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Boston Marathon Explosion

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Im going to say what people think and dont say: fuck those muslims. Deny them visa everywhere. They are crazy and medievel. Let them bomb, explode, hurt and kill their own kind in there fucking country. Fuck those crazy bastards who treatevery one like shit specially women. Let them explode themselves. Muslims are like Grasshoppers if we dont stop them now they will spread thejir crazyness all over the world. Let them stay in shit iraq,, saudi arabia or fucking chechenia. Deny those bastards visas to every country that has democracy. Let them make community in congo and senegal where people think is normal to rape little girls cut peoples members and explode others.


This guy should get death penalty. I am against death penalty but in his case i dont see any other alternative. What the fuck now people in USA should be afraid of going to marathons because of these fuckers.? english and french people should hide under their beds because some crazy lunatics think shit like this is some mother fucker they call god will?


Wish the jews blow them all tbh. Would send israel a thank you note


Congratulations on posting the most disgusting comment I've ever read! Have fun being banned, bye. :) 


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i am 100% muslim and from saudi arabia. don't listen to this vile human being. :) if you people have any questions/doubts anything PLEASE come to me. i will literally answer every single thing in your mind and set you straight. as i've done to DyingLizzy before. 


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Im going to say what people think and dont say: fuck those muslims. Deny them visa everywhere. They are crazy and medievel. Let them bomb, explode, hurt and kill their own kind in there fucking country. Fuck those crazy bastards who treatevery one like shit specially women. Let them explode themselves. Muslims are like Grasshoppers if we dont stop them now they will spread thejir crazyness all over the world. Let them stay in shit iraq,, saudi arabia or fucking chechenia. Deny those bastards visas to every country that has democracy. Let them make community in congo and senegal where people think is normal to rape little girls cut peoples members and explode others.


This guy should get death penalty. I am against death penalty but in his case i dont see any other alternative. What the fuck now people in USA should be afraid of going to marathons because of these fuckers.? english and french people should hide under their beds because some crazy lunatics think shit like this is some mother fucker they call god will?


Wish the jews blow them all tbh. Would send israel a thank you note

also, you are a pathetic asshole.


did you know that a gang in france kicked the living shit out of two homosexual partners because they were showing public affection? 

do you think us muslims/arabs think every single french person is a fucking disgrace and is disgusting based on these disgusting 5 people?


i hope one day people like you will evolve because you are whats wrong in this world. people like YOU are whats wrong in this world. thank you for ruining my night you disgusting, closed minded little shit. 


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Honestly I'm just completely speechless at the idiocy of Bestest. To blame an entire religion for the acts of a few people is ridiculous. Definitely a well deserved ban. 

tumblr_moza5y59Ri1r09ldbo1_400.png ~ataraxia~

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gosh darn i really wish they didn't ban him. i'd love to see what he has to say.


why? it would just piss you off more. i'm completely positive that nothing you could say would get through to him and that he'd only continue to say disrespectful things. we need to snub out negativity here, not endorse it. 


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why? it would just piss you off more. i'm completely positive that nothing you could say would get through to him and that he'd only continue to say disrespectful things. we need to snub out negativity here, not endorse it. 

nothing will ever change such people's mind and you learn that as you face people like that almost everywhere you go. 

but i'd love to see what he has to say for himself :cuteface:


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btw what is he banned from exactly? like banned from this forum or banned from commenting?


He can't post statuses or comments. I think his account will eventually be deleted if it's not unflagged for spamming. 


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Im going to say what people think and dont say: fuck those muslims.

I'm going to say what people think and don't say: fuck that Bestest guy.


Find me one freaking muslim, a real one, that is not fanatic and i will give you reason.

I for one welcome our Muslim overlord moderator.


Good try to change angles to a subject thta interests you and have nothing to do with what i am saying. First i am not even chrstian second i was not talking about abortions, christians or not christians, gays or not gays. I was talking about muslims and islam

The point is that you only single out Muslims this way, dumbass.


BTW, I must commend phahad for his willingness to engage bigoted assholes, but there's been a pattern of behavior here.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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Im going to say what people think and dont say: fuck those muslims. Deny them visa everywhere. They are crazy and medievel. Let them bomb, explode, hurt and kill their own kind in there fucking country. Fuck those crazy bastards who treatevery one like shit specially women. Let them explode themselves. Muslims are like Grasshoppers if we dont stop them now they will spread thejir crazyness all over the world. Let them stay in shit iraq,, saudi arabia or fucking chechenia. Deny those bastards visas to every country that has democracy. Let them make community in congo and senegal where people think is normal to rape little girls cut peoples members and explode others.


This guy should get death penalty. I am against death penalty but in his case i dont see any other alternative. What the fuck now people in USA should be afraid of going to marathons because of these fuckers.? english and french people should hide under their beds because some crazy lunatics think shit like this is some mother fucker they call god will?


Wish the jews blow them all tbh. Would send israel a thank you note


You know what? When innocent kids were being hunted like dogs and killed at Utøya and when the executive government quarter of Norway was bombed people went all "oh shit, damn those muslims!" But in reality it was a blonde, blue eyed, white man who was all to blame for the tragedy. We all learned something that day...


Please don't blame an entire group of humans just because there's some lunatics out there. About 23% of the worlds population are muslim, if they all were terrorists, we'd be fucked by now. But instead we're at LanaBoards having a pretty good time. 


People will always find someone to blame for tragedies, I don't think religion should be dragged into this. There are bad seeds in every religion, every culture, every country. No matter what we do or don't do there will always be evil in this world...


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also, you are a pathetic asshole.


did you know that a gang in france kicked the living shit out of two homosexual partners because they were showing public affection? 

do you think us muslims/arabs think every single french person is a fucking disgrace and is disgusting based on these disgusting 5 people?


i hope one day people like you will evolve because you are whats wrong in this world. people like YOU are whats wrong in this world. thank you for ruining my night you disgusting, closed minded little shit. 


You know Chuck people think like that because they take the easy way out (as society usually does). Look at that list he posted do you honestly look at that list and think religion is the cause of their problems?? Religion, race and culture most times are used as an excuse to the true reason why the world is the way it is. Politics and in the end power, natural resources and money are the issues not Islam or Chatolics. Religion has very little to do with that.


I was talking to my grandma the other day and she told me she got to Libano a couple times when she was young for work and for holidays with her friends.  She said that Libano was Saint Tropez of the middle east. That was just a beautiful amazing place to vacay with lots of parties and beautiful people. Look at Libano now.


I think I get angry because some few mother fuckers stole me the opportunity to actually meet the saint tropez of middle east. Libano as my grandmother knew not me or you will ever see or know.  In the end the lost is ours at least is how i see it. I don't feel angry about it as much as I feel sad and robbed.  The senation that I have is that I was robbed of several places I wanted to go and several trips I wanted to do and I just won't be able to do because a very few ass minds decided to read a book upside down.


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