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Tropico Premiere on Vevo

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made a tropico x yayo video 




makes you realize how strong the thematic consistency is in her work, when a song written more than five years ago can still mesh quite well with a current music video. wonder if she's really going to move past these elements in ultraviolence or just tweak them a bit 


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The cinematography is lovely but the concept is not genius, in fact it's so literal it's embarrassing and that's down to Lana which is what's sooooo disappointing :poordat:


What was the concept in your opinion? What was the message? I am honestly interested because I think was a very interesting way to address and compare American society from now ahd then, talk about religion x money x redemption x sins of the flesh and desire....


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Im officially in love again. Dont ask with who pls.




let the light in, it's a cruel world

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What was the concept in your opinion? What was the message? I am honestly interested because I think was a very interesting way to address and compare American society from now ahd then, talk about religion x money x redemption x sins of the flesh and desire....


The concept for the film is too literal, I'm not talking about the lyrics which are really obvious but basically what I watched was the 'film' conforming to the simplest, or most obvious meaning of the words. That, to me it too literal for film but I don't class this as film anyway it's more like 3 music videos playing consecutively and they are very literal.

I studied/work in film and after watching great works by Tarkovsky, Fellini, Deren etc.., I guess I have pretty high expectations when it comes to film and I guess I expected more. It is time based media that has just been spelt out.

If I went to jail, at least I wouldn't have to sign autographs

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ULTRAVIOLENCE if logic keeps up will be about Today in the sense BTD and Paradise were nostalgic

god i hope so (for barrie's sake tbh). how many songs can she write about boyfriends from years ago?

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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The concept for the film is too literal, I'm not talking about the lyrics which are really obvious but basically what I watched was the 'film' conforming to the simplest, or most obvious meaning of the words. That, to me it too literal for film but I don't class this as film anyway it's more like 3 music videos playing consecutively and they are very literal.

I studied/work in film and after watching great works by Tarkovsky, Fellini, Deren etc.., I guess I have pretty high expectations when it comes to film and I guess I expected more. It is time based media that has just been spelt out.


Well to me was far from simplistic and comparing it to Fellini is just wrong lol. Clearly Fellini or Deren are not her influences. I would say she is a lot more influenced by Tarantino, Kurosawa and Lynch. I understood several interesting points in the movie and also gave me a better view of what Ride is all about, what she thinks about LA back than and now. Why she is a saudosista ,someone who misses a past she never actually lived, and a better look why I believe in the country America used to be is such a defining sentsence in Lanas work.


I also understood that heaven is not heaven and that apple is more like the blue/red pill in Matrix than anything else. Heaven is a reality of your own creation just like religion and the choices you make. In Lana's Heaven you find a famous cowboy, MM, Elvis and Jesus. Dont we all hear since childhood God and Jesus are our best friends? Plus Dia de Los Muertos is more a joke on society than anything else. Society is dead, people are dead, souless, while they are breathing and dancing.


Lana always said that she cretaed a reality for herself. This is her reality, the one she chose to live in the past, when it was better, people were not corrupted, people were kind. I have tons of others things I notice and when i ahve time I will do a proper post


Obviously is just my opinion and I can be triping high I just don't think I am.


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god i hope so (for barrie's sake tbh). how many songs can she write about boyfriends from years ago?


well until now we have what...250 somethung leaks?? :toofunny: So at least 250 something songs :troll:


Oh Barrie...poor Barrie...but hey...he has Summer Wine LOL


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The concept for the film is too literal, I'm not talking about the lyrics which are really obvious but basically what I watched was the 'film' conforming to the simplest, or most obvious meaning of the words. That, to me it too literal for film but I don't class this as film anyway it's more like 3 music videos playing consecutively and they are very literal.

I studied/work in film and after watching great works by Tarkovsky, Fellini, Deren etc.., I guess I have pretty high expectations when it comes to film and I guess I expected more. It is time based media that has just been spelt out.


she had to retain a bit of commercial appeal / viability though, when considering the entire spectrum of her fan base. its obvious that she wants to make money off this project, she's been updating her facebook status every day with an iTunes link to the EP. the majority of people already seem to think of tropico as something bizarre or (to quote pitchfork) "bonkers" as it is already. so you can't compare, or expect her to put out something like 'meshes of the afternoon', etc can you? 


although i can't say i'd oppose the idea 




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I wanted to like it and I get that it's really self-indulgent and that's part of the treat...but the editing and effects really turned me off of it. At least the Body Electric and Bel Air scenes. It felt like this was bathed in baby's first After Effects quite a bit.  Ride wasn't like that at all and was much better for it.  Anyway, it was a fun little film mostly for the fans.  Let's bring on Ultraviolence.  I feel this got overhyped because of the delays.


I think Lana in a Fellini-esque short film would be awesome to whoever mentioned him.  The posters made me think this film would be more influenced by French New Wave à la Truffaut or Godard, but it wasn't anywhere close. :(


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I feel like this was meant to be the perfect Farewell project, a conclusion, it sums up Lana Del Rey pretty nicely. The whole corruption, Paradise lost, I-Love-America and Marilyn/Elvis thing. I guess it means that it's an end to that.

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Well to me was far from simplistic and comparing it to Fellini is just wrong lol. Clearly Fellini or Deren are not her influences. I would say she is a lot more influenced by Tarantino, Kurosawa and Lynch. I understood several interesting points in the movie and also gave me a better view of what Ride is all about, what she thinks about LA back than and now. Why she is a saudosista ,someone who misses a past she never actually lived, and a better look why I believe in the country America used to be is such a defining sentsence in Lanas work.


I also understood that heaven is not heaven and that apple is more like the blue/red pill in Matrix than anything else. Heaven is a reality of your own creation just like religion and the choices you make. In Lana's Heaven you find a famous cowboy, MM, Elvis and Jesus. Dont we all hear since childhood God and Jesus are our best friends? Plus Dia de Los Muertos is more a joke on society than anything else. Society is dead, people are dead, souless, while they are breathing and dancing.


Lana always said that she cretaed a reality for herself. This is her reality, the one she chose to live in the past, when it was better, people were not corrupted, people were kind. I have tons of others things I notice and when i ahve time I will do a proper post


Obviously is just my opinion and I can be triping high I just don't think I am.


I didn't compare Tropico with Fellini! the only similarity there would be fantasy. I understood the synopsis, innocence lost, living in sin, cleansing of sin but the concept translated into film, is what I think is weak.


Taking the red pill or the blue pill is like a clever metaphor for attaining the knowledge 'do you want to know the truth or don't you' whereas Tropico used the most obvious and oldest known example of loss of innocence, eating the apple. There is a saying if it's already been done, it's been done, you can only undo it. That's what the scene in the matrix did it was really clever. Just telling it like it is, isn't.


I also don't get the Lynch influence on Lana, I don't see it myself, okay the H&M ad directed by Renck (Breaking Bad) but other than that how is Lynch relevant to Lana's work. He's a great example of a writer/director who so isn't literal. I come away from his work wondering what the fuck happened, every time. I think I might know what it's about but really I don't know if I do, that's why he's so great. He also writes and directs his films which is a large part of his success and he has been likened most to Tarkovsky in his style of direction and he sites Fellini and Tarkovsky as huge influences so yeah I don't get the whole Lynch/Lana thing. And Tarantino, okay so there's a bit of gangster stuff going on but he's most known for his non linear route, Tropico is really linear so I don't get that either.


And as for living in the past when it was 'better and people were less corrupt, more kind'.......REALLY how far back were you thinking!!! I think slavery, corruption and greed etc…has been, since being conscious of its existence but I don't live in wonderland. It's great you got so much out of it ,it's just that I didn't I was expecting something different, for me it was literal and typical. I wasn't left thinking WTF just a bit meh really. It's my opinion.

If I went to jail, at least I wouldn't have to sign autographs

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she had to retain a bit of commercial appeal / viability though, when considering the entire spectrum of her fan base. its obvious that she wants to make money off this project, she's been updating her facebook status every day with an iTunes link to the EP. the majority of people already seem to think of tropico as something bizarre or (to quote pitchfork) "bonkers" as it is already. so you can't compare, or expect her to put out something like 'meshes of the afternoon', etc can you? 


although i can't say i'd oppose the idea



you're right about the commercial appeal but writing a good script and the director transcending that script to film is an art not everyone can pull off. It's my opinion but I was just hoping for more, something a bit smart but yeah I guess she wants to make cash.


I love that film, her understanding of time, Deren is amazing. :flutter:

If I went to jail, at least I wouldn't have to sign autographs

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god i hope so (for barrie's sake tbh). how many songs can she write about boyfriends from years ago?

Don't feel too sorry for Barrie he seems content dressing up as Kurt and currently making Nirvana covers :toofunny:

If I went to jail, at least I wouldn't have to sign autographs

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I wonder how much money Lana has made from the iTunes sales. She deserves every dollar. I hope lots of people are buying it

i doubt she's making -that- much money off of it tbh. like, who is going to pay for 3 songs that have been out for over a year and a video they can watch for free besides fans who want to support her? i wonder how she got interscope (or whoever paid for it) to finance it. all of her music videos have been quite large projects even though not all of her singles were big commercial successes


Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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The concept for the film is too literal, I'm not talking about the lyrics which are really obvious but basically what I watched was the 'film' conforming to the simplest, or most obvious meaning of the words. That, to me it too literal for film but I don't class this as film anyway it's more like 3 music videos playing consecutively and they are very literal.

I studied/work in film and after watching great works by Tarkovsky, Fellini, Deren etc.., I guess I have pretty high expectations when it comes to film and I guess I expected more. It is time based media that has just been spelt out.


Considering you know about film, what is your opinion of Yoann Lemoine? For example, I'm always impressed by how he can build so much tension and make it seem like many things are going on with only two people in a swimming pool.

Whereas in Ride, many things were literally happening - gunshots, fire, motorcycles, people acting crazy... but all that action lead to nowhere and I was left feeling indifferent.


Do you agree with any of this?

And do you think Tropico could have been better had it been directed by someone like Woodkid?

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Considering you know about film, what is your opinion of Yoann Lemoine? For example, I'm always impressed by how he can build so much tension and make it seem like many things are going on with only two people in a swimming pool.

Whereas in Ride, many things were literally happening - gunshots, fire, motorcycles, people acting crazy... but all that action lead to nowhere and I was left feeling indifferent.


Do you agree with any of this?

And do you think Tropico could have been better had it been directed by someone like Woodkid?

I like some of Woodkid's work, especially when he focuses more on micro detail and atmosphere. I think Tropico definitely could have been better, I know exactly what you are saying about feeling indifferent. Perhaps Woodkid could have made more of a connection, cause I think that's what is missing along with a decent script. I'm waiting to see Mandler's feature film, I'm really interested to find out if his work so far has been restricted by music and the people he's worked with.


If I went to jail, at least I wouldn't have to sign autographs

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