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Azealia Banks Speaks on Lana Feud

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4 hours ago, Rico25 said:

Are you kidding me? lmao

"I won't not f* you the f* up" :smokes:


waaait this has been confusing me for years (cuz im not the native speaker u know)

she said she wont not f her the f up means that she wont f her the f up like double negative thing in English or did she mean she won't NOT F her the f up like she will certainly f her the f up?

@WHORE OF TROPICO   ⇨   @SALVAWHORE             

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33 minutes ago, SalvaWHORE said:


waaait this has been confusing me for years (cuz im not the native speaker u know)

she said she wont not f her the f up means that she wont f her the f up like double negative thing in English or did she mean she won't NOT F her the f up like she will certainly f her the f up?

“I will not not fuck you the fuck up”


I will not not = I most certainly will

fuck you = hurt you

the fuck up = in the most violent way imaginable 



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34 minutes ago, Beautiful Loser said:

“I will not not fuck you the fuck up”


I will not not = I most certainly will

fuck you = hurt you

the fuck up = in the most violent way imaginable 




wait so all along Lana want her to come and physically fight?

does that count a "threat" tho? it's like a challenge - like "if you so tough, so bold and bad, come and fight me bish"  thing, or is it "if i see you imma fuck you up"

@WHORE OF TROPICO   ⇨   @SALVAWHORE             

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Bring Me That Horizon — ianime0: Pokemon XY | Eevee Dancing


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9 minutes ago, SalvaWHORE said:


wait so all along Lana want her to come and physically fight?

does that count a "threat" tho? it's like a challenge - like "if you so tough, so bold and bad, come and fight me bish"  thing, or is it "if i see you imma fuck you up"

I think she meant it like, “if you dare to show up and are looking for a fight, just know that I’ll be ready to strike back”, or the first thing you said, haha.

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What's crazy is that Azealia has actually made so many valid and intellectually sound points in her life that I wish would actually get addressed, but they all get drowned out by her weirdass conspiratorial racist misogynistic ableist xenophobic crackhead comments. I swear she's on a life's mission to achieve every -ist and -phobic label like they're pokemon cards. 


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My opinion is that Lana probably disengaged along with most of the music industry when Azealia started getting really weird. And the friendship fallout probably would never had been addressed, but Azealia likes to start shit out of nothing. Lana probably should have just ignored it, but her response was so ridiculously iconic that it's cemented in Stan Twitter History™ now 




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