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Guest Dot

Short Film Idea: "ULTRAVIOLENCE"

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Guest Dot

Your fixation on a "Cola" video is really almost pathological, isn't it?



It's the song that deserved a video the most out of all the songs from Paradise. It's actually the best song from Paradise and it's one of her favourites, if not her favourite. I refuse to believe that it's not happening until I hold her new album in my hands.

Wait...what if she pulls a radar and release it as a single from her next album? :holyshit:

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Kev, your obsession with Cola being a single & having a video is so funny to me. It won't happen.

Dark Paradise was a single in Germany (LUCKY YOU) and it didn't even get a video.


She's definitely moved onto new things with Black Beauty and AFFA. Those two songs and her reported studio recording activity are the only things we can base our predictions on. ULTRAVIOLENCE will be revealed very soon. There's no doubt that she's still going to stick with poetry and spiritual imagery but the Born To Die/Paradise era will definitely end at some point next year.

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Guest Dot

Kev, your obsession with Cola being a single & having a video is so funny to me. It won't happen.

Dark Paradise was a single in Germany (LUCKY YOU) and it didn't even get a video.


She's definitely moved onto new things with Black Beauty and AFFA. Those two songs and her reported studio recording activity are the only things we can base our predictions on. ULTRAVIOLENCE will be revealed very soon. There's no doubt that she's still going to stick with poetry and spiritual imagery but the Born To Die/Paradise era will definitely end at some point next year.

Me and the rest of Germany did not give a flying fuck about DP's single release. Why was it even a single? There was absolutely no point. I admit that I'm extremely over-obsessing with Cola being a single, because I was so thrilled when she announced it. It's the best song from Paradise and it deserved to be released as a single or at least get a video. Somehow 60% of the album managed to actually get a video without even being released as a single and of course my favourite song, the one that was originally planned as a single did not get shit. This has happened to me everytime over the past 5 years. Every single time I stan for an artist. My favourite song gets announced as a single or a video for it is being filmed and it ends up being cancelled or the era is cut short. It really feels like a fucking curse. This time it happened to me in the cruelest way ever! :crying2:


Anyway this is not the Cola discussion, it's a thread where you're supposed to share your ideas on ULTRAVIOLENCE being another short film, so let's get back on topic, okay! :kiss:

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It's the song that deserved a video the most out of all the songs from Paradise. It's actually the best song from Paradise and it's one of her favourites, if not her favourite. I refuse to believe that it's not happening until I hold her new album in my hands.

Wait...what if she pulls a radar and release it as a single from her next album? :holyshit:


I agree with you, I think some people forgot that Summertime Sadness which was NOT on the Paradise EP got re-released! so there is a chance!


lets make a petition!!!!! :D


you're not the only one obsessed with that PERFECTION!

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barrie abusing lana tbh


i like your ultra-violent swing and now ultraviolence. HDB was never about Jimmy it's about BARRIE


jk barrie lack the manpower lbr




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