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I heard it but I NEVER RIPPED IT  :defeated:

Fucking Secaina  :defeated:

It's her - however, there is (or was; that was probably deleted aswell) a demo by Secaina also.

:deadbanana: Was her 'City Lights' demo good? Uzo made it sound like it was just the chorus. 


You might be missing "Get On The Floor". It's newer and all we have is a YouTube rip atm.

Is it really 'newer'? I thought that was one of her oldest ones, that we have at least...I mean, Vocalize + Platinum Ty are on it. :teehee:

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Is it really 'newer'? I thought that was one of her oldest ones, that we have at least...I mean, Vocalize + Platinum Ty are on it. :teehee:

I believe it is one of the oldest recordings we have of hers, I meant that it's one of the more recent ones to leak.


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Almost 1,000 retweets on this!  :defeated:

That's probably more than the amount of copies Play The Game Boy sold.  :deadbanana:


The real question is...will Platium Ty hisself grant Girls' Generation the honour of his appearance on their version? :teehee:

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:deadbanana: Was her 'City Lights' demo good? Uzo made it sound like it was just the chorus. 


Is it really 'newer'? I thought that was one of her oldest ones, that we have at least...I mean, Vocalize + Platinum Ty are on it. :teehee:

It was just the chorus.  :teehee:


The real question is...will Platium Ty hisself grant Girls' Generation the honour of his appearance on their version? :teehee:

Hopefully not  :deadbanana:

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Judging from last.fm, her bandwagon's starting up.  :facepalm:

There's also this really annoying Gaga stan who's trying to steal my spot as her biggest "Cadet" and I'm not having it.  :crossed:

Can't someone please send me her singles in high quality? Please, please, please? :cuteface: I don't like having official stuff on iTunes that's less than 256.

Sure! I'll upload them in a few minutes  :hooker:

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Judging from last.fm, her bandwagon's starting up.  :facepalm:

There's also this really annoying Gaga stan who's trying to steal my spot as her biggest "Cadet" and I'm not having it.  :crossed:

Sure! I'll upload them in a few minutes  :hooker:


I mean you want success but with success comes Gaga stans :paris:


I belieb u da biggest Cadet doe :hoe:

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shes performing at Wireless what should I think about this????

Yes! Her performances are great, from the footage of them that's on YouTube...I doubt her set would be very long, but even if it is, you should consider recording it. :hooker:

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Ugh - she was on some radio station last night and was asked about when her album would be released; she said early next year or maybe late this year. That's exactly what she said last year. :noparty:

She said she wanted to hype it up more with new singles - but seeing as she's released six already its about time for the whole album.

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I'm 100% expecting it to be, with one to three ballads thrown in for good measure, of course.

Well I hope you're right! I just feel like this album could shape out to be something so fantastic. If they are all as catchy as "Heartless" I'll probably have this album on repeat forever lol


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She has a few ballads in her repertoire, so hopefully a few of them make the album. She also said in a Popjustice interview about a year ago that she doesn't want to do all dance-pop songs. :P

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