lernerderrey 2,429 Posted September 2, 2018 So I impulsively bought a Switch and Breath Of The Wild with my parents money (aka I have no social life anymore) and although Wind Waker is still and forever will be my favourite Zelda game / favourite game ever this is a close second. There's SO MUCH things to do, it's so beautiful and the vibe is incredible. This is the essence of a Zelda game and it's mind blowing that 30 years after the first release we visually get what the concept promised Also def getting Stardew Valley on Switch so I can play another 300h lol, anyone has good Switch recommendations? If they ever port Wind Waker and Twilight Princess on Switch damn yall will never see me again get mario odyssey duh anddd uhh donkey kong tropical freeze uhh uhh yooka laylee uhh uh uhhh i feel like botw is a lot like wind waker but with more realistic graphics I LOVE WIND WAKER but i love botw more 0 Quote i am the queen of the universe. the waves part, and they engulf me, and the water is warm. https://onlineparades.bandcamp.com/album/sure-jan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
annedauphine 36,574 Posted September 2, 2018 get mario odyssey duh anddd uhh donkey kong tropical freeze uhh uhh yooka laylee uhh uh uhhh i feel like botw is a lot like wind waker but with more realistic graphics I LOVE WIND WAKER but i love botw more Thank you! To be honest I do not like Mario at all lol, I know it's blasphemous but the only good thing about Mario for me is the memories attached to it of watching my hacker gamer nerdy geeks cousins play it on the 64 back in the 90s. Ha. Good times man. They introduced me to a lot of things that changed my life. Ok so regarding botw and Wind Waker, first of all I've been playing a COPIOUS amount of botw lately and my boss is about to kill me, and there's no denying, I fucking love this game and its vibe. Took me a bit of time to accept it's a Zelda game when I've been raised and fed exclusively with Ocarina Time and Wind Waker - my father's cousin, who was not close to us AT ALL, absolutely out of the blue decided to upgrade his console and GAVE US HIS GAMECUBE with not only Ocarina Of Time and Master Quest but WIND WAKER COLLECTOR EDITION. It's still to this day one of my siblings and I most treasured possession and I'm a huge nerd but it changed my life, it's the first console video games I ever played, never touched a joystick before. I was like 13 at the time and it's a huge part of why Wind Waker will forever be my favourite game, no matter how good Breath Of The Wild is or how much I adore Skyrim or how much I played the Sims and Age Of Empires, I basically grew up in the toughest moments of my life with Wind Waker and I just genuinely think it's a perfect, 10 across the board game, I love the gameplay, the humour, the art style, the lore, everything, and the music is the best in LoZ. So yes, Breath Of The Wild is incredible, it's beautiful, I want to cry everytime the dragon music comes on and I'm MADLY in love with Urbosa, like it's actually a problem, and as I said it's what Zelda was supposed to become like ever since the beginning, but it's just not the same. Wind Waker forever man. I got it in 2007, and I only beat it last year. I was saving it for so long because I never wanted it to end. Cried for days. I remember watching the Twilight Princess commercial for GameCube and feelings huge chills down my spine... My sister and I took YEARS to save up money to buy a Wii, because my parents were ultra against gaming, just so we could play Twilight Princess because at the time they weren't even selling GameCube versions anymore. We bought it for Christmas, we were in a motel by the seaside, all my family was sleeping in the room and at midnight I sneaked my way to the TV and played Twilight until 5am, desperately trying to be quiet... It took me like 3h to get out of the village because I suck at video games and I didn't have Internet. God those were the times. I don't think I was ready for Twilight, it's such a dark, dark, dark game, even scary at times, the shadow monsters music is just creepy asf, and it's one of the reasons why no matter how it's everyone's favourite I never want to play Majora's Mask. And for Skyward Sword when it went out I literally just put the game in my mother's shopping cart to trick her into buying it when we went to the cashier. And then I overplayed the shit out of it, and my brother, who's incredibly better at gaming than me, plays it over and over and over again to this day in Master mode. All of this to say; I love Loz so hard 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
annedauphine 36,574 Posted September 2, 2018 Anyone excited for Shadow of the Tomb Raider? Me! The only two experiences I have with TR so far are being terrorised by a friend literally forcing me to watch her play when I was 9yo at a sleepover, had nightmares for months because I'm a Pussy (and to be fair she also forced me to watch an episode of Buffy and this stays in my mind as the most terrifying evening of my life lol), and watching my sister slay the game on her PC while I cry because I suck, but I'm really into the lore of the game, I wanted to be an archeologist or paleontologist when I was little 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted September 2, 2018 And for Skyward Sword when it went out I literally just put the game in my mother's shopping cart to trick her into buying it when we went to the cashier. And then I overplayed the shit out of it. LMAOOO I love this. We've all been there. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kitschesque 9,886 Posted September 2, 2018 I just saw Jackscepticeye's gameplay of What Remains of Edith Finch and holy fuck If you have a spare hour and a half go see it or buy the game (I definitely will when I have some spare money IT'S SO WORTH IT for that incredible job the devs have done) INCREDIBLE I'm a Life is Strange superfan but that's BEYOND what LIS franchise has achieved 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jvcx 3,644 Posted September 3, 2018 I'm sooo ready for Shadow of the Tomb Raider next week I just hope I get it in time for the 12th since I bought the Croft Edition steelbook. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
annedauphine 36,574 Posted September 7, 2018 If you never played it, I stRONglY recommend Night In The Woods. It's available on a shit ton of platforms and it's one of the best games I've ever played. The story is fantastic, the characters very lovable and the art style INCREDIBLE. The soundtrack is one of the best things. Basically it's a point and click adventure with different possible endings. The vibe is just... So peculiarly good. You play as Mae, a highschool drop out with a dark story back in her home small countryside town. Again (and perhaps because it's exactly the way my sister thinks and act and I'm very close to her but not only), this is by far one of the best games I've ever played. If you give it a go please do tell me what you think of it! I'm currently replaying it Just listen to the menu soundtrack, the first track. SOOOOO GOOD 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lirazel 700 Posted September 8, 2018 @@annedauphine OMG I came here to post about this game! I discovered it a few months back and I'm replaying it now, taking the side of Angus this time instead of Bea (though it hurts me, as her and Mae's friendship is so touching!). It's so cosy, relatable and heartwarming. I've never played a game with such great, realistic dialogue. I also love it for the depiction of the working class life. 0 Quote i am nothing and should be everything Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slasherflicks 1,208 Posted September 9, 2018 Cyberpunk 2077 is gonna become my new favourite non-Wind-Waker game ever. Sorry Skyrim. It's still in development and my brains are already scattered everywhere Fuck dude I physically cannot wait for Cyberpunk 2077. I used to run campaigns of the Cyberpunk 2020 pen-and-paper game in High School & always thought it would be a fantastic IP for a video game adaption, and then CDPR in all their holiness comes along and...just...bless Also, any Persona 5 fans in here? I know I'm hella late to the party but I just started this & I'm already so fucking into it, much more than I was with P4. This acid-jazz soundtrack is actually so good it's insane 0 Quote ~*RUB RUB RUBBA RUBBA RUB RUB*~ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mind Melt 10,118 Posted September 9, 2018 received my code for shadow of the tomb raider and pre-loaded it on my computer croft edition release is in 3 fucking days and i can not WAIT it’s been almost 3 years since i’ve played rise for the first time been a big tomb raider fan since i was like 4 it’s surreal that i’ve been a fan of something for 20 whole years 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThisIsRusko 1,521 Posted September 13, 2018 BIIIITCH ISABELLE IS COMING TO SMASHHH!! watch my reaction omg 1 Quote The summers hot and i've been cold without you... watch me: https://www.youtube.com/thisisrusko Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jvcx 3,644 Posted September 14, 2018 Who knew getting a video game could be such a fucking struggle... I've been looking forward to Shadow of the Tomb Raider all year and now I'm just disappointed and sad about everything. I preordered the Croft Edition steelbook and the Totaku figure a few weeks ago from GameStop, the game itself was charged on Monday but not the figure or shipping. That's all I've heard since I ordered it - and technically I didn't even get a notification of any kind, I just noticed it from my bank account history. The game and the figure have been out for 3 days, all of their stores have (had) them yet not a single fucking thing has been done to my preorder. I've tried contacting their customer service with poor results; they don't answer e-mails at all or if they do they answer with a serious delay, if you try to call them you're directed to an answering machine. They'll ask you to leave your contact information or e-mail them, well since I already e-mailed them I left my number and no one's called me. I have no idea why only a part of my order has been charged or why they're not processing my order. Today I called one of their stores, obviously they didn't know anything about online orders but the girl I talked with was really nice and told me she'd ask around. 10-15 minutes later she called me back and said she didn't find out anything but she left a message to their Finnish management explaining my situation. Apparently someone from their store will call me next week or someone directly from their management, on Monday at earliest. At the moment this gives me some kind of relief but I'd still like to hear the customer service's point of view as they're responsible for this and they should deal with these kind of situations and not someone from the management. After all this mess I really hope that I'll eventually get the game, the figure and the preorder bonus keychain - after all I preordered it so I should have the right to get the keychain. Also I really hope that I'll finally get them by the end of next week, however I don't know if I should even hope for that since I'm afraid I should just prepare myself for another disappointment. All this just because someone's not doing their job right. I bought Spider-Man yesterday so I'd have something to do in the meantime and so far I've been enjoying it - traversal is a lot of fun and I actually find myself enjoying doing side missions and getting collectibles more than working my way through the story itself. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terrence Loves Me 73,145 Posted September 14, 2018 Bully 2 is coming after RDR 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kitschesque 9,886 Posted September 14, 2018 I bought Spider-Man yesterday so I'd have something to do in the meantime and so far I've been enjoying it - traversal is a lot of fun and I actually find myself enjoying doing side missions and getting collectibles more than working my way through the story itself. Sorry to hear about the Tomb Raider preorder mess, collector items are really a pain in the ass sometimes. You wanna have something nice loving the franchise and it just fucks up the whole experience. + I'm so bitter about Spider-Man being a PS4 exclusive! I've watched a bunch of gameplays and I love the mechanics and the engine and everything and I have a good PC so damn you Sony 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jvcx 3,644 Posted September 14, 2018 Sorry to hear about the Tomb Raider preorder mess, collector items are really a pain in the ass sometimes. You wanna have something nice loving the franchise and it just fucks up the whole experience. + I'm so bitter about Spider-Man being a PS4 exclusive! I've watched a bunch of gameplays and I love the mechanics and the engine and everything and I have a good PC so damn you Sony Thanks! My only complaint about Spider-Man so far is that the aspect ratio doesn't fit on my TV very well unless I adjust my settings. Also some of the combat (mainly the bosses and huge amounts of opponents at once) can be a bit difficult for me even set on "Friendly" which is the easiest difficulty setting lol... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lirazel 700 Posted September 14, 2018 Bully 2 is coming after RDR 2 Fuck yea, this game deserved a sequel. Can't wait to play it. It was so much fun to just fuck around the school and run away from the prefects and teachers. 1 Quote i am nothing and should be everything Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mind Melt 10,118 Posted September 20, 2018 i finished shadow of the tomb raider a few days ago and i can’t lie i’m a little let down. the story seemed stale because i feel like i barely got to know the characters and they killed the only one i really loved so quickly. the whole thing seemed so rushed to me. but at least the storyline is a bit different this time, because tr & rise felt like they were almost the same game. also i felt like there was really like no enemies in this game compared to the other two?? most of it was stealth fighting (which i personally am not a fan of, i’m a more in the action kinda player) when i played the last two i felt so immersed in the whole experience, i really felt like i had trouble with this one. literally when i got to the point of no return my jaw dropped and i yelled SERIOUSLY because i honestly thought i was like half way through. idk i feel like i’m having trouble articulating my thoughts on the experience. i’m on my second play through now, hoping maybe i’ll get into it more. the early release gameplay was a little shaky on my pc so i’m assuming maybe just natural annoyance with that may have negatively impacted my view on the game, now that it’s running much smoother i feel like it will help. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jvcx 3,644 Posted September 21, 2018 I finally reached GameStop's customer service on Tuesday and according to my tracking code my steelbook (which is the last one in the country) will be delivered to me sometime today Can't wait to finally get my hands on it after all this mess. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mind Melt 10,118 Posted September 27, 2018 The first chapter of Life is Strange 2 was released yesterday so far i rly like the game, it’s got a good story that i am hooked on already looking forward to my second play through of chapter 1 lol 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Data 61 Posted September 29, 2018 I just saw Jackscepticeye's gameplay of What Remains of Edith Finch and holy fuck If you have a spare hour and a half go see it or buy the game (I definitely will when I have some spare money IT'S SO WORTH IT for that incredible job the devs have done) INCREDIBLE I'm a Life is Strange superfan but that's BEYOND what LIS franchise has achieved Yeah, I really gotta play this. Also wish I was motivated enough to get back to Nioh, so good, yet so incredibly frustrating... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites