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My New Math Teacher Loves Lana !!!

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I've been meaning to tell you guys!!!


So, on her first day, she was asking some random questions to get to know us and she would have to do the same. So when it came to my turn, I answered all her questions and then I asked her if she knew who Lana Del Rey was :smile:

And she walked up to her computer and said "what's your favorite song?" And I was like *almost crying* "I Love Summertime sadness! And on paradise I'm absolutely head over heels for Bel Air" but she only had Born To Die (album) so then she played summertime sadness and we started singing. She is canadian, and she is 26 (really young) and so then she followed with "Yeah, I really like her, she's different and her music is so relaxing and a breath of fresh air."


I love her, and since she knew I love Lana, she told her friend who was flying from Canada to buy me Paradise :cry:

She'll give it to me on Monday :smile:


I've seen her vagina lol


Discuss :)


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I've seen her vagina lol



you're defs gonna need to elaborate on this point. See we don't actually like Lana here, we're all about nudes and genitals~


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That sounds awesome  :flutter:


My chemistry teacher hates her  :crossed: But he is a Gaga/(closet) Rihanna stan. He was gonna travel all the way to New York to go to the BTW Ball before it got cancelled. Also when I was leaving school late at night one time, he had S&M, WFL and Starships blasting from his class. That's as far as it goes for teacher stans in my school.

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Guest Dot

How amazing!!!! My god that is so cool...I feel really lucky for you!

I hate math and all my math teachers suck, but if my teacher would be a Lana fan, I'd probably start to love math.

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  :crey: :crey:




but that's pretty amazing she's a fan! 

It's awesome that she loves Lana, not many people I know do, adults especially.


Questioning why you've seen her vagina though.


you're defs gonna need to elaborate on this point. See we don't actually like Lana here, we're all about nudes and genitals~

Tell when about the time you saw her vagina

She let me use her Mac, and I was taking selfies with it :smile: and when I went through her pictures and it was her and her boyfriend, and she took a picture like, looking down at her feet and she was naked :hooker: at least she shaves :smokes2:


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My math teacher named his kids after Phillies baseball players and '80s icons. So, their names are Cole Maverick ______ and Idon'trememberthefirstname Indiana ______. All he talks about is baseball.


The only Lana-related school thing is I did my French project on Lana and my French teacher was like "You look so much like her...see, I had to look up her to make sure you guys weren't related. Like the same face and lips." And then she went around the class showing her the Lana picture I used and asking people if I looked like her. She told me she looked her up and watched "one of her videos..it was really romantic and had a guy in it." JEEZ that makes it hard to figure out..that's basically all of them. She said she wasn't a big fan of Lana's music :icant: and I died and hated her. Suffice to say I got a perfect 100 on it.


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She let me use her Mac, and I was taking selfies with it :smile: and when I went through her pictures and it was her and her boyfriend, and she took a picture like, looking down at her feet and she was naked :hooker: at least she shaves :smokes2:

 Is her boyfriend hot? :hooker:


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Guest Dot





She let me use her Mac, and I was taking selfies with it :smile: and when I went through her pictures and it was her and her boyfriend, and she took a picture like, looking down at her feet and she was naked :hooker: at least she shaves :smokes2:

I suppose they were listening to Cola while taking those pics, no? :giggle:

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