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Guest daytonaxmeth

Miley Cyrus

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I love the song too and I am glad it's the new single. When it leaked I thought it was a song for 'Younger Now' that didn't make it on the album. Still don't get the video though. I remember her rants about guns / shootings in the USA and about Taylors vid to 'Bad Blood' - too much violence - and now she has kids in her video shooting. Feel free to explain it to me... Whatever, I am ready for 'Younger now 2.0'.

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Mother's Daughter is the best song in the EP. 

Cattitude wasn't as bad as we heard in the live version. 


but literally Mother's Daughter slaps, it made me screamed.

☆SeaKeen★ // Everything is romantic


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Mother's Daughter literally reduced my body fat to 6% and gave me everlasting vitality  :air2: I was not expecting Miley to snatch me so hard wtf


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Mother's Daughter and Unholy are the best tracks


I love the song too and I am glad it's the new single. When it leaked I thought it was a song for 'Younger Now' that didn't make it on the album. Still don't get the video though. I remember her rants about guns / shootings in the USA and about Taylors vid to 'Bad Blood' - too much violence - and now she has kids in her video shooting. Feel free to explain it to me... Whatever, I am ready for 'Younger now 2.0'.


Also, since no one said anything about this the video is what some people call "Anti-Americanism" (a critique of the U.S and its society etc)


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party up the street is PAINFULLY slow omg it’s literally annoying. anyways i love dream and the most

Your comment intrigued me so I sped up the song but it was not all that different. It's in their vocal delivery, it's this lazy slow kind of singing. (For me personally that is my fave on the EP so I like it)

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I still see a lot of people slander Dead Petz and refer to it as this trashy album where she tries to hard, and I don't get it? I saw someone say that Cattitude was so trashy it's good and it's what Dead Petz tried to be, and I'm wondering, have any of these people actually heard the album? Dead Petz wasn't the trashy bop type of album at all.. Like, yes, the era was a Mess, but the album itself is a psychedellic masterpiece. It's honestly my favorite album of hers. It's def her most deep/honest album.


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