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I LOVE this photo. Her POWERFUL stance. The self-assertion. The way it just screams 'I KNOW I am the BADDEST BITCH IN THE WORLD'.
Ahhh, my fucking fave.

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I LOVE this photo. Her POWERFUL stance. The self-assertion. The way it just screams 'I KNOW I am the BADDEST BITCH IN THE WORLD'.


Ahhh, my fucking fave.

this is the baddie i always wanted :crai:

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Me burning my stan card and still checking to see if there’s any news



If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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Do. do u think. she has any plans for it at all? Like when u look out into the sky and if u live in a city where lights abound and look for stars but all u could see is this dark, steely liquid that's the black atmosphere and start wondering what the hell why is the television off and u get lost and start feeling like ice cubes that u can't help but hold bc at least the frostbite's still giving u an uncomfortable sensation but u don't want ur nerves to die so u throw them and u see flashbacks and 8mm filters of the beach, gardening and whenever u see butterflies u just pretend they're made of acryllic or maybe just holograms bc u want to forget them ? tenor.gif?itemid=14026427


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This is a reach, but anyone else know antphrodite on Youtube? He does psychic readings on people and celebrities and uploads some of them. Anyway, I was going through a few videos today as background noise (I'm loving his readings) and this one on Lady Gaga came up. I wondered if maybe one of his viewers could possibly ask him to do a reading on Lana and what's her reasoning in holding up NFR, but then again I doubt there's many Lana fans in his audience. Lana's also not as mainstream as the other artists he does readings on, but I'm a bit curious about what he'd come up with.  :illumilana2:


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This is a reach, but anyone else know antphrodite on Youtube? He does psychic readings on people and celebrities and uploads some of them. Anyway, I was going through a few videos today as background noise (I'm loving his readings) and this one on Lady Gaga came up. I wondered if maybe one of his viewers could possibly ask him to do a reading on Lana and what's her reasoning in holding up NFR, but then again I doubt there's many Lana fans in his audience. Lana's also not as mainstream as the other artists he does readings on, but I'm a bit curious about what he'd come up with.  :illumilana2:


isn't he the one who predicted the whole James Charles/Tati thing??

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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This is a reach, but anyone else know antphrodite on Youtube? He does psychic readings on people and celebrities and uploads some of them. Anyway, I was going through a few videos today as background noise (I'm loving his readings) and this one on Lady Gaga came up. I wondered if maybe one of his viewers could possibly ask him to do a reading on Lana and what's her reasoning in holding up NFR, but then again I doubt there's many Lana fans in his audience. Lana's also not as mainstream as the other artists he does readings on, but I'm a bit curious about what he'd come up with.  :illumilana2:



def post this on the nfr thread

But what if he says something we don't wanna hear like she's ending her career very soon :defeated:



Jk I wanna know that shit NOW

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I want ben mawson to shove garlic bread up my ass, like garlic bread straight outta the oven so it’s really hot and crispy. not just one slice of garlic bread, maybe like 10 pounds worth of garlic bread, sometimes 20 pounds. I just want his hands to be covered in garlic and I want him to shove so much garlic bread up my ass that I start to fart garlic powder




Reference so everyone doesn’t think I’m psycho




If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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I want ben mawson to shove garlic bread up my ass, like garlic bread straight outta the oven so it’s really hot and crispy. not just one slice of garlic bread, maybe like 10 pounds worth of garlic bread, sometimes 20 pounds. I just want his hands to be covered in garlic and I want him to shove so much garlic bread up my ass that I start to fart garlic powder




Reference so everyone doesn’t think I’m psycho




On second thought, maybe Lana should mind living on bread and oranges, noooooo NOOOOOOOOO!

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fake @@Ben Mawson, on the off chance that you're actually Ben, for the love of god pay some attention to the crazy creeps who think she's their soulmate and plan on flying to meet her. This South African dude seems fucking dangerous.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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