Mind Melt 10,118 Posted March 20, 2017 Did yall see any of the marathon on Logo last night?? I randomly saw it with my friends & they had some cute clips of Ru driving the queens 1-on-1 and asking them random questions. It was cute but I don't think there's any rips online yet. i think ru has a youtube show where he drives people around and talks to them, a la carpool karaoke. i think i've seen him drive he pit crew and michelle before 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
white gold 4,242 Posted March 20, 2017 oh it looks like they're slowly uploading the clips to the RPDR twitter. Aja's first and it seems cute--they're really short tho i think ru has a youtube show where he drives people around and talks to them, a la carpool karaoke.i think i've seen him drive he pit crew and michelle before tbh it's cute but it's such a weird concept. carpool karaoke kind of makes sense but idk how why you would have an interview... while driving?? I guess it makes it more casual but I never understood this trend 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frankie 1,782 Posted March 23, 2017 this is officially happening tomorrow (although a lot of the normal tension and excitement during the first episode will be lost because nobody is going home... essentially well have to wait another week before the show really progresses) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
320kbps 3,714 Posted March 25, 2017 Charlie Hides: "Lana Del Rey called me an asshole" bitch where?? u lyin we would know about this SMH 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frankie 1,782 Posted March 25, 2017 Charlie Hides: "Lana Del Rey called me an asshole" bitch where?? u lyin we would know about this SMH HA... true though. i think maybe she needed a backstory so she was like "well a celebrity noticed me on youtube once!" 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thatsomason 1,202 Posted March 25, 2017 jaymes was so lackluster like I expected 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
electra 20,648 Posted March 25, 2017 Charlie Hides: "Lana Del Rey called me an asshole" bitch where?? u lyin we would know about this SMH Yeah, I saw that quote in one of the previews a week of so ago. When did that actually happen? Tbh, knowing Lana and her being more on the sensitive side to critiques (considering it was BTD era especially) I could maybe see her being upset or at least not happy with it but I don't think she ever publically said anything about him, no? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frankie 1,782 Posted March 25, 2017 jaymes was so lackluster like I expected its sad... i really like her youtube videos and her character, i feel like its too early in the season to see if shes really lackluster or just being edited that way but i want her to do good 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harlem 1,942 Posted March 25, 2017 ugh i can't find a decent version to watch online anywhere 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
white gold 4,242 Posted March 25, 2017 ugh i can't find a decent version to watch online anywhere https://www.facebook.com/RuPaulsDragRacers2/videos/1144038485704888/?pnref=story Quality isn't that good, but honestly watching the queens in HD on VH1 has been uhh... interesting. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
white gold 4,242 Posted March 25, 2017 (edited) ANYWAY, here's what I thought of the episode (and my initial impressions of the queens in general, since I haven't posted it yet and I am OBSESSED with this show): I think Trinity had the strongest entrance look (besides Ronnie , and maybe Nina). She seems extremely polished and I hope she goes far. She might come off as a "mean queen," but I don't really see anything wrong with that. Drag queens don't have to be perfect, nice people. On the flipside, I found Eureka to be extremely off-putting, and it felt like she was trying to constantly get in some mean one-liners. It felt like she tried to be as loud as possible. I guess Bianca did the same thing in S6, but for some reason I don't think Eureka is nearly as charismatic. Sasha seems great, but I think the fanbase is overrating her. She's extremely talented, but I personally live for the more glamorous queens (à la Valentina). I kind of hope she's an early out because the whole "I'm a brainy, twisted artsy girl" bit is going to get boring really fast for me. Her brows are kind of cool though lol. I can dig it. I also think Aja is kind of overrated. I just don't think she's that pretty. If you've seen her perform, it's obvious she's going to send some girls home in the LSFYL's. I think her personality is extremely cute too--idk why some of the queens seemed annoyed with her in the workroom lol. She just seems like a fun ball of energy. A lot of my IRL friends are rooting for her. Farrah is my homegirl!! She's so endearing (just like Shea said). When I first moved to Austin in 2012, she was performing here a lot and I ended up going to one of her house parties. Seeing her on TV is so surreal for me. I've heard some nasty things about her from the local Austin queens (they all hate each other here lmao--she's probably never going to bring up being from Austin on the show even though she did drag here for ~3 years), so I'm happy she's not coming off as a bitch on TV. Charlie and Kimora were kind of boring? They just didn't get that much screentime and sadly I don't think they're gonna go that far. Poor Jaymes. She's so sweet but she's definitely not going to stay that long. She has a Youtube series on drag herstory which is really unique and she puts a lot of work into it. Hopefully the exposure will be good for her and she takes a lot away from this experience. I expected Nina to not fit in before the show, but it looks like the queens are extremely accepting of her unique style of drag. Her look at the premier party was definitely a... choice, and I was expecting the other queens to HATE her peach look ("why this bitch got construction paper on her head???" etc.). I love the way she talks and I think she's going to make GREAT television. Alexis is EXACTLY like one of my fav local queens in my city. A statuesque, positive, articulate WOMAN. I live for her and see a lot of my friend in her. A lot of my IRL friends are rooting for her too. Peppermint, Shea, and Valentina are freaking adorable. I love their drag and I think they're gonna go far. Not much else to say about them since I love them so much. Gaga was f-ing