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Bitch please, that idiot could barely string a sentence together. The only thing I feel is your infantile nature sickening me. Are you an idiot? Like please, it's called a skit. Have you heard of it? It's where you follow a theme. I told them they were emotionally constipated. I followed the skit, they need to be disimpacted. I never claimed to be any of the things you say I am, and if I come off that way, that's kind of sad because I try to be as real as I can be. I'm sorry that you think such basic things are so pretentious.

bitch if you are making skits you need to go work for SNL I'm sorry but maybe lanaboards just isn't for you...


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bitch if you are making skits you need to go work for SNL I'm sorry but maybe lanaboards just isn't for you...

Worst comeback ever. Like really. That was practically a compliment. Please leave this earth. No one needs your stupidity dragging us down with you.

Now take my salt and have a heart attack, heifer.

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Hi! After watching several pages of petty fighting I suddenly became interested in Miss Allie X and her discography. I've heard that it's really good, so I ask y'all within this MESS of biblical proportions, which songs should I take a listen to first?

Thanks and have a nice day! :)


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Hi! After watching several pages of petty fighting I suddenly became interested in Miss Allie X and her discography. I've heard that it's really good, so I ask y'all within this MESS of biblical proportions, which songs should I take a listen to first?
Thanks and have a nice day! :)



I'd listen to the EP first. Then we can recommend something more piano based or just the same depending on how you like it


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This whole thread was a beautiful mess from start to finish. The draggings, the leakings, the expose. Meanwhile, I'm missing every unreleased (that's leaked). Can someone help? I'd be so appreciative.  :ohno:

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is this thread still not locked ._.


i like to think of it as a drama containment thread. without it, it spills onto status section.



also real talk who here is nathan.


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ShRoLLX.gif leave now @@mgreene

What part, of the "shut the fuck up" people keep saying, escaped you?

This whole thread was a beautiful mess from start to finish. The draggings, the leakings, the expose. Meanwhile, I'm missing every unreleased (that's leaked). Can someone help? I'd be so appreciative.  :ohno:

Anyway, I feel like everything on CXI is equally good. You can't go wrong starting with any Allie song.

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Anyway, I feel like everything on CXI is equally good. You can't go wrong starting with any Allie song.

Oh sis, I'm an Allie fan. I'm just missing her unreleased stuff. Like Sculpture for example. It's not anywhere on the internet no more.  :ohno:

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