connections we create are mirrors of our ways snapshot our internal state and iā€™ve been on enough dates now to know this to be true you need to first be the right person to bring the right person to you.

million tiny cuts


I spent seven years feeling
like my skin was inside out

Plagued by panic attacks
the body found ways

to communicate
and detonate
the truth

Deeply unhappy and deeply
in love I couldnā€™t see the killer

but I could smell the blood.

ā€œsomething is very sick in my lifeā€

Couldnā€™t put a finger on it
long enough to make a case

No amount of evidence
was enough to persuade

Him of disconnection.
Him of self-denial
Him of severed instincts
Unwittingly on trial

Karmic threads that extend
my comprehension of their

lineage stitched themselves
tighter, trapping me inside

a dress that wasnā€™t mine to wear.

I turned a blind eye at first
thought theyā€™d stop once they knew

we were in love

They didnā€™t.

They wanted incest.

Wanted family.
Wanted blood.

Skin a clammy pallor
two Victorian doll eyes

belying no emotion and
every emotion all the time

One glance my way felt like
a million tiny knives, I could

never quite explain why it
sent shivers down my spine

ā€œAt first they felt like scratches
I didnā€™t want to make a fuss
until one morning I woke up
and I was covered in my bloodā€

My dreams began to die
by a million tiny cuts

crisscrossing softly over time
noughts ā€™n crossing through the

night until the day that I decided:


Cut to today in LA life,
I saw their first victim last night

We hallelujahā€™d and high 5ā€™d

ā€œCongrats, you made it out aliveā€

and the strangest thing I learned
is that the dangers in my life

were so much worse than all my fears
worse than someone who could connive

Abusive, sick, violent, illegal. Somebody wild, wounded and sad.

And though it wonā€™t mean much to others, it disturbed the peace I had

because Iā€™d felt it all along and I had seen it from the start:

A serial killer mind hiding inside a darker art.

out of production


Two years after the split, I realize: there will be no new memories.

Now that pain has faded, I find myself protecting the good ones. Taking them out of their boxes and polishing them. Like well-loved shoes no longer in production.

Your favorites will be different from mine. Different holidays, different special nights. That are solely ours and will only ever be. (Not even the home surveillance on your street can touch these.)

Sometimes I think morbid little thoughts, like

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā ā€œOne day one of us
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā will wake to news that
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā the other has diedā€

and we might feel shockā€”or total surprise. We might tell a spouse and conceal our sadness with a casual tone used for tales of blandness.

I wish our end were different, all lovers wish the same. But as I departed pain you entered it like a t r a i n and encountered a station youā€™d avoided your whole life.

In the end we found our ways

We both built something new.

Am I allowed to still think of you?

Or should I ask

you to depart

my heart

so it can be reclaimed

and new memories can be made

marie kondo


I found your old letters
whilst Marie Kondoā€“ing

my house and a veil of
doom descended over me

They did not ā€œspark joy.ā€

Paperweights lowered
themselves carefully into

my heart. Opening Pandoraā€™s
box seemed pointless

But I did it anyway
and read the story of us.

What I learned is that
you are neither

devil nor angel,
hell nor heaven,
careless nor careful.

Poisoned arrows shot years
ago now seemed comedic

as if they were thrown
by tiny laughing cupids.

I still look for ways to
fill up the old wound

Too deep to heal fully
Too small for ICU

I guess I always thought
you didnā€™t love me enough

I never considered you might
love me too much


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1 hour ago, Coloringbooks said:

Wow... She has a way with wordsĀ 




The poet of this generation I see:thumb3:

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3 hours ago, Coloringbooks said:

Wow... She has a way with wordsĀ 





3 hours ago, Charlottexseax said:



2 hours ago, details said:

i cackled sorry šŸ˜­


2 hours ago, Sunbather Moonchaser said:

The poet of this generation I see:thumb3:


i love a good marina drag like a loyal diamond but these are not her poetry it's just a joke

i actually bought the poetry book not that i'm gonna read it

it looks cute on my coffee table and it is signedĀ 



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This is going down in my person hall of fame-


5 hours ago, Embach said:

@mssainttropezĀ GIRL CONGRATULATIONS, MARINA REPOSTED YOUR INSTAGRAM POST ON STORIES I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! :oprah9:Ā Also, very awesome costume, you looked so beautiful! :flutter::wubna:

THANK YOU LOVE!! Iā€™m never getting over itĀ :aw:

Ā  Ā āŠ¹Ėšā‹† š’ƒš’‚š’ƒš’šš’…š’š’š’ š’…š’‚š’“š’š’Šš’š’ˆ ā€§ā‚ŠĀ°Ā Ā 

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8 hours ago, 111 said:





i love a good marina drag like a loyal diamond but these are not her poetry it's just a joke

i actually bought the poetry book not that i'm gonna read it

it looks cute on my coffee table and it is signedĀ 



Yeah Iā€™m well aware I was laughing at the joke, my avi is Gabbie Hanna lolĀ 

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8 hours ago, Charlottexseax said:

Yeah Iā€™m well aware I was laughing at the joke, my avi is Gabbie Hanna lolĀ 

i thought people were taking it seriously tbh idk who gabbie hannah diamond isĀ 

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16 hours ago, 111 said:

i love a good marina drag like a loyal diamond but these are not her poetry it's just a joke

i actually bought the poetry book not that i'm gonna read it

it looks cute on my coffee table and it is signedĀ 

I mean the book is not good. like at all.Ā 

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1 hour ago, 111 said:

i thought people were taking it seriously tbh idk who gabbie hannah diamond isĀ 

no thoseĀ are pretty well known, theyā€™re excerpts from Adultolescence by Gabbie Hanna, an avant-garde experimental singer/songwriter.


sheā€™s suuuper talented


you should check out this Kate bush-inspired hit


sorry for the OT

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9 hours ago, Charlottexseax said:

no thoseĀ are pretty well known, theyā€™re excerpts from Adultolescence by Gabbie Hanna, an avant-garde experimental singer/songwriter.


sheā€™s suuuper talented


you should check out this Kate bush-inspired hit


sorry for the OT

Advil suck my peen ass song

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it seems like marina's been channelling sky ferreira and arriving 10m late and leaving 30m early on her book tour, she also blocked a fan on instagram for posting a slightly negative review:toofloppy: (reddit thread)

I think it's fair enough that marina might want questions unrelated to music but then the questions should've been pre-screened (maybe a questionnaire before the event then asked by the host?), but most fans would have bought it on the day of the event with their ticket so I'm not sure how anyone was supposed to ask poetry related questions anyway

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20 minutes ago, AllForYou said:

it seems like marina's been channelling sky ferreira and arriving 10m late and leaving 30m early on her book tour, she also blocked a fan on instagram for posting a slightly negative review:toofloppy: (reddit thread)

I think it's fair enough that marina might want questions unrelated to music but then the questions should've been pre-screened (maybe a questionnaire before the event then asked by the host?), but most fans would have bought it on the day of the event with their ticket so I'm not sure how anyone was supposed to ask poetry related questions anyway


is anyone surprised... she's always been this way with her fans lol. she had many live streams talking about how she doesn't "love" her fans because how can she love people she doesn't know (which is valid igĀ but not how you treat people who pays your LA house mortgage)Ā 


this is why her career will never see the tumblr days, even if she continued making mid music a strong fanbase would have kept her afloat but she lacks that connection with her fansĀ 

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