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prime is the worst on the album. I deleted it off my iTunes

are you joking or


I'm pretty sure ours will be shipped this week tho. I mean, we all ordered it bEFORE it ran out of stock..


but if they didnt charge me yet, wtf? i got an email confirming my order but i'm scared i wont get it for like 2 months. 

on amazon this is what it says under my order:


Not yet shipped
Shipping estimate: Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Delivery estimate: Friday, April 17, 2015 - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 by 8:00pm


Her twitter:

"Despite their efforts to stop me, CollXTion I has been retrieved, and will be released worldwide officially on April 21st."


please dont tell me i paid all that shipping money if itll be released worldwide on cd i hope she means just on itunes


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are you joking or



but if they didnt charge me yet, wtf? i got an email confirming my order but i'm scared i wont get it for like 2 months. 

on amazon this is what it says under my order:


Not yet shipped
Shipping estimate: Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Delivery estimate: Friday, April 17, 2015 - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 by 8:00pm


Her twitter:

"Despite their efforts to stop me, CollXTion I has been retrieved, and will be released worldwide officially on April 21st."


please dont tell me i paid all that shipping money if itll be released worldwide on cd i hope she means just on itunes

When did you order yours? Mine doesn't even say that.

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The EP is nice. Bitch remains awful, and Prime remains the Prime of the album. Catch, Tumor and Sanctuary are all good as well.


I like Allie for her music, and some of her visuals for the Catch video was nice as well. She's got somewhat good art direction but the thing that is throwing me off is the entire fucking X thing. From the story, to the fucking anti-x organization and putting X everywhere (I know I've mentioned this like a thousand times, I know, sorry), all her gimmicks are so redundant and unnecessary. It's annoying and getting in the way of the music. 


Lol turns out i'm TSN


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@@Rebel I am a huge fan, but not of the excessive X thing either. I don't let it affect the music though. It's not like the songs themselves are are affected by the X thing she is doing atm. All I care about is the excellent music.


P.S. I agree, "Prime" is best, "Bitch" is worst.


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Bitch actually encompasses Carl Jung's shadow self concept and presents it in a more interesting way than Tumor, Catch and even Sanctuary....remain pressed that Bitch is her most creative track to date.


I think y'all hate Bitch because it's not one of her catchy pop songs.


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Bitch actually encompasses Carl Jung's shadow self concept and presents it in a more interesting way than Tumor, Catch and even Sanctuary....remain pressed that Bitch is her most creative track to date.


I think y'all hate Bitch because it's not one of her catchy pop songs.


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Bitch actually encompasses Carl Jung's shadow self concept and presents it in a more interesting way than Tumor, Catch and even Sanctuary....remain pressed that Bitch is her most creative track to date.


I think y'all hate Bitch because it's not one of her catchy pop songs.

The verses are really great and overall I like the production, I just really am not a fan of the way the chorus is LATHERED in reverb and distorted beyond measure. This effect created is the only bad part of the track, and I still enjoy it.


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