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Azealia Banks

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She's a mess, but she makes fantastic music and ultimately it doesn't matter to me whether she performs live or not. I'd rather her focus on her music and at least try to get it released. That security guard thing is embarrassing though.

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waiting for someone to steal her laptop and upload all the shit she's promised she would release while she's sitting in jail for being a dumbass and assaulting a security guard


all he did was ask her to stop and she freaked out, plus her friends jumping him is so extra


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she needs to get her shit together tho. i don't think her second album will come at this point. who wants to sign this bitch if she's gonna keep doing shit like this?


i find her sass appealing at times, but from everything i've read/heard about her, she seems terribly unprofessional, always burning bridges, she doesn't seem to make for a good client.

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You guys - she's the devil

Me - worries about my edges while I listen to BWET

Literally same. i dont think why is such a big deal in the US to hit someone lmfao, maybe cause i live in a 3rd world country, the guy lift her off the ground, he had it coming with her.But i wont defend her, she's really stupid for that shit lmao and i do believe her saying faggot is worse than this :S. Good that it went unnoticed mostly because it wasnt a slow day in news 

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Literally same. i dont think why is such a big deal in the US to hit someone lmfao, maybe cause i live in a 3rd world country, the guy lift her off the ground, he had it coming with her.But i wont defend her, she's really stupid for that shit lmao and i do believe her saying faggot is worse than this :S. Good that it went unnoticed mostly because it wasnt a slow day in news

A phone vid is one thing, but they're literally pulling security cam footage lmao. I don't think it's that serious of an issue. Security guards get beat up all the time by other artists.


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not just cause of the security guard is she a shitty person. i guess tha rude persona is "okay" and somewhat acceptable in music, but when it transcends into real life then it kinda makes you a bad person.


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not just cause of the security guard is she a shitty person. i guess tha rude persona is "okay" and somewhat acceptable in music, but when it transcends into real life then it kinda makes you a bad person.


i mean imagine having to manage her and deal with cleaning up her shit all the time. you'd want a massive paycheck for that shit and she's nowhere near as big a star to pay for someone like that.

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She will be fine tho, people still support chris brown, bieberr, etc

Ok that's because their fans are a segment of the general population that are called "sheep" or easy to manipulate :) 

no one with a brain would keep supporting a woman beater and a douchebag 

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She will be fine tho, people still support chris brown, bieberr, etc

well it's different though, i mean she is a bi black woman. it's not fair, but she's going to have to work a LOT harder than Chris + Bieber did to win back the GP.


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She will be fine tho, people still support chris brown, bieberr, etc


Brown and Bieber both had massive amounts of fans and success before they blew it all up and had to pick up the pieces. When you have millions of fans, you can stand to lose half of them, knowing that they'll come back eventually if you start to clean up your act. Azealia had no more than a mixtape and an EP out and limited online success before she started ruining everything for herself.


And like Heartcore said, AB is at a disadvantage of being a female raunchy rapper here. Bieber especially can attract impressionable young girls just simply by being cute, and he has them manipulated into thinking that his outbursts are caused by their actions. Like the other day when he stormed off stage after one song and left: his fans were on Twitter attacking the fans who attended that show for their "awful" behavior towards the king of pop and how they shouldn't have set him off and so on and so forth. So with this power, Bieber is untouchable. He's cute, he's young, he makes digestible Top 40 music, and he has his fans thinking that he's never in the wrong.


Azealia may have the young and beautiful thing down, but that doesn't really help her all that much with a super gay audience that can only respond to her sex appeal by saying "yas queen" or "slay" -- the gay audience, may I add, that she already alienates with the use a gay slur, which she justifies by hiding behind some bullshit claim that her mother associated the word with a different connotation. She never had the GP to begin with because the only impressions she made were when she was plaguing her own career by creating headlines about petty drama instead of her music -- she made herself out to be the provoker and the villian in nearly every situation possible. She has a few dedicated little Twitter stans convinced that she is untouchable (a la the Bieber / Bieber relationship), but they stand no match against sea of people that know her as only that 212 girl who starts shit. 


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well it's different though, i mean she is a bi black woman. it's not fair, but she's going to have to work a LOT harder than Chris + Bieber did to win back the GP.

yeah i know she never was really successful tho so thats what i meant, shes just there. Her career never took off and it stayed pretty much the same

Brown and Bieber both had massive amounts of fans and success before they blew it all up and had to pick up the pieces. When you have millions of fans, you can stand to lose half of them, knowing that they'll come back eventually if you start to clean up your act. Azealia had no more than a mixtape and an EP out and limited online success before she started ruining everything for herself.


And like Heartcore said, AB is at a disadvantage of being a female raunchy rapper here. Bieber especially can attract impressionable young girls just simply by being cute, and he has them manipulated into thinking that his outbursts are caused by their actions. Like the other day when he stormed off stage after one song and left: his fans were on Twitter attacking the fans who attended that show for their "awful" behavior towards the king of pop and how they shouldn't have set him off and so on and so forth. So with this power, Bieber is untouchable. He's cute, he's young, he makes digestible Top 40 music, and he has his fans thinking that he's never in the wrong.


Azealia may have the young and beautiful thing down, but that doesn't really help her all that much with a super gay audience that can only respond to her sex appeal by saying "yas queen" or "slay" -- the gay audience, may I add, that she already alienates with the use a gay slur, which she justifies by hiding behind some bullshit claim that her mother associated the word with a different connotation. She never had the GP to begin with because the only impressions she made were when she was plaguing her own career by creating headlines about petty drama instead of her music -- she made herself out to be the provoker and the villian in nearly every situation possible. She has a few dedicated little Twitter stans convinced that she is untouchable (a la the Bieber / Bieber relationship), but they stand no match against sea of people that know her as only that 212 girl who starts shit.


people knows she does good music tho, they all think she has a shitty attitude

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