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Member of the Month Question REVAMP

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Hey, guys. I'm looking to inject some life back into the MOTM routine, and I thought the best way to do that would be with some new questions! Additionally, I'm willing to remove some of the stale ones. Which questions do you give no fucks about? Which do you think would be boring or difficult to answer? What do you actually wanna know? Help would be much appreciated!


Here is the complete list of questions that I submit to every winner. Pick through them and assist in improvement!




What did you do today?
What's something not many people know about you or that we would be surprised to learn about?
What's your current career? What's your dream job?
What did you want to be when you were growing up? Have you become that yet? Did that decision change for you?
What would you consider your greatest accomplishment(s)?
What are your hobbies?
What's your biggest funny fail?
What is your favorite memory?
Lana's junior and high school years have been rather chaotic from what we know. How were/are yours?
Do any of the words “sassy”, “fabulous”, or “flawless” describe you?
If you could bring two people back from the dead, have an exquisite dinner, and some great conversation with them...who would they be and what would you eat?
Do you believe in any form of life after death?
Who is the person you admire most and why?
What do you see in people that you yourself wish to emulate?
Make up a word that you would use daily and describe what it means.
If your balls were a celebrity couple, who would they be?

When did you become a fan of Lana? What was it about her that attracted you to her?
Which Lana album is your favorite: Paradise, Born to Die, Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant, or Sirens?
Favorite Lana song? Why?
Least favorite Lana song? Why?
If given the opportunity to meet Lana for an hour, what would you do/say?
Would you rather love and be loved or know all God knows?
Of all the unreleased videos and songs we have knowledge of, what do you thirst for most?
Are you the leaker?
Are you Lana?
Are you Ben Mawson?
Are you Edward Gallegos?
Did you answer the 4 questions above honestly?

Who are your favourite artists?
What was the last book you read?
Recommend us a song (can’t be top 40/popular) that we just have to listen to!
If you ever became a musician, what would you make your stage name?
What comes after “Lana Del Rey” in your music library?
Put your iPod/music library on shuffle and tell us which 10 songs are played. Don't skip, don't cheat!

What are your thoughts on emotions, and the way that people express them?
Do you hate anyone? If so, why?
What are the small things in life that make you as happy as a clam?
What do you think your purpose is? Are you happy with where you are in life?
What is a characteristic / trait you see in others that you wish you had?
What are your pet peeves / deal-breakers when it comes to friends/relationships?
What would you say is your favorite physical trait + personality trait in potential partner?

do u like pies
what is ur favourite kind of pie
do u enjoy flying kites, if so, what would ur ideal kite look like, describe it

BONUS: Is there anything you'd like to tell the community of LanaBoards?


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 isnt "What do you see in people that you yourself wish to emulate?" the same as "What is a characteristic / trait you see in others that you wish you had?"


lmao yes but somehow people find a way to answer them both :lel: I plan on reducing the repetition for sure. Like the bit about aspirations and shit.


More telling me what to remove guys!

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NO more pie questions. Please insert CHEESECAKE questions from now on!


Remove the "Are you..." questions.


pro-cheesecake questions, anti-removing pie ones


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