amazing. Everything from her entrance, to her talks with the queens in the workroom, to her comments at the judges table, to her masterclass in the untucked lounge--it was all amazing. Her speech about how gay men supported her all her life made me tear up. She addressed being a LGBT+ icon without actually being "gay," which is something people needed to hear. She's an extremely smart woman, and I love her to death. A lot of the episode seemed centered around Gaga, which I think is perfectly fine. A lot Little Monsters watched this episode SOLELY to see Gaga, and I'm happy that RPDR is getting this kind of exposure. Project Runway and ANTM have been lackluster lately, and I feel like RPDR is the spiritual successor to those shows that the general public deserves. As for the challenge, I think Nina's win was well-deserved. I was expecting the judges to hate her peach look, but they absolutely ate it up. The looks she chose on that day were so cleverly planned out. She went from a full on MOUSE, to a LITERAL F-IN PEACH, then she only had a few hours to go from "peach drag" to "regular drag" so she just decided to cover up her whole face LMAO. It's smart af and she's definitely an intelligent queen. Besides Morgan from S2, the queen who wins the first challenge always makes it to the final episode, so I'm excited to see what we get from her. Farrah was ROBBED in the critiques imo (my bias kicking in here of course). She deliberately made the decision to cover up her body so that Michelle wouldn't give her any "don't rely on that body!!!!" critiques, and then Michelle complains that she isn't showing off her body enough. What?? I'm not well-versed in Vegas culture, so I can't speak for whether or not her hometown outfit was appropriate, but you can't deny that she looked ABSOLUTELY AMAZING?? I remember seeing it in the trailer and thinking "there is no way she is going to lose that challenge," but I guess I was wrong. Trinity's Gaga look was FIERCE af. Definitely my favorite. I kind of think it's BS how she didn't make the top 3, especially when compared to Mimi Imfurst Eureka. They're obviously setting up some Coco v. Alyssa drama, and I hope it ends in Trinity sending Eureka's ass home. As for tea concerning the 14th queen.... Almost 100% sure it's Cynthia Lee Fontaine. You could recognize that butt from a mile away, and I've seen her wear that wig on instagram before. I'm EXTREMELY excited to see her come back (since she also goes out in Austin a lot, her interactions w/ Farrah could be interesting). I hope she makes it FAR. She is going to be reality TV gold (à la Alyssa Edwards). She's extremely loud, clueless, and endearing which is the exact kind of content I crave from reality TV. If you aren't convinced she's completely hilarious, you need to watch this. #CuCuIs4Share These are just my opinions, so feel free to disagree lmao. I'm not one of those super defensive stans and I loveeee to talk about this show (as you can probably tell). Edited March 26, 2017 by white gold 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sitar 22,226 Posted March 26, 2017 Eureka and Trinity both serve POLISH so I like them both 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frankie 1,782 Posted March 26, 2017 i dont feel like eureka was making comments any more rude than what most queens on every season make...? i havent watched the untucked but it seems like a lot of people were surprised by her snarkiness. i wasnt really 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
white gold 4,242 Posted March 26, 2017 i dont feel like eureka was making comments any more rude than what most queens on every season make...? i havent watched the untucked but it seems like a lot of people were surprised by her snarkiness. i wasnt really She says a few thing mean things in untucked, but a lot more of the queens get screentime that they didn't get in episode 1. Minor untucked spoiler: She keeps calling Jaymes "her" or "Milwaukee" and doesn't even bother to address her by her name when Jaymes is clearly about to break down. It seemed extremely rude, even for a drag queen. Like I said, she reminds me of Bianca/Ginger, but I feel like her comments generally aren't as funny (except for when she asked if Jaymes' personality was fake. lol). Maybe she'll have a few nicer moments later in the show, similar to how Bianca lent Adore her corset in S6, but we'll have to see. She might grow on me, but she's definitely polarizing. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drewby 9,251 Posted March 26, 2017 Valentina, Farrah and Shea...still my faves 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frankie 1,782 Posted March 26, 2017 i think farrah could do well, but she hasnt really grown on me or shown me anything that blew me away idk if its just me but... her highlight is really strong... like it looks like she just put white powder on half of her face her highlight is giving me a paler version of this 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harlem 1,942 Posted March 26, 2017 Farrah is imo the best looking queen from the onset that's ever been on the show, she's so fucking pretty it hurts as in like i wish i could tap that in drag pretty She's so cute too, completely floored by her alreadySnatch the crown queen!!! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WetCoast 396 Posted March 26, 2017 Valentina is slowly becoming my fave even though she was so annoying and extra in untucked lol I feel really bad for Jaymes tho 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harlem 1,942 Posted March 26, 2017 Charlie is so annoying, I love how she keeps talking about her videos as if these famous people she does them about actually watch themShe's saying 'she knew i was insecure because of the nasty things i said about her in my videos so she wanted to reassure me' Bitch what, it's just like that lana comment bs what the hell are you talking about lol 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
electra 20,648 Posted March 26, 2017 I actually really like Charlie. I don't think he's up himself or anything for having a popular channel with many popular celebrity impersonations. He's been noticed by tons of celebrities before, you know? It's kind of his thing. He seems kind of sweet though. I'm definitely trying my best to like him. Farrah is so pretty. She's definitely the kind of girl I'd date. Also if the fourteen Queen isn't Vivacious I'll smack a bitch. #JUSTICEFORVIVACIOUS 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites