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@Triptych do you know what year Intervention is from?

uh, either 2014 or 2015, i don't know for sure, if you can find the selfie they took in the studio on their instagram that'll probably tell you. they also once got "what's the Allie X collab called" in a Q&A or whatever and they responded "Intervention" 

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*enjoying Intervention*


Wait is it produced by Chainsmokers?


*closes tab* jk


Ok the whole thing is not really bad, but sound really "Demo-ish". The vocals\mastering\instrumental... it's not polished... but it's "cute" I would say...


Now Bebe rexhas can leak Bodies, thanks 


and also the new bio... "Simon Says put your hands on your head."

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yaasss the good sis finally recognizing ha best song :toofunny:



that was... awkward  :toofunny:

Now we can start the conspiracy theory that Allie is the one behind 24\7 Bebe account and she's trading her own songs n

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