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Divisive Princess

What has Lana done for you and how has she changed you?

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I don't know if a thread like this has been made already, but I'm really interested in this topic. Also, when I ask this question, I'm not asking how she changed your life. Just a slight difference.


Edit: decided to leave my bit out

Edited by DrunkBeautyQueen

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Hmm... I wouldn't say she changed me as a person when I think about it, but she definitely touched my soul. Through her music and her art, she was drawing and moving and relatable to me in ways that hasn't really happened to me before with any other artist.

In a less deep way, she did also inspire me to get acrylic nails lol and I've never looked back.

She's hugely impacted me that's for sure. <3


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Super stupid and creepy but I actually started drinking A LOT more coffee. I hate coffee. Always had. With a passion. But drinking coffee makes me feel for some reasons that I'm a) closer to be around a place where she *could* be aka around coffee b) more susceptible to please her since we have in common that we drink coffee and c) that I may be trying to get her powers by absorbing her magic potion that is coffee. Also, this is even more stupid but I switched drinking Coca Cola to Pepsi purely and simply because of the song. I haven't slept for a day and a half 


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She definitely influenced me. For a long time I was very fascinated with her whole universe and aestethic, so I tried to emulate some of it.

But it's hard for me to seperate whetever it was Lana that influenced me or I just really related to her music because I discovered it, at a time of  my life where Ionged for that kind of romantic, bohemian way of life. 

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she made me more gay

Kind of similar, when I say I'm a fan of LDR people have no doubt as to what my sexuality is. There's room to question if you don't know that.


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Since I listen to Lana, I've changed, I've decided to be who I want and not who the other people want me to. It's a complicate thing to explain (especially without knowing english :toofunny: ). However, she inspired me to live the life like I want and now I'm proud of me, of the person I am and of the person I want to become in future; thanks to Lana I believe in myself and in my ideas  :blush:


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She's exposed me to the things/people that have influenced her, changing my perspective. Also started an obsession w/ collecting unreleased music and outtakes from artists in general. 

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I went into rehab when BTD was released and it was the first "fun" music I'd listened to in years, it made me realise I was only 17 and I should act my age and have fun. It sounds really simple but it was so important to me and it helped me overcome addiction stuff I was dealing with. Cause she was sober and still managed to be fun... People make jokes about Lana's music being dark and depressing but I have never thought that at all haha.

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I wouldn't say she's changed me, but she has influenced me in many different way. When BTD was released it was more like I found something I've always looked for. Just an artist that really resonates with me in every way, like a kindred spirit, haha. I remember putting on BTD and listening to the title track for the first time, and it just immediatly clicked with me and I knew that I'd found something special. I wish I could feel that feeling again with another artist, but I guess it's pretty rare.


I went into rehab when BTD was released and it was the first "fun" music I'd listened to in years, it made me realise I was only 17 and I should act my age and have fun. It sounds really simple but it was so important to me and it helped me overcome addiction stuff I was dealing with. Cause she was sober and still managed to be fun... People make jokes about Lana's music being dark and depressing but I have never thought that at all haha.


I totally agree. She has a few songs that make me tear up, Born To Die still makes me tear up after all this time because I've been suicidal for large parts of my life. But most of her music is fun and sweet - though it often has dark themes, it doesn't make me feel bad.

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Hmm... I wouldn't say she changed me as a person when I think about it, but she definitely touched my soul. Through her music and her art, she was drawing and moving and relatable to me in ways that hasn't really happened to me before with any other artist.

In a less deep way, she did also inspire me to get acrylic nails lol and I've never looked back.

She's hugely impacted me that's for sure. <3

 I feel the same way exactly, with the exception of the nails LOL..

No one in music has impacted me like that. Some came damn close tho..

But bang on mate.. totally see it the same..


but thinking more- part of that is the 'persona of a vulnerable and introverted (not outgoing extroverted)

artist persona putting out such incredible deep, emotive music- which really works to draw people in.

(as most other artists are the opposite)

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Lana helped me realize:



-It's possible to be strongly influenced by past generations/their respective cultures and infuse them into the modern day rather than just appreciate them in a stale, nostalgic way as an outside observer



-Your contradictions, motives, and the assumptions people make about you don't always have to be explained or clarified. People may attribute them to your intelligence and depth of character, or just accuse you of being completely fake, but ultimately it's their issue and has nothing to do with you



-Reinventing yourself in the eyes of others is always possible, as people forget easily and their judgements are usually pretty fickle



-The classic adage that you should be careful what you wish for (I don't know if Lana 'regrets' becoming famous but it's obvious that much of it has been a huge disappointment and source of struggle for her)


-And that getting really obvious plastic surgery doesn't always make you turn out ugly.


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agree with so much that's already been said, and said so eloquently:) 

for years, my music taste veered towards male singers, stoner rock, and hip hop. Lana brought me back to female musicians. she gave me the guts to go to a concert (hers) by myself for the first time and that small thing made me feel brave, even if it was just that night. 



@@LolitaE - i got acrylics a couple weeks back, they were for my b-day but probs also a tribute to lana


- i went back to Ginsburg and read and listened to him. i also want this perfume now + Creed that lana wears


i also got a hotel obsession from the Chateau Marmont and went on a hotel book binge (Life at the Marmont), plus i need the CM  candle b/c i bet i wont be able to afford that place ever, a drink at the bar is my hope one day. 

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She's influenced me a lot actually. She was the start of my departure from pop stars to start exploring other genres of music. She helped me a lot through my depression and helped me feel less alone. She inspired me to explore more art, writing, songwriting, music, etc. She really showed me how much more thought, creativity, personality, personal control, etc. could go into music in general compared to the average pop star just singing whatever song someone gave them. I feel like I'm missing a lot more but the point is, she's changed me significantly.

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Lana's music helped me through two major traumas - the death of my grandmother, and finding out my long-term boyfriend had a double life.  I was able to identify with her lyrics in a way I have not with any other artist. She helped to "normalize" the shock and pain I was going through.  Her lyrics have inspired me very much to take more chances in life, to be more free, to be more relaxed about dating, to open up. I can definitely say that Lana's music has helped make me into a stronger woman. She makes me think and feel things that I needed to think and feel, if that makes sense. 

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