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This idea is so stupid. New songs will get a lot of attention but the hype will slow down and the songs which get uploaded later will not get as much attention. She should just put everything out and see wich songs get the most plays or let her fans vote or something. The way she's dling it is so anticlimatic and unprofessional.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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"I have gotten messages from you some of you guys assuming that the amount of plays will determine which songs make CollXtion II...Worried that it's unfair because the longer a song is up the more plays it will get.... That's not how it works. Each song is case by case...Yes the first song will get more plays. But the amount of plays is only one factor in choosing the final songs for CLX II.  Make sense?"


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"I have gotten messages from you some of you guys assuming that the amount of plays will determine which songs make CollXtion II...Worried that it's unfair because the longer a song is up the more plays it will get.... That's not how it works. Each song is case by case...Yes the first song will get more plays. But the amount of plays is only one factor in choosing the final songs for CLX II. Make sense?"

No this doesn't make sense at all, I don't know what she's doing :rip: The amount of plays might not be the only factor but it's still a factor regardless, making it biased that the first tracks released have a higher chance.


She should just upload it all at once then measure the plays/shares fairly or have a poll


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"I have gotten messages from you some of you guys assuming that the amount of plays will determine which songs make CollXtion II...Worried that it's unfair because the longer a song is up the more plays it will get.... That's not how it works. Each song is case by case...Yes the first song will get more plays. But the amount of plays is only one factor in choosing the final songs for CLX II.  Make sense?"


nothing. makes. sense.


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Fan's tweet: "just release all the damn songs"


Allie X's reply: "I'm not Beyonce....yet."




lol that's probably nothing. don't even think about it


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"I have gotten messages from you some of you guys assuming that the amount of plays will determine which songs make CollXtion II...Worried that it's unfair because the longer a song is up the more plays it will get.... That's not how it works. Each song is case by case...Yes the first song will get more plays. But the amount of plays is only one factor in choosing the final songs for CLX II.  Make sense?"

What are the other factors then? 

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What are the other factors then? 

Considering "we" mapped out the final production and music video for Purge on Twitter yesterday, it's pretty obvious that there isn't an option for Purge to not be on CollXtion II, which also may suggest, unsurprisingly, that we don't have nearly as much input on the final tracklist as she wants us to think. I'd expect that there's already a few demos of Purge out there. Allie wrote it last year and clearly since she's passionate about it to the point of planning a music video, I find it near impossible to believe that she honestly hasn't touched the song since it was just a voice memo. The voice memo she posted is probably months old. The song most likely already has been produced, at least in some form, and she basically guided us into "suggesting" whatever sound/imagery she had already chosen to make us feel like it was us who made the decisions that were already made six months ago. 

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all I know is the hype is already dying down hardcore. sure, purge is beautiful, but the playlist was announced what, 4 weeks ago ish? maybe even longer? and yet we only have too much to dream and a voice memo?


she needs to just drop all of the demos in one sitting so we can vote on them somehow. this is insane


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if she continues to drag it out this long, we won't have collXtion 2 for months. I do agree with headmaster that I'm sure she's using a reverse psychology type trick to make it seem like purge is just a memo when really I'm sure it's already been produced/planned. Yet that's only one song.... We are waiting for the album, Allie. Hurry the hell up please and thanks


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oh yeah, now that I think about it I'm 90% sure that everything she's gonna put on the playlist already has a final version and maybe she's even already decided the track list she's just pretending that they're rough and undecided to give us a false sense of control


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oh yeah, now that I think about it I'm 90% sure that everything she's gonna put on the playlist already has a final version and maybe she's even already decided the track list she's just pretending that they're rough and undecided to give us a false sense of control


I fucking hope so..... if not, then... I'm out.






lbr i'll be here perched for the fucking album either way


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oh yeah, now that I think about it I'm 90% sure that everything she's gonna put on the playlist already has a final version and maybe she's even already decided the track list she's just pretending that they're rough and undecided to give us a false sense of control

didn't even think about this, probs true


